The Gatekeeper

Chapter 32

Last night… was interesting… to say the least.

When I arrived at the inn, I witnessed Sylvia getting groped by a very peculiar man.

I was furious, but what enraged me even more was the fact that Sylvia got stabbed right in front of me, and I was unable to do anything.

I couldn"t have made it in time to save her.

Two of my servants were murdered.

I used all that frustration and anger to slaughter each of the a.s.sailants by my own hands.

I felt an immense sense of guilt at my first kill. It was the first time that I had taken a life.

However, the sense of guilt faded soon after, I guess my resistances protect me in more ways than I initially thought.

After that, I displayed my time magic. I thought holding back was a pain in the a.s.s.

After that. I had a little "discussion" with Jerich, the strongest in the Dragon Order.

Honestly, his abilities left me astounded.

In terms of pure physical ability, he rivalled me, no, he surpa.s.sed me.

He was a stubborn one, but when you have your crotch destroyed and regenerated hundreds of times over, you"ve just gotta talk.

I received quite a lot of information. Some of it was eye-widening, some of it was conspicuous. After listening to all the information, I just thought "interesting".

The information provided was so interesting that it made me laugh. I had no interest whatsoever in these little disputes among Nations, those views sure changed fast.

After I disposed of Jerich, I returned and… did it.

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later, but truly, it was the best experience of my life.

And because of my stamina, well… let"s just say that the night was long, and loud.

Currently, Sylvia, Meri-san and I were in the same magic powered carriage.

This morning, I didn"t receive the same treatment I had received yesterday, on the contrary, it was quite pleasant. It appeared that Sylvia openly clinging to me all throughout breakfast made quite an impact.

She had an aura of happiness oozing out of her whole body, and after witnessing her wobbly steps, everybody understood what had occurred last night.

"Sylvisama, at least try to hide your excitement."

Meri-san said so with an annoyed voice.

"What do you mean~? Toru was sleepy, I am just helping him out."

My head was buried in her soft thighs, she was stroking my head with an affectionate expression on her face.

"And whose fault do you think that is?"

I retorted.

"What do you mean!? It was you who is at fault. What"s with that huge stamina? And you"re way too big."

"Shut up."

I just said that and went into a deep slumber.

I was woken up for lunch by Sylvia and was greeted by Delcrox.

"Please, make yourself comfortable, Toru-sama."

This was the best part about showing them my power, I was treated even better than Sylvia.

We were currently around 1900 kilometers away from the capital.

It was a small forest which was covered in greenery all around, trees with unripe fruits covered all of our surroundings.

The place we settled at was a large s.p.a.ce in the middle of the forest. Sweet chirping of birds, the sounds of a predator and prey fighting, gentle rustling of leaves, such were the refreshing voices which filled my ears as I stretched my hands in the air while yawning.

"Come Freya, let"s eat."

When I said so, there was an explosion similar to a meteorite landing near us.

"What was that?"

One of the adventurers from the n.o.ble party said so in a relatively calm voice.

Seems like what they experienced yesterday has increased their ability to stay calm. Or do they depend on me too much?

While I was thinking of such things, Freya appeared from the shadow of the trees.

At first, the men had a serious expression on their face as they waited for the intruder, but it was soon turned into an entranced one as they saw a beauty on the level of the princess in front of them. However, the s.e.x appeal and the mature charm she radiated was in no way in the same league as Sylvia, it was on a different level.

She stretched her hands as if she had regained control of them after a long time. The front of her feminine body drew gases that were in no way peaceful.

"M-Ma"am, are you lost? If you want, you can come with us."

A man with brown hair and a lecherous looking face said while running his hands in front of him, a malicious grin printed on his face.

"You"re annoying. Ah~! Toru-sama!"

She spotted me while turning her head in all directions. I waved at her and she started coming in my direction with a slight jog.

"G-Cup" I thought.

I turned towards Sylvia who was busy setting up the mats for me to sit.

"Aren"t you going to say anything?"

I asked her in a low voice and she turned her head towards.

"You said "No monopolising". And I"m more than satisfied, I was your first after all."

"She"s my servant."

I could hear a relieved sigh which originated from Sylvia"s mouth.

"Well…No matter how tough I act, I am still possessive. I can"t say that I"m not relieved after hearing you say that."

She said so and placed her hands in front of her chest.

While we were having this short conversation, Freya closed the distance between us.


She stood in front of me with her head slightly bowed.

She"s expecting a head pat, isn"t she?

