The Gatekeeper

Chapter 50- Wary. Donate Settings Width Max 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 12px 14px 16px 18px 20px 22px 24px 28px 32px Default Arial Roboto Comic Sans Segoe UI Verdana Ubuntu Ubuntu Condensed Franklin Gothic Garamond Caslon Minion Override Dim BG 0% 20% 40% 50% 60% 80% 100% Next

by Chapter 50- Wary. Donate Settings Width Max 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 12px 14px 16px 18px 20px 22px 24px 28px 32px Default Arial Roboto Comic Sans Segoe UI Verdana Ubuntu Ubuntu Condensed Franklin Gothic Garamond Caslon Minion Override Dim BG 0% 20% 40% 50% 60% 80% 100% Next
Chapter A note from PuffyPyjamas

Sorry for the delay. Guys check out my new novel "The Inevitable Demise", it is an isekai. I would highly appreciate it if you would just give it a go. Also, do follow me on Twitter @PuffyPyjamas or add me on Discord #7287 for regular updates.


It was the morning of the twentieth day, and Toru and Nirvana could be seen flying toward the dome in the morning. It was approximately 11:30 AM, and in the skies above the glamorous Royal Capital, a certain oversized dragon could be seen carrying a single man who was trying to imitate the t.i.tanic pose by his lonesome.

Nirvana"s body, which has turned into its original dragon form was flying through the sky with a speed that far surpa.s.sed all forms of comprehension. As to the reason why Toru was traveling on a thirteen-meter long dragon first thing in the morning.

"This is why I despise standing out."

Toru was sulking over what had occurred this morning. As he exited the motel this morning with Nirvana by his side, there were hordes of people waiting there to meet him. No, "hordes" would be an understatement, there were at least five-thousand people waiting for Toru"s arrival. Rin-san was standing there with a troubled smile on her face and urged Toru to get rid of the crowd.

Toru was very uncomfortable while getting his back patted or hand-shaken a thousand times over, the commoners were joyful from the bottom of their heart as they watched a commoner boy of such a young age get so far in a compet.i.tion held just for elimination and brutality. And as such, Toru couldn"t just vanish and leave them like that. However, after about an hour-and-half of greeting, even more, people started gathering, but the tournament was about to begin and Toru couldn"t waste time, so he asked the majestically beautiful woman beside him to show her true colors while using light magic to conceal her actions.

Once Nirvana was in air, Toru used s.p.a.ce magic to teleport and managed to land on her back. Thus, leading to the present situation. He wasn"t exactly annoyed by all of this as he promised to live a fulfilled life, however, he just wanted to live a life where he wouldn"t be the center of attention for some time.

"Master, we"re in the sky above the dome."

Nirvana said in her usual lovely voice. The only difference between the human and the dragon form of the girls was the body. Their voice, personality, power, all remained the same, even their mana and demeanor was consistent, if they were to accompany a blind person, they wouldn"t be able to tell the girl"s form by just their voice and mana.

"It would be painfully cringy to land in the middle of the dome. We can"t exactly go slowly either, even if our mana is camouflaged to resemble a commoner"s, the genuinely strong people might be able to sense your overwhelming presence somehow."

Toru thought for a second and issued command to his servant.

"Change into your human form and stay close to me. I"ll take you there with s.p.a.ce magic."


Nirvana glowed with vibrant light and what appeared in the afterglow was the figure of an overwhelmingly charming woman wearing a blue skirt which reached her ankles, a black coat over a white t-shirt, and sandals which emphasized her white feet.

"s.p.a.ce Magic- s.p.a.ce Shift."

With Nirvana in his arms, Toru chanted his spell and the scenery around him instantly changed, he was in the middle of the preparation room where he usually spent his time leisurely waiting for his match to begin. Toru slowed down his surroundings and sped up his perception, he couldn"t let himself be seen suddenly appearing in a room while holding a gorgeous woman. His surroundings were empty, there was no one around, he slowed his perception and proceeded to lower Nirvana on the ground slowly.

"My battle is the fourth one…"

Toru glances at the light magic tool stuck on the wall exclusively for the partic.i.p.ants in the preparation room to view the matches.

"...Looks like I am up next. Well… I guess it"s our fault this time. Nirvana, head over to the stands. I"ll join you after my battle is over."

Nirvana took a distance from Toru and said in a confident tone.

"I won"t be waiting for long then."

Toru shows her a smile and then pats her on the head.

"Go now."

"Yes, Master."

Nirvana turns around and half-jogs out of the preparation room. Her impressive melons bounce with her. Toru watches her leave and then places a hand on his nose.

"I don"t care how much experience I have… That"s just overkill."

His eyes are facing the screen where two men are battling it out, but his gaze is somewhere farther away.


In the center of the large field, two men faced each other, their eyes connecting, making the atmosphere around them heavy and cold.

