The Gatekeeper

Chapter 53- Pledge of Allegiance. Donate Settings Width Max 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 12px 14px 16px 18px 20px 22px 24px 28px 32px Default Arial Roboto Comic Sans Segoe UI Verdana Ubuntu Ubuntu Condensed Franklin Gothic Garamond Caslon Minion Override Dim BG 0% 20% 40% 50% 60% 80% 100% Next

by Chapter 53- Pledge of Allegiance. Donate Settings Width Max 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 12px 14px 16px 18px 20px 22px 24px 28px 32px Default Arial Roboto Comic Sans Segoe UI Verdana Ubuntu Ubuntu Condensed Franklin Gothic Garamond Caslon Minion Override Dim BG 0% 20% 40% 50% 60% 80% 100% Next
Chapter A note from PuffyPyjamas

Too busy. Life sux

Two people walked together and left the arena from the same gate, this was the first time in the compet.i.tion when two partic.i.p.ants left the arena from the same gate. Well, not alive at least.

"Bilaffender-sama, are you able to walk now."

I supported Jynimia as we reached an isolated room somewhere in the dome. The room was not that large, it seemed to be a private waiting room for a n.o.ble or something. Jynimiya was light, and very much so, it was like I was carrying a baby on my shoulders. However, her arms, her legs, her entire body released a certain b.l.o.o.d.y aura which reminded one of a battlefield covered with corpses and death… A presence-only exuded by veteran warriors who have experienced a more gruesome life than your average soldier or adventurer.

"My injuries are healed but my mana is exhausted. It"ll take me one week at the very least to recover."

I was already in awe. Her body was utilizing the last bit of mana she had left to heal her physical injuries. It seemed as though her body was accustomed to such scenarios and reflexively prioritized her body"s well-being rather than her mana supplies.

"One week… huh?"

One of my hands was busy supporting her shoulder, so I stretched my other hand and placed it on her forehead.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

I slowly let my mana flow into her, and after about one minute, I retract my hand.

"So warm~"

Jynimiya giggled heartedly, and after releasing my neck, she stood up on her own and proceeded to circulate her mana through her whole body.

"Um-hmm, good as new!"

She twirled around and looked at me with a keen gaze.

"You"re not a simple man, are you?"

"Haha, well, I just defeated one of the strongest in the nation, how could I be simple?"

"No, there are many capable of accomplishing the very same feat. Last year, it was Princess Sylvia who overpowered me with her magic. However, you defeated both of us… And I realized it as soon as you began using your mana… You were holding back, and a lot at that. You"re not simple, even from the perspective of someone like His Majesty the King or the Crown Prince… I wonder~"


"I wonder… Just who are you~! You say your village was destroyed by that Dragon a few months ago… However… With your strength, wouldn"t it be easy for you to take down ten dragons simultaneously?"

So she caught on, huh? She must"ve retrieved my information from the guild. I am just surprised that none of the other people realized this until now, especially Sylvia. I take a bit of distance from Jynimia and place my hands on my waist.

"What do you think? And why do you think that I can take ten dragons on by myself? Aren"t those the most ferocious beasts of them all?"

"Kukuku, Toru-kun, do you know who killed that dragon…?"


"Yep, it was me~! And unless your power increased by ten folds during one month… I can"t see you losing to something like that."

Jynimiya"s gaze narrowed further, she was provoking me even though she was somewhat aware of the gap in our strengths. However, this made me feel amazed and intrigued rather than offended and ridiculed.

"Kukuku Hahaha, and what do you make of me?"

"Hmm… Either you"re a king or crown prince of one of the five nations, or you"re an extremely competent member of the Dragon Order. Or maybe… you"re just a wandering soul who just enjoys the thrill of battle and wished for nothing but entertainment?"

I looked at her with a gaze of admiration. I raised my hand and a figure appeared beside me.

"[Sharpest Blade], why don"t you try to attack this woman using your strongest attack? The one which you didn"t have the time to use against me?"

Jynimiya looked at my face in disbelief, then she moved her eyes and sized up the extremely beautiful woman beside me.

"Are you sure? She is a woman, you know? An extremely pretty one at that."

"I believe that those words apply to you as well, Bilaffender-sama?"

"Kuku, calling me extremely beautiful, you"re sly, aren"t you?"

"You brought it upon yourself."

Jynimiya took a step back, and after unsheathing her sword, started focusing on the blade. She gathered intense amounts of mana on it, and compiled with wind and fire magic, the sword glowed red and illuminated the whole area. It somehow felt as if there was blood all over. She then proceeded to raise her sword while standing about one meter away from Shirone. Speaking of Shirone, she was standing at her original position, her eyes and expression devoid of any emotion. This contrasting appearance of hers never fails to send chills down my spine.

Jynimiya"s sword, now proudly raised in the air, exuded a domineering aura. She looked at Shirone with a concerned gaze and said.

"Listen, I don"t think you"ll survive this. Are you sure you wanna do this?"

