The Gatekeeper

Chapter 22

After I played with my bodyguard squad for a bit, we all returned to the room in which I am staying.

Currently, I am sitting on the bed, completely unphased, while all the others are on the ground, panting and gasping for breath.

Kuromi, who is still bright red from being carried around in my arms, is diligently providing everyone with water.

"Master, you"re such a bully~"

The one who said this was a woman who appeared to be in her early twenties. She had a neat face and slim body. Her black hair were short, only reaching her shoulders.

Her name is Dane, and she is the captain of my personal bodyguard squad.

It seems that after Clay, she is the strongest member of the Phantom race.

There was one more thing that I noticed after I finished personally greeting everybody and giving them names. Every beast that mimics the appearance of a human tends to be really handsome/beautiful. I say this from proper evaluation and comparison from the general populace.

Every beast, after turning into human, had an appearance relative to their actual age, something like how Dane"s actual age was 400 years, and their race is supposed to live for 2000 years, so she appeared to be around 20.

Leaving aside the age part, every female had an exceptionally beautiful face, and an equally well-maintained body, also, every male had a well-built body, and compiled with their handsome facial features, they appeared to be members of an idol group.

I was wondering what this was about, but I quickly lost interest as I realized that their looks may come in handy when they build their lives as humans in various parts of the world.

"We just played for five minutes. You guys are just too slow."

I sarcastically replied to Dane who was still on the ground, gasping for breath.

""""""""""NO! Master is just too fast.""""""""""

Everybody replied together. I still wonder how they are so synchronized?

"Fine, fine. Now, I want you to remain in two kilometre radius around the party hall. Don"t take any independent action. If there is something unusual, report to me immediately."


Dane spoke, as the representative of the group.

"Master, what will I be doing?"

Kuromi asked me as she walked up to the bed and sat beside me in a very intimate manner.

Her appearance was that of a first-year university student, but her proportions were just as impressive as her sisters".

"You"ll be staying here as backup."


"That"s a command."

She started to retort, but I stopped her with the three magical words.

She pursed her lips and reluctantly nodded.

"Now then, I have to leave, make your preparations and completely erase your presence, mana included."

I had previously told them to keep their mana levels in coordination with that of the commoners, so I had to tell them to completely kill their presence or a n.o.ble with mana perception abilities might catch them.


They sucked in all of their mana, and the only mana flowing in the room was that of Kuromi"s and mine, both adjusted to a normal human"s level.

"Bye then."


Kuromi bowed and came to see me off at the door.

After about fifteen minutes, I reached the guild, there I found Mirae-san and Shirley-san waiting for me at the couch.

"Why are you two waiting here all alone? Shouldn"t the other guys be here?"

By "guys", I was referring to the other adventurers who were supposed to go to the party as security.

"Yeah, about that Toru-kun, they already left."

Mirae-san said so while keeping her head down

"Ah, sorry, is it because I was late?"

Well, it was around 7:50 PM, and I was supposed to reach the party hall at 8 PM, the distance between the guild and the hall could be covered in about 15 minutes by walking, so I was just a little late.

"N-No, that"s not it Toru-kun..."

Mirae-san said so, I could feel that there was some uneasiness mixed within her stoic tone.

"So what is it?"

""She" needed an escort, and it just so happened that you were chosen."

"If it"s just escorting someone to the party hall, then I"m fine with doing it."

I mean, I still have to go, so it won"t be any trouble if there was someone else with me.

"Yeah, I know, but still... Why Toru-kun?"

I kind of get what is happening, I think the woman who I have to escort is really beautiful or something, so Mirae-san is uneasy.

Well, that is justified, since our date, Mirae-san has been really cheerful and more charming, I would often hear adventurers admiring her and wanting to ask her out.

"Tell me, who is this lady whom I have to escort..."

"Oh~ that would be me~"

I heard a melodious and sweet voice from behind me.

When I turned towards the direction of the voice, I could see all the other adventurers and worked turning their necks in the same direction as me.

Some distance away from the reception desk where I usually went to, there was a really large door, it was decorated with two beautiful swords, the sign which was hanging near the door said "Guildmaster" in the letters from the local script of this world.

So the Guildmaster is a woman, was what I thought, nothing more and nothing less.

But I was honestly blown away by what I saw when the door was flung open from the inside.

There was a woman wearing a glittery purple dress, her right shoulder was exposed while her left had a part of the purple dress going over it. She had black gloves on her hands which reached her elbows, revealing her pearl white arms and shoulders. Her dress reached her ankles, so her black high heels were visible and looked amazing on her white feet.

She had black hair which reached her waist, they were completely straight and l.u.s.trous. Her eyebrows and eyelashes were of the same black colour and were long and slim. Her rose coloured lips were moist and extremely alluring, her black earrings went perfectly with her dress as well as with her black and big eyes. She was the defination of erotic charm.

After she came out of the room, each and everyone except Mirae-san and Shirley-san froze. All the workers and adventurers, irrespective of gender, had their eyes glued to the beauty that was walking swiftly in front of them while making light tapping sounds with her high heels.

Her height was around 175 centimetres, a little tall for a woman, but none would call her out on that after witnessing her impressive feminine curves.

My eyes widened up for a second, but I calmed down thanks to my processing speed.

But still, she is right there on the same level as the dragons and Sylvia.

I slightly turn my head and gaze over at Mirae-san, who had her head down and fists clenched.

When I turn my gaze over to Shirley-san, she adopts a bitter smile and explains to me.

"She is the Guildmaster of the biggest guild in the Kingdom and overseer of all the guild related business in all of Athena, Alissa Semohart. In addition to that, she is an Adamant.i.te ranked adventurer, the first daughter of the n.o.ble house of Semohart, and the fourth strongest person in the Kingdom."

