The Gatekeeper

Chapter 9

As the darkness of the night finally enveloped the rustling city, in a room filled with lights which illuminated the room with bright colors.

"So they are coming, huh."

So were the words uttered by a man while holding a letter in one hand, and a gla.s.s of wine in another.

His facial features could only be described as "alluring"; long blonde hair, blue-green eyes and a bewitching face. If he didn"t have a man"s attire on, one could mistake him for a beautiful woman.

"Yes, Your Highness. What shall we do about this situation?"

A stern voice comes from the other side of the room. The person asking the question isn"t visible, but undoubtedly, he is kneeling.

"Fufufu. Certainly, this plan of ours has gone off tracks. One of our core pieces seems to unusable now, they made their move huh. But surely, improvisation is possible. This will delay the progress by several days, but I want it to be executed perfectly without any further errors. Am I clear?"

Saying so, he gulps all the wine in his gla.s.s with one sip. He stands and turns his gaze towards the city which is filled with happiness and radiance.

His gaze wasn"t warm, rather, it was devoid of any emotion. It seemed as though he was looking at the worst variant of trash, truly, it was an unpleasant gaze.

"Yes Your Highness. As you command."

Ignoring the voice of his servant, the man starts to mumble by himself.

"Trash, all of them. Nothing interests me anymore. I thought she could entertain me, but she turned out to be a waste as well. This is the only way I will be able to entertain myself."

The kneeling man, ignoring his master"s muttering, excuses himself and leaves.