Shirone just looked Jynimiya in the eye and said with absolute confidence.

"I was ordered to do so by my Master. That"s all there is to it."

Jynimiya was visibly startled. Her gaze alternated between Shirone and myself.

"Even if it means giving up your life?"

"Give… Up my life…? Hahahaha Kukukuku…"

Shirone… Is laughing in front of a stranger?

"... Do you think you can kill me?"

Shirone"s voice turned cold, and her expression colder. Shirone"s voice had clear and distinguishable ridicule, and it seemed as though Jynimiya had sensed it.

"You b.i.t.c.h!"

Jynimiya was done gathering power as our surroundings were being scattered away by the intense force released of her blade. She gathered immense strength in her arms as she swung down the blade.



"No… No… No way… How can you stop my blade with one finger."

"It"s not a finger darling, it"s a nail."

Shirone… Too f.u.c.king cool. In response to Shirone"s cruel and complacent smile, Jynimia had no options other than to back off and rea.s.sess the situation.

"What is she?"

"Ara, Bilaffender-sama, referring to such a beautiful woman as an object? I believe you should be asking "who" is she, right? Shirone, introduce yourself."

"Yes, Master…"

Shirone proceeded to turn her head in Jynimiya"s direction and stuck out her chest. She placed one of her hands on her slender waist and allowed her other hand to present itself in front of Jynimia as she said.

"One of the four Dragon Empresses and ruler of the Frost Empire of the Beast World. The third strongest being to exist in the beast world, and loyal servant of my Master. My name is Shirone, a worthy name given to me by my Master."

The room froze, I was having fun looking at Jynimiya"s expression change from a startled one to a surprise… Then to a very cute face filled with fear, and lastly, her face clouded with helplessness and defeat.

"So… You"re saying… That… Your servant is the Dragon Empress?"

Her voice was hoa.r.s.e, and her eyes which looked at me were filled with indescribable amounts of fear and respect. Her legs gave in as she stumbled onto the floor and began muttering something. On the other side, Shirone was calmly rubbing the nail of her little finger on her right hand. Her nail had transformed into a mini dragon scale, and I know from experience that her scales aren"t easy to break. I had to go all-out to beat the four sisters, and even then, I collapsed right after.

"Now… Bilaffender-same, to answer the question you previously asked… You can already guess, right? I am interested in wars, battles, killing, adventuring, and many other activities. However, it is solely for entertainment purposes. Just imagine, with this kind of firepower, wouldn"t I have already captured a city or two? I just want to have fun and face strong opponents to grow and learn. And of course… I want to live sincerely."

Her expression looked crestfallen. She looked up to me from the ground. However, it seemed like she just remembered something, she abruptly stood up and proceeded to kneel on the ground with her head bowed and breathing even.

"This one apologizes for her ignorant and rude display. Jynimia Gureq Bilaffender, from this day forth, pledges her undying allegiance to Master Toru. Please, take this weakling under your wing and allow me to serve you."

I was startled. What the h.e.l.l? Is this how humans in this world pledge their allegiance? I"ve never seen anyone swear their allegiance, so I may not know, however, I do understand where she is coming from. Most probably, she knows what is coming and wishes to gain some sort of insurance so she can survive.

"If I do make you my subordinate, what is in it for me? You are seeking me out of your selfish gains, are you not?"

On the floor, Jynimiya"s shoulders trembled slightly, however, she managed to remain calm as she said.

"I apologize for having such thoughts… It seems that the Master is well informed. This one is the commander of the strongest adventurer party in all of Athena, [Brave Mound], which has more than one-thousand people currently serving under its banner, each one being a platinum-rank or higher. Also, I have a reputation worthy of an adamantine-rank adventurer. I believe I will prove quite useful to Master in the future."

"Hmm~ Is that so…? So… How do I make you my servant or subordinate or whatever?"

"Master just has to inject some of his blood into my body, and it will create a kind of "contract" between a master and a servant. It"s not anything magical, but it has been a tradition which has been followed since before the Holy War."

"However, isn"t there a chance you can betray me then? I mean, this contract doesn"t guarantee that you can"t do so in the future."

"No Master, this has been a tradition of the highest value. If a servant breaks this contract, he or she will surely be sent to the demons and be made to serve those filthy creatures."

I couldn"t help but laugh a bit. This is something a child would believe. Even so, this isn"t such a bad proposal.


I grabbed the sword she gave me and sliced my finger, then I placed it on her lips, my blood slowly entered her mouth as she wrapped her lips around my finger and started sucking. After about one minute, the ritual was completed and Jynimia became my subordinate. During all this, there was one extremely dissatisfied person.

"You didn"t even ask me how my nail was... Pomph!"

About the author Wednesday, 29 January 2020 18:25:14 India Author.

Bio: I am an editor currently affiliated with confused translations and Gakusei translations, on top of that, I am a big anime, light novel, manga, and web novel enthusiast.

Join my discord , hit me whenever with any queries or doubts you may have, I"m always active over there.

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