Let"s play.

"Good work."

As I said so, I raised my hand, she further presented her head which was covered in her fiery carmine hair to me. Before I patted her head though, I immediately wrapped my hand around her slender waist and pulled her into a hug.

Everybody was baffled, including Freya. Her face was red, so was her neck and ears. She tried resisting my hug, but one could tell at first glance that the struggle was not real.

I seperated from her after about 40 seconds of a warm and soft hug.

Freya was left fidgeting and completely embarra.s.sed.

"M-Master is so unfair!!!!"

She said so and started stomping her feet on the ground like an elementary schooler.

Good thing it was just a tantrum, because if she was serious, this whole place would be blown up.


Looks like everybody had the same idea as myself.

"By the way, I never asked which species your servants belonged to Toru. As you know, beasts with such high intellect and appearance mimicking skills are the ones who are considered the strongest in the beast realm."

Sylvia asked me while having an intrigued look in her eyes

"That"s one thing I can"t reveal, sorry."

Sylvia was clearly disappointed, but at the same time it seemed like she understood.

"Is that so? Fine, then."

"Thanks for understanding, now then, everyone, let"s eat."

As I replied to Sylvia, I invited everyone to eat at the same time.


Everybody replied affirmative, and after all the preparations, we had a very nice and relaxed lunch.

After having our meal, we packed up and left in the direction of our next stop. There remained only two towns between the border and ourselves. We"ll be staying at the first town, which is about 2200 kilometres away from the capital, and will move to our final destination tomorrow morning to welcome our guests.

After a slow journey which lasted a couple of hours, we reached the town "Rupee" at 9 PM.

"Rupee" was a town relatively close to the border, so, many adventures and soldiers resided here. This town could be described as a blood-dome due to the violent nature of the adventurers, but as a result of "the one with power will rule", there weren"t many random conflicts. All conflicts were taken to the dome which had been built for this specific purpose.

In terms of infrastructure, it was clearly more on the primitive side compared to the other towns, however, this town had its own charms. Small two-storey houses with chimneys, small shops which were selling flowers and grocery, the small stalls which distributed fried snacks, and many such cute and nostalgic establishments caught my eye.

We arrived at a small inn which had a total of 10 rooms. It was the most exquisite looking inn in the whole town, and as such, was empty.

We checked in and had our luggage sent to our rooms, I didn"t actually have any luggage myself.

I parted from the group and went on my own excursion.

Accompanied by Nirvana, who was practically dancing with joy at finally being reinstated as my escort, I moved about in the city of Rupee, in search of an entertaining adventure.

While we were at it, we had a little "fun" with the adventurers who were a little in-over-their-heads.

All in all, it was a simple date with a few punches here and there. Nirvana was really happy and promised to do her job with much more diligence, so I guess it was fine.

After the date and dinner with Nirvana, I returned to the inn and slept in the same room as the guys from Delcrox"s party.

The next morning, after breakfast, we took off for the rendezvous point, which was a commercial and trading city, second closest to the border.

It was a pleasant journey, fields which grew different types of crops came into view. We ate the fresh fruits and vegetables as we made our way through the rural roads of Athena Kingdom.

Fuels, electronics, factories etc were non-existent in this world. However, the air here felt gentler and more pure than that of the capital.

We met many kids on the way, each one of whom got a snack from me, which was recovered from my spatial pocket in secret.

Watching the kids smile as they received snacks from Sylvia and me made me feel like coming to this world was worth it.

It was a genuine feeling of happiness, and I didn"t fail to share my experience with Haru.

She was jealous, not because I was having fun, but because she couldn"t be by my side.

After having a tea break in the middle of nowhere, we embarked on our journey once again.

I would receive some snacks and drinks on the way from Sylvia, which she would feed me directly, I changed into "spoiled Toru", and accepted all of them.

As we shortened the distance between us and our destination, I contacted my personal bodyguard unit, which now comprised of 30 beasts. They were more of a personal battle force than a bodyguard unit, but whatever.

At around 2 PM, we saw a vague picture of the city we were going to enter.

It was a huge city, smaller than Capital, but in no way it was unimpressive. One could make out the large buildings and domes from about 2 kilometres away.

As we closed the distance, meter by meter, the vague scenery changed into a solid one.

The city was fortified, heavily so. Guards could be seen surrounding the East gate with firearms, and primitive weapons like bow and swords in their hands.

It took us a lot of time to gain entry into the city. I was quite impressed with the security, so I cooperated with them as much as I could.