The Gatekeeper

Chapter 18

While eating breakfast with Freya by my side, I was remembering the happenings of the previous night.

"Yeah, last night was… something else."

I mumble to myself while getting the food from the self-service buffet, into my plate.

After we had a late dinner. Freya and I requested Rin-san for an extra room, and unexpectedly, there were rooms available. I was going to rent an extra room for Freya, but she was adamant about staying with me in the same room. And after a tear-filled twenty minute discussion, I just gave in and allowed her to share a room with me.

Some… weird things happened.

First, she was stubborn about washing my back, so I just opted for a shower. Second, she was h.e.l.l bent on sleeping on the ground, but as it was late and I didn"t have the energy to call housekeeping and get an extra mattress, I "commanded" her to share the bed with me. And thanks to my mental resistance, I was able to prevent her from tempting me to the dark side.

I understood the correct nuance of the words "human desires" of which Nirvana spoke of yesterday. In fact, I bore the full front of those words.

If I were not used to women seducing me, I would"ve surely lost my sense of morality last night.

Why do I feel like my nights are going to be a lot more hectic than I antic.i.p.ated? And not in a good way.

After having breakfast, we head towards the guild for some requests, and find ourselves surrounded by a huge, dense and lively crowd.

"The Royal family is looking for mages who can manipulate Earth Element to a certain degree. You will be hired to help in the construction of the battle dome, which is being constructed for the sole reason for holding the twenty-seventh Athena Festival Battle Tournament."

So went the announcement from the makeshift podium right outside the guild. The one speaking with a clear voice was none other than Mirae-san.

Looks like the Athena Festival has been officially announced. But… I just feel like there"s something sinister going on behind the scenes. Am I just overthinking things?

I start walking towards the entrance of the guild with Freya in tow.

"Good work, Mirae-san."

I approach Mirae-san with a refreshing smile on my face. I left Freya back in the crowd, bringing her in front of a lady who asked me out on a date would be… catastrophic.

"Ah! Toru-kun. Good Morning."

Looks like the smile worked.

"Mirae-san, is there any way we can talk right now?"

"Ah, yes. Of course."

We go inside the guild, she sits on an extravagant looking three-person couch with her legs folded, I deliberately sit right next to her rather than in front, all because I need some "information".

"Now then, Toru-kun, what is it? You finally made up your mind?"

She must be talking about the date… If I refuse her now, it may backfire on me.

"Yes. Will tomorrow work for you Mirae-san?"

"Yes, it is fine. But unfortunately, Shirley will be unavailable tomorrow."

"Ah, it"s fine. I"ll be taking Shirley-san out four days from now."

"Four days? Yeah, she will be free on that day. But why four days exactly?"

Because that"s when Shirone will be the one accompanying me?

"Hehe, just because."

"Fine. I"ll be looking forward to tomorrow then."

"Yes, me too. Now then, Mirae-san."


"Do you know the reason?"

"No, I don"t. The Royal family is concealing some vital information, we in the guild realize this as well. In fact, they haven"t even provided us with a reasonable explanation as to why the festival is being conducted so suddenly. Ideally, we would start the preparations around this time and have it done by the end of Spring. This sudden announcement has led to all sorts of inconveniences. The adventurers and n.o.bles who are willing to partic.i.p.ate in the main attraction, the battle tournament, may not be able to make it. The people who were looking forward to set up shops near the venue, might not be able to. But, we don"t have much of a choice do we? We are just lowly workers who just suffer because of the decision of others."

At the end there, Mirae-san had a pained smile on her face, she genuinely looked upset.

"And why is the Royal Family asking for Earth Magic users? Isn"t there a large dome in the heart of the Capital? Isn"t it the second biggest dome in the whole world or something?"

This morning at breakfast, an old lady provided me with this interesting bit of information. She said that every Athena festival since its founding has been conducted in the Royal dome. The Royal dome of the Athena kingdom is said to be the second biggest in the whole world. So why would they build a new one this time around? Given the time frame, it would be near impossible to do so.


"Well, whatever. Hey, Mirae-san, can you do me a favour?"

"What is it?"

"I"d like to recommend an Earth magician as well. Can you get her in the staff?"

"If she is strong, that is."

Do you like Dragons?

"Oh, you don"t have to worry. You"ll be surprised."

