The Gatekeeper

Chapter 28

"Toru! Wake up already!"

"...You know Haru. I am happy that you"re happy, but it"s 7 AM right now."

"No, it"s 5 AM."

"That"s even worse, and didn"t I tell you that we have a two hour time difference between us?"

"Oh, yeah."

"So... you just slept for two hours?"

"Well... it"s the holidays. I"ll just go to sleep after I inform your father about your survival."

"He"s gonna think you"re crazy."

"You"ll just tell me something that only he"d know."




"Now that I am awake, let"s just do the morning routine, I"ll just sleep after putting my bodyguard squad and Kuromi to work."

I decided so and decided to take off into the shower. I still hadn"t washed away last night"s unpleasantness.

That awful party, people looking down on me, curses and insults thrown at me from all four sides, Vernyx"s killing intent, all the drama with the girls and that spell afterwards. There were three confessions, but I beautifully dodged them, I felt pity for them, so I told them that they were free to appeal to me in any way they like, but I feel like I am going to regret it. There was the vague confession from Haruki as well, but I guess that was actually just in the heat of the moment, she sounded apologetic afterwards, but she did say that if I were to somehow return, she would keep me tied to her 24/7.

"Kuromi, rise and shine. I am taking a bath, I"ll be out in ten. Get ready and meet me in the dining hall."

"Can I have a bath with you?"

"Absolutely not."

"See you in the hall then."

A bath with a super beautiful girl of about 18........ No.

After our breakfast, I left my unit in the perimeter of the inn and left Kuromi at a small cafe a little away from the guild.

As I stood in line waiting for the stoic Mirae-san to finally attend to me, I could feel piercing gazes aimed at me from all sides.

I don"t even need to turn my neck, I knew who were the ones sending those gazes to me.

More malicious and much fiercer than the glances I"ve ever received in my life. This just goes to show you that power reigns over money or girls.

As my turn finally came, the stoic Mirae-san"s expression turned into a cheerful and maidenly one.

Looking at such a drastic change in the blink of an eye, both Shirley-san"s and my gaze turned warm.

"It"s her birthday today, you know?"

No, I don"t. And how do you? You guys don"t have a calendar system.

"Is that so. Mirae-san, do you like magic?"

"Magic? Well, I can use some light magic myself."

I forgot that this is a different world.

"I was not referring to that magic Mirae-san. Think more like sleight of hand."

"Sure, I am interested."

Her expression actually turned into an excited one.

I placed my right hand in front of her, my left hand covering what sinister things my right hand was up too.

And suddenly *pomf*. A certain something was hanging from my right hand, I offered it to MIrae-san with an affectionate look in my eyes.

"W-W-W-W-W-hat even happened?"

"As I said, sleight of hand."

"On top of that! What"s with this pearl necklace. These cost more than ten gold coins!"

"It"s a gift for Mirae-san, who"s been taking care of me from the start."

"Toru-kun, it"s literally just been eight days!!!"

"Then consider this as thanks for taking care of me in the future as well."

Her face was completely red. Shirley-san was busy giggling in the back.

"T-Thank you. I-I"ll treasure it."

"You"re quite a playboy, aren"t you?"

"...Leave me alone, Shirley-san."

Nirvana, this is your punishment for yesterday. Your promised accessory is now gone.

"Now then, how many requests should I take?"

While she was busy hugging the necklace I gave her, Mirae-san directed her gaze upwards and answered my question.

"Oh, you can"t do that."


"It appears that some n.o.ble or rich merchant has requested you for bodyguarding. They say that they"ll pay you the same as a Mythril-rank adventurer."


"Yeah, they"re headed for a return trip to Slozch. Four day trip. You are free to refuse."

"I mean... I don"t mind. No, I"ll take it. Getting out of town would be fun."

"Okay, then. Get your stuff ready, they"ll meet you at the West entrance at 11 AM."