So, she was the one who lost to Sylvia in the match to decide third and fourth place in last year"s Athena festival.

I return my gaze to the front.

The Guildmaster who was walking slowly and flashy before, was right in front of me, the distance between us is barely half metre. I thought that it would take her a lot of time, as she was busy showing off, but it seems that it was just my imagination that she was walking in slow motion while flowers were blooming around her.

I tilt my head down a little as to meet her eyes.

I narrow my eyes as to determine her strength, they say that she is the fourth strongest in the Kingdom, I have a bit of interest in her.

The room was enveloped in a deathly silence after Guildmaster arrived, all of their gazes were on her so none could even utter a word.

Her mana seems to be at the level of a n.o.ble"s, same as Sylvia, but I can tell that she is just adjusting her mana to that level. I unconsciously leak a mumble.

""Mana manipulation, huh.""

We both said together in a low voice, so probably, no one would be able to hear us, but still, how did she know?

Both of our eyes widened, but I recovered faster, I placed my right hand on my chest and bowed, I said in a voice that would be audible to the rest of the people.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Toru, and I am currently a silver ranked adventurer affiliated with the guild."

After hearing my words, she snaps out and returns to reality, after finally regaining her composure, she says.

"Nice to meet you as well, Toru-san. My name is Alissa Semohart, and I am the Guildmaster of this guild. I"ve heard a lot about you from Mirae and Shirley, and I hope that you would escort me to the party hall..."

She took a step forward, the distance between us became non-existent, I could feel the piercing gaze of Mirae-san on my back, but as a man, I couldn"t back off. She slightly lifted up her body, placing her mouth right beside my ear, and spoke in a seductive voice.

"...I am currently 20, and single."

Saying so, she returned to her previous position, but her eyes never left my face, she just waited for my reaction, which I gave her instantly.

"Sure, it would be my honor to escort you to the party hall, Guildmaster."

I think she understood the meaning behind my words as her face showed a look of unpleasantness for a second. But then she regained her seductive smile and spoke.

"You should probably change into a waiter"s uniform because if we go there as we are now, we would be the centre of attention."

She took a glance over my body, I am currently dressed in the same clothes I was wearing when I went on the date with Shirley-san, so I am very well dressed.


After saying so, I followed Shirley-san and changed my clothes while Mirae-san and the Guildmaster were having, what seemed to be, a girl"s talk, as I could hear the words "kiss", "date" and "first time" moving around. I silently followed behind Shirley-san.

After changing, I moved to where Mirae-san and Guildmaster were chatting, they were sitting on the sofa closest to the guild"s entrance.

I previously went over the plans with Shirley-san, so I already knew that there is a magic powered carriage outside waiting for us.

I reached the sofa and while bowing, said to Guildmaster.

"My lady, the carriage is ready, shall we go?"

Both Mirae-san and Guildmaster turned their heads towards me, and their eyes widened seeing me in the waiter costume.

I was wearing a typical waiter uniform, a white shirt, over it was a black jacket and combined with the black pants, black tie and black shoes, it made for a normal waiter uniform.

I just asked out of concern as I was surprised at their reactions to my favorite get-up.

"What is it? Do I look strange?"

Both Mirae-san and Guildmaster regained their senses and responded one after another.

"N-No, it"s not that. How do I say it? T-That uniform looks way too natural on you, Toru-kun."

"Well, I just think that it suits you."

I shrugged my shoulders and held my right to Guildmaster, which she grabbed gently and lifted herself up from the sofa.

"Let"s go."

Urged by me, we leave the guild and settle ourselves in a luxurious looking carriage.

It looked more like an open ceiling car. It was golden in colour, and had very comfortable seats, that were two in number. The left side had the panel to pour mana through, so Guildmaster gently lowered herself on that side, while I sat beside her. It was not a large carriage so our shoulders were touching, her bare shoulder kept grazing my shirt-covered shoulder, and her warmth was transmitted to me everytime it happened.

She slowly started pouring mana into the panel, and because it was obviously revealed that I had the power of mana manipulation, I complimented her.

"Your mana is pretty, Guildmaster."

It was light green in colour, and was gleaming like confetti.

"So I was right, you can manipulate mana."

"I am only capable of managing my own mana levels."

"I guess I can increase my physical specs a bit, but only for a few seconds."

That"s seriously impressive, the strongest dragons are unable to do anything except keep their own mana in check, and she can increase her specs.

"That"s impressive."

I indifferently say so, to which, she turns at me and said in a low voice.

"You averted you eyes from me."

"Excuse me?"

I was clueless.

"Till today, no one was ever able to avert their eyes from me, be it beauty or strength, and you just indifferently turned your gaze to talk to Shirley as if I were nothing but a normal girl."

Ohhh. I understand. Let"s go into teasing mode.

"What do you mean? You are a normal girl."

Her eyes widen up, but then she chuckles heartily.

"Kukuku, I would be a normal lady, idiot."

I, too, loosen my cheeks and give her a smile.

"When I saw you easily avert your eyes, I was surprised, but when I looked at you closely, it felt like I was the one unable to avert my eyes from you..."

"Is that so, Guil-"


"Okay, Alisss"


"You are a n.o.ble, a Guildmaster, an adamant.i.te ranked adventurer and the fourth strongest person in the kingdom."


At this point, she puffed out her cheeks.


"No polite speech."

"I believe that you are pushing it a litt-"

"No polite speech."

"You"re really stubborn, aren"t you?"

"...Yes, but only when I want."

She finally stopped puffing out her cheeks, and gave a bright and booming smile.

She"s cute. She"s definitely a girl, and not a lady.

We reached the party hall as we concluded our small conversation.