"Fine. Bring her in. The construction has already begun. The sooner the better."

"Yes, give me a minute."

After parting with Mirae-san, I picked up Freya from the market where she was looking for some accessories and we arrived at an secluded alley behind the guild.

After talking it out with Nirvana through telepathy, I "allowed" her to return to this side.

As soon as she arrives, she had a large grin on her face, she was smiling ear to ear while her necklace swayed in the wind.

"So, Nirvana. Will you do it?"

"If so is the wish of my Master. I"m just happy that I get to see you so soon."

Shut up!

"Can you manipulate Mana?"

"Not really. I can just adjust the mana leaking out of my body."

"That"d be plenty. I want you to keep your mana levels in check. You can go all out with your Earth element during construction, I think it would be within human limits. If any unforeseen events occur, and you need to defend yourself, you are allowed to use fire, light and dark elements, you can not and should not use wind and water elements. Got it?"

Nirvana"s manipulation capabilities for the earth element may be within human limits, but her power output with water element is stronger than its divine spell.

"Yes, Master. So I just have to infiltrate the ranks of the workers helping in the construction of the new dome and keep my ears open, right?"

"Yes. With your looks and power, you are bound to draw attention from the higher ups, I"d appreciate it if you could gather some valuable intel, but don"t push yourself too much… Stop swooning!"

"B-But, Master said that I am pretty…. Hehe"

"I ne-"

This can backfire.

"Yes, you sure are Nirvana, and if you manage to gather some valuable information, I wouldn"t mind taking you out on a date."

"Really!! With just the two of us?"

"Yes... With. Just. The. Two. Of. Us."


"Master, she fainted… didn"t she?"

"Yes, and it seems like nosebleeds are actually a thing."

"Big sister" huh…

"Freya, carry her. Let"s return to the guild."

"Understood, Master."

After Nirvana finally woke up, I took her to the guild, and had Freya adjust her mana levels to that of a normal human"s as well. The dragons can"t manipulate mana as freely as I can, but they can atleast adjust their own mana output, that"s plenty.

I accompanied Nirvana to the same couch where I left Mirae-san off fifteen minutes ago.


I called out to her while she was nodding off, her chin was placed on her hand and she was already half-asleep.

"Oh! Toru-kun, you"re back?"

She said so while averting her gaze and wiping the imaginary drool off her mouth.

"Yeah. This is Nirvana, I request you to recommend her to the construnction staff from the guild"s side."

She retracted the hands which were placed on her mouth, and used her keen eyes to a.n.a.lyze Nirvana top to bottom. Her gaze stopped midway for a moment, but let"s just pretend that I didn"t see that.

"Okay then. I"ll be taking her off your hands."

"Please do, Mirae-san."

"Mas-. T-Toru-sama?"

"Nirvana, I"ll see you in ten days. Work diligently and don"t cause trouble okay?"


"Thank you Mirae-san. She may not look it, but she is really strong."


"Mirae-san, there is nothing going on between us, I promise."

"Ah that"s not it! However, it does make me feel relieved."

"So you can show emotions, this is something new."

She clenched her fist and was slowly lifting it up in the air as I waved my hands as a sign of surrender.

"Sorry, sorry, I got carried away."

"Jeez. Don"t tease me like that."

She has her cheeks slightly dyed in red. This was the first time that I saw the embarra.s.sed side of Mirae-san.

"Well then, I"ll leave her in your capable hands. I"ll be taking two requests for bronze rank as well."

"Understood. Allow me to escort you, Nirvansan. And, Toru-kun, you can just head over to the reception desk, there should be someone to help you."


Mirae-san took off with Nirvana following her closely, an elegant smile on her face.

I headed over to the receptionist desk only to find a tall dog-person, he was about two metres tall, but he wasn"t intimidating in the least, his cute dog ears and swaying tail made it difficult to not look at him with warm eyes.

I received the two highest paying requests in bronze rank, they were for eliminating beasts of course, and their reward was quite high compared to the requests for copper rank.

Freya took one of the requests while I completed the other one. In total, we made more than thirty gold coins in a single day. We took four requests each and skimmed through them by sundown.

At around 8 PM, Freya switched with Shirone, making Shirone my escort for the remaining of today, and tomorrow.