"If I may be permitted to ask, why are you not equipped with armor or any weapon, Crown Prince?"

Julius was dressed in expensive suit-looking apparel while Toru was simply wearing a white t-shirt and black pants. Julius" expression was serious, and so was his voice.

"It would be shameful for me to fight an unarmed opponent while being armed myself."

Julius didn"t let Toru"s being leave his view. Julius was aware of Toru"s strength, he was aware of Toru"s and Sylvia"s relationship, he was aware that he was pushing his luck acting in such a prideful manner. Julius was wary, and extremely so, he was releasing high amounts of killing intent towards Toru. His forehead was covered in sweat, his legs were trembling, hidden behind the expensive clothing.

On the contrary, Toru was…

"Ara, is that so? That is extremely kind of you, Crown Prince."

Toru was having fun toying with his opponent.

"Princess Sylvia!!"

Julius shouted from the middle of the field, as the sound transmission tool was replaced, his loud voice resounded in the stadium.

Toru was taken aback for a second, but his eyes immediately turned towards the special room where Sylvia was seated. Sylvia could be panicking inside the special room as papers started flying all over the place.

She was working, huh.

Toru"s girlfriend was called out by another person, and his only opinion was that Sylvia was quite the hard worker.

"I fell in love with you at first sight!! If I defeat this piece of s.h.i.t! Will you marry me!?"

The chattering of the stadium ceased at once. The people outside the dome who were enjoying the delicacies that the festival had to offer stopped their movements at once. Everybody was shocked at this sudden revelation, even Toru himself.

However, the most unexpected person received this confession calmly and replied.

"If you can beat him… Prince Julius. Then I"ll offer everything that makes me a woman, to you, except my heart. That is something that will eternally remain in Toru"s grasp."

Hey, weren"t we going to cover this whole thing up!?

Toru internally screamed, he wasn"t against what was happening at all, it was just that he didn"t want to stand out. If he were seen as a person who had won the affection of The Princess, there would be a huge amount of animosity directed at him, and not just by the locals, he would be a target of the whole Athena Kingdom.

"Is that so…!? When I beat him. I"ll release your heart as well, Sylvia."

Toru sighed and rubbed his temple.

"Well… That"s how it is. You can hear me, right? Royal Capital? Princess Sylvia Silbinas Athena and I, Toru, are in a relationship..."

Toru glanced at the confident and blooming face of Sylvia. She was no longer embarra.s.sed or ashamed, she had no reason to be. The man she had been yearning for had finally accepted their relationship in public.

Her smile was the prettiest that anyone had seen, both her hands were holding the handrail, she was leaning outside. Vernyx and Silbinas were sitting in their positions without uttering a word, they just smirked and waited for the battle to begin.

Toru raises his hand in the air, the big screens all across the Royal Capital reflect the scene, Toru kisses his hand and sends a flying kiss made of pure fire towards Sylvia. A single flame moves in the stadium and reached the intended target, and she receives it with a smile and a bit of water magic.

"Now then, Prince Julius…"

Toru looked towards Julius with a mocking smile.

"You want to steal my woman from me? Then come at me with everything you"ve got."

Julius" face has an expression which can"t be described by words, his killing intent and hatred toward Toru is at its maximum.

"Earth Magic- Tectonic Hurl."

"Wind Magic- Spirit Tempest."

Julius casts two Divine-cla.s.s spells right off the bat. These spells contained all that Julius had, he knew he had no chance of winning in a prolonged battle, he gave it everything he had. In response, Toru planted his feet on the ground.

"I haven"t cast a single attack spell this whole time… I can beat you without using it, but it just seems appropriate considering the circ.u.mstances."

"Fire Magic- Purgatory."

The whole field began shaking, and the shaking wasn"t exclusive to the ground, even the air turned restless and started flowing at incomprehensible speeds. Large chunks of the field began separating from the earth that held them and flew towards Toru at unavoidable speeds.

Winds, so fast that one could see it leaving silver afterimages closed the distance between themselves and Toru.

There was a small ball of orange color in front of Toru, n.o.body could grasp what it was, as n.o.body had seen this spell in action, except a few special people. The ball remained of the same size but its density kept increasing.

The ground was destroyed, the barrier that ensured the audience"s safety was crumbling, and the heat was unbearable.


The ball that Toru had conjured turned into a fire tsunami and engulfed everything in its path, a true show of power.

The spell Toru cast was a Legendary-cla.s.s spell, and with the intensity of Toru"s flames and his seriousness regarding the situation, the result was obvious...

As Toru left the field, he muttered a few words of self-loathing.

"My life is going to be h.e.l.l..."

About the author, 30 November 2019 14:18:40 India Author.

Bio: I am an editor currently affiliated with confused translations and Gakusei translations, on top of that, I am a big anime, light novel, manga, and web novel enthusiast.

Join my discord , hit me whenever with any queries or doubts you may have, I"m always active over there.

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