The Gatekeeper

Chapter 34

"Toru, was it? Do you need to be disciplined in the ways of treating people who are superior to you?"

Well… about that. It"s either extreme hostility or extreme affection. The only person who was neutral to me was General Bernard, and I doubt that his neutrality will persist after that whole "fire" incident.

"Thank you for remembering my name, Crown Prince. Let"s just say that my education has been quite lax."

The once indifferent tone turned cold. Sweat could be seen forming on the foreheads of every member of our group. "Don"t anger him!", their eyes conveyed to the crown prince, but their pleading gazes were brutally ignored.

"Is that so? You know, we were having a nice training session just a while ago, do you wish to join us after the tea break?"

"I decline."

Their faces cramped, not just the people from HADES, but my companions had a worried face as well.

"Future wife, won"t you command your filthy commoner to obey my orders? I really do not wish to use violence."

"Your future wife belongs to me", I wanted to say, but this turn of events seemed interesting, so I remained quiet.

"Eh? Future wife? What are you talking about Prince Julius?"

Her tone was polite, but one could make out the anxiety mixed within those words.

"It is exactly what it sounds like, Princess Sylvia. The main reason for us to arrive in this land was the annual Athena festival and talks of negotiations about trade and agriculture. The second reason we came here was so that we could announce our engagement."

Sylvia"s face turned white, her confusion was clearly visible. Prince Julius continued.

"It was decided about ten days ago, by both our fathers. You are to marry me and become my wife. Princess Sylvia, the rumours about your beauty don"t do you justice, one look at you and I knew that you were more beautiful than any woman I"ve ever encountered."

Hey, same. Can we be friends?

"I-Is that so? Prince Julius don"t you already have a wife?"

"Four of them."

Polygamy for the win!

"So… you wish to make me your fifth?"

"Yes, it is just as you say."

Is it just me or is Sylvia"s tone turning harsher by the minute.

"You see, Prince Julius. There is no doubt that marrying into the Royal family of Empire Hades is an honour. Additionally, I judge you to be a splendid man, one which would attract women wherever he may be…"

She was extremely polite until this moment, but it was just the calm before the storm.

"...However, I, as a woman, already belong to someone else. Having said that, I can"t betray the one whom I love, that is, whom my body, my soul, and my everything, already belongs."

With her poker face still intact, this was said to the Prince"s face with a cold and distant tone. After listening to which, his face cramped. Each person from the Hades Empire began scowling at Sylvia, but she didn"t even waver an inch.

I think she just overestimates me.

"Is that so? Then tell me, who is it that you want me to bury?"

Sylvia slowly turned her body, her wavy hair danced with the wind as she turned her face in my direction, really dramatically.

"He said "bury", you know? Do you really hate me so much, that you want me to die?"

I said in a slightly annoyed tone, I was honestly waiting for Sylvia to pull out some incredible magic, I have never seen her fight, so I was just a little curious.

"Eh? I love you though~ I just said that I belonged to you, doesn"t that make your heart race?"

"Not even a little."

"T-That"s harsh."


"Fine! I still love you! Just keep me by your side, I"ll be happy!"

"You"re stubborn, Sylvia."

"Notice me and I won"t be stubborn."

"What do you mean by notice? Did you forget what we"ve already done?"

"You"re right!"

As airhead as ever.

Her face was red and her eyes had tears.Looking around, everybody had horrified looks on their faces.

I looked over in the Prince"s direction, and he had a very "complicated" expression.

"You"re entering the battle tournament, right?"

He was gritting his teeth, he tried to sound as calm as he could, but it was clear that he was pushing himself.

"Yeah, it sounds fun. What about you, Crown Prince?"

"We"ll battle there, whoever wins the battle, gets the right to marry Princess Sylvia."

"You know, I have zero interest in marrying her. You can just take her right now."

"T-Toru!! Way too harsh!"

She waved her hands and started hitting me lightly on the chest.

"Fine. I"ll battle you for Sylvia. It seems interesting."

I said so reluctantly while waving my hand.

"Okay. It"s not a contest between royal and commoner. It"s a contest between men."

"That"s way too cliche. I"ll puke "

My words seemed to be the trigger for everyone to snap out of their petrified state.

"Prince. Why are you lowering yourself to this commoner"s level? Let"s just finish him right now."

"Prince. Kill him right here."

Comments similar to this were flying out of the mouths of every member of the Hades party.

"I kinda like him."

"My, my, Adela, you"re the second princess of the empire. What are you saying?"

"Big sister Julian, I am just saying that I understand how a G.o.dly beauty like Princess Sylvia could fall in love with him."

"I certainly can"t disagree."

The two princesses giggled together while enjoying the amusing situation.

"Let"s just call them and kill him."

"Yes, yes, if he is killed by them, we won"t have to take responsibility."

"Yeah, they"re scary, but they get the job done."

Why are they relying so heavily on the Dragon Order? They didn"t even bring bodyguards. What if the Dragon Order decides to purge them? I don"t think that they"ll be able to survive.

"About that. I don"t think that Dragon Order is going to help you out."

Everybody froze up, no one was able to say a word after that.

The one who finally spoke was Adol.

"W-Why do you say that?"

Not "how do you know?" but "why do you say that?"seems like this guy has some impressive brain power.

"Let"s just say that they"re distracted. They won"t die, those guys are on the official side of things, are they not?"

Will he take the bait?

"Y-Yes, now then, let"s resume our party."

He didn"t, huh.

It seemed like everyone unanimously agreed to the Prime Minister"s sentiment and forgot all about what had occurred just minutes ago.

Sylvia was oozing with happiness, I was indifferent. Apparently, we were the only ones who didn"t harbour the feeling of anxiousness while in this complicated situation.

After that, we returned to the inn, had our dinner, and the very next day, took off to the capital.