After that, I gathered all the things I needed and dropped it into the spatial pocket.

I instructed Kuromi to watch over me from up in the skies, and I pseudo-permitted the bodyguard unit to do their own thing.

As I walked towards the West gate, I absorbed the sights of the city which seemed to be a little slow because of the morning time.

I arrived at my destination a little before the time. If it was really a n.o.ble, it wouldn"t be good to keep them waiting.

However, what I found was three carriages arranged in a line with the middle one being magic powered. The rest of them were pulled by horses.

There were about fifteen horses idly eating gra.s.s and taking in the sunlight.

There were already more than twenty people gathered there, and in the middle of the crowd, were two ladies who seemed to be chatting away merrily.

As I approached them while masking my presence, I just said one sentence.

"Celice, do you hate me for stealing your best friend from you or something?"

"I wonder whatever in the world could that mean?"

I was standing a little behind Celice, Sylvia was the centre of attention.

"It was your idea, I just know it."

"You"re saying this because...?"

"Call it a man"s intuition."

"I wonder if I was really the mastermind behind this?"

She had a mischievious grin on her face.

"Fuu~ Fine, are you coming as well?"

I asked her that just to make sure that Sylvia had someone who could handle her.

"No, I have school."

She had a distant and dissatisfied look in her eyes.

"Is that so? Okay then."

I left that matter alone, and pa.s.sed right by Celice and approached Sylvia.

It seems that she sensed my presence as she turned around in my direction.

She was starting to adopt a smile, but I suddenly knelt in front of her with my right knee on the ground.

"Princess of The Wise Kingdom "ATHENA", Sylvia Silbinas Athena, It"s an honour of the highest degree to have met you. My name is Toru, not that it matters. I am just a silver rank adventure, so I shall become a meatshield for Her Highness if need be."

Looking at me kneeling in front of her and uttering those words, Sylvia had an absolutely horrified look on her face as if saying "It hasn"t even been a full day since you rejected this "Honoured Princess", you know?". But it was splendidly ignored.

"U-Umm, y-yeah. I-I am counting on you Toru-san."

She barely managed to squeeze those words out. She had a really bitter smile till the end of it.

Revenge complete, I thought and clenched my fist.

"What is this little kid doing here? Silver-rank, was it... You"re not even qualified enough to be a meatshield. Run along home and eliminate those little pieces of trash that are roaming in the forest. Leave the safety of the Princess to our Adamant.i.te-rank party."

He said so while pointing to the nine people behind him. Six of them were men (including this guy), and the remaining four were women.

"Run along? Got it, with pleasure, Adamant.i.te-rank adventurer-san."

I got up from my kneeling posture, but before I could happily turn around and leave, I felt something cold behind my back.

It was Sylvia, she was oozing with mana. It was like she would burst at any moment. Seemed like she didn"t even hear my reply. She was so overcome with anger because of this adventurer"s words that it seemed like she lost her reason.

While the adventurer"s party was laughing at me, I glanced in Celice"s direction. She nodded with a dejected look and approached Sylvia with what seemed like a fiery wall around her.

She whispered something in her ear, which seemed to calm her down, but her face was completely red and she was fidgeting.

"What crazy ideas did you give her now!?" I wanted to retort, but I stopped.

She coughed to draw the attention of the laughing adventurer"s to herself and she spoke in a dignified tone.

"That is not true at all Delcrox-san. I know that your party is the strongest in the Kingdom, even acknowledged by my brother. However, you can"t take an adventurer"s opportunity to grow. I shall travel with him myself, and as the third strongest in the kingdom, I will help him grow."

I could hear admiring sighs from all around us. Celice was giggling in a corner.

After that, we were briefed as to our routes, mode of travel, distance, and obstacles we may face when we travel.

The Royal Capital and the town Slozch had a distance of over 2,500 kilometre between them.

We were supposed to cover that distance with carriages in two days. We were briefed as to magic specialties of the adventurers and how they will be used to reach our destination in target time.

