The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2552: Too Much Information (3)

Chapter 2552: Too Much Information (3)

Qilin and his party quickly rushed to the city wall, where a cold gure was already standing.

Lan Fengli lifted up his head slightly and looked at the dark night sky. There was no starlight at night in the

Barren Land, but he couldn’t take his eyes o it, like he was afraid of missing something.

All of a sudden, a dazzling pillar of light appeared in the dark night sky. That pillar of light came straight

down from the dark clouds and spilled onto the silent wall of The Rising Sun City.

The glaring light rendered the crowd unable to open their eyes normally. They could only narrow their

eyes and faintly see some gures falling from the sky within that pillar of light.

The holy white light, carrying a strong atmosphere of divine power, enveloped the whole Rising Sun City.

Under the infection of this atmosphere, all the elves ran out of their resting place almost immediately.

Elves relied on the nourishment of the Tree of Life. They were very sensitive to divine power. The divine

power of the G.o.ds was a power that made them feel very comfortable and yearnful.

Within the light, a few gures slowly emerged, and the most striking one was the man at the head of the


Those golden eyes were so eye-catching in the brilliant light of the night. He just stood on the wall quietly,

but it made people dare not breathe loudly. All eyes were focused on him; he looked so unreal, so cold

and proud, so awe-inspiring.

At the man’s side, two handsome men with the same eye color were standing. But unlike him, the man on

the left side had a gentle expression with a smile hanging on his mouth and his golden eyes looked very

warm, while the man on the right side was much more wild-looking. His golden eyes revealed a deant

arrogance and his st.u.r.dy arms made people feel that they were full of strength.

Three pairs of golden eyes?!

Mo Yu couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Although he had learned from the mouth of the Elf King that

the War G.o.d was still alive, he thought that there was only one G.o.d left in the world, which was the War

G.o.d. But now, there were three G.o.ds with golden eyes in front of them!

G.o.ds were the main ghting force against the Devil Race. Each additional G.o.d would give them a greater

hope of victory.

“The one in the middle is the War G.o.d!” Mo Lei clenched his st. He was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with inner excitement

as he stared at the sacred man of that day. Although three G.o.ds appeared at the same time, he was still

able to identify the War G.o.d with a glance.

Even among the powerful G.o.ds, the War G.o.d’s momentum was not comparable to that of ordinary

superior G.o.ds.

The other two G.o.ds, though they both looked very strong, when they stood beside the War G.o.d, their light

and momentum was long ago suppressed by the War G.o.d.

The rst superior G.o.d under the Lord G.o.d! As expected, he was indeed worthy of the reputation!

“The G.o.d Race actually has other survivors. Which superior G.o.ds are those two?” Mo Feng bit his lip

excitedly. Regardless of how they felt before they arrived at The Rising Sun City, at this time, after seeing

the three G.o.ds appearing, everything was no longer important! This trip of theirs was really worth it!

The power of the G.o.ds had been revealed during the last war between the G.o.ds and devils. Every superior

G.o.d, in the eyes of other races, was the pinnacle which they could not surpa.s.s and was their eternal goal.