"So Adamant.i.te rank adventurer-san, you all gonna be travelling on horses?"

"It"s Delcrox, Niclove Delcrox. Do you have a better way of transportation?"



"It"s nothing, just talking to myself, hehe."

After that, we all boarded our respective carriages and horses.

I was in the magic powered carriage with Sylvia and one adventurer from Delcrox"s party,

It was a woman in her late teens, around 19-20. Her hair was golden, so were her eyes. She held a long staff in her hands. Apparently, she was a n.o.ble and it was her and Sylvia"s job to keep this carriage running.

I sat adjacent to the golden-haired girl and diagonal to Sylvia. And after about five minutes after our journey started.

I stood up in the s.p.a.cious carriage and sat on the same side as Sylvia.

The golden-haired girl panicked.

"Oi! Y-"

"Sylvia, I am tired. Give me a lap pillow."

"...Can I?"

"Usually, it"s the guy who asks that, you know?"

"N-No, it"s just that you seemed so distant. Forget about it, come here."

She caressed her lap as if inviting me to sleep. I naturally lay my head on her lap and folded my legs as the carriage was horizontally challenged.

Her thighs were soft and warm. She placed her hand on my head and started playing with my hair.

She truly looked like a maiden in love with her red cheeks and the pink aura of happiness covering her entire being.

"You didn"t sleep well?"

She said while twirling some of my hair with her index finger.

"Nah. Had to take care of something."

"Is that so? Toru, don"t push yourself too hard, okay?"

"Got it, Sylvia."

The golden-haired girl"s jaw was wide open and her eyes were unfocused and cloudy. She looked ready to collapse at any second.

"Listen, party member of that weird guy-san, I expect you to keep this a secret, got it?"

"Hey~ It"s Meri, her name is Meri. Don"t be like that~"

She said while rubbing my head with both her hands in an angrily cute way.

"Fine, fine. Then, Meri-san. You understand, right?"

I said in an indifferent voice, but she gulped, as if understanding her current predicament.

"However, Toru, I know what you said earlier was a punishment for me being cheeky, but still, it went a little too far. I was actually about to cry. But then Delcrox-san said that to you and I lost my sense of self to anger."

"It"s fine. I don"t mind even a little bit. I don"t mind being a meat shield if it"s for you Sylvia."

Her cheeks" colour deepened and now red was the colour of the skin covering her whole face and neck.

"I-It is not going to work. Oh~ how bad I want to kiss you. But I know they"re just empty words. You rejected me yesterday, you know?"

"What if I tell you that they"re not just empty words, my Princess."

I know I am going a little far, but I think it"s within parameters.

However, I think I judged her affection for me incorrectly, she bit her lip as hard as she could and dug her nails in her fists, drops of blood could be seen forming in her fists.

"Prin- Princess!!"

Meri-san grabbed a handkerchief and moved her hand quickly towards Sylvia"s lips, but before she reached them.

Sylvia"s eyes widened as my tongue began invading her mouth and sucking her blood. It was a really long kiss, after about 10 seconds of confusion, Sylvia grabbed my head and went on the aggressive as well. It went on for more than two minutes and Meri-san was left with the handkerchief in her hand.

I separated from her and placed my head on her lap again, I closed my eyes, trying to get to sleep.

"It was just an apology. If you pull something like that, you"re abandoned."

She said in a low and sweet voice.

"It was my first kiss…"

I opened my eyes, and glanced at her caressing her lips in an overly seductive manner.

"Don"t expect me to say something like that. My first kiss was when I was thirteen, and I initiated it."

"An ex-girlfriend I need to worry about?"

"Don"t worry, I dumped her because she just wanted to show me off."

"Fine, then…"

I made out with a super-beautiful lady yesterday night for more than thirty minutes, I can"t tell her that, can I?

"Good night."

I didn"t even realize when we reached our first destination, "Getwien".