The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady

Chapter 2534: The G.o.dhood’s Choice (1)

Chapter 2534: The G.o.dhood’s Choice (1)

They were not pork, much less cabbages.

Regarding Tang Nazhi’s language skills, everyone had already given up all hope.

Qi Xia and others were not clear about the way in which the G.o.dhoods would choose their inheritors. They

could only honestly stand where they were and wait to be chosen.

In the whole temple, there were numerous G.o.dhoods that had been returned after the death of their

previous owners, but among them, it was not so simple to nd suitable ones for the ve people to inherit.

Each G.o.dhood had the will of the previous G.o.d that had owned it. If the inheritors diered too far from

the character of the previous G.o.d, they could not perfectly inherit the power of the G.o.dhood.

Of the ve, Yang Xi should be the one who was most in line with a G.o.d that had an indierent


Yang Xi was also the rst person to sense the “gaze” of a G.o.dhood. In the radiance of the various

G.o.dhoods, he saw a sparkling G.o.dhood slowly coming towards him.

“It’s the G.o.dhood of the Thunder G.o.d.” Xiu looked at the ball of light that was gradually approaching Yang

Xi and spoke.

“Quite good for this boy Yang Xi. The Thunder G.o.d’s ghting strength is very high.” The Dragon G.o.d was

no stranger to the Thunder G.o.d. For he, who claimed to have fought against every G.o.d, someone whose

strength could be recognized by him should be very strong.

Yang Xi stared at the G.o.dhood that had stopped at the tip of his nose and subconsciously held out his

hand to let it oat there.

“When you are all chosen by the right G.o.dhood, you guys should inherit them together.” Shen Siyu looked

at Yang Xi, who was a little confused, and then added, “Yang Xi, get acquainted with the G.o.dhood rst.”

Yang Xi stared at the glowing ball of light with a question mark at the top of his head.

Get acquainted?

How would he do that?

Should he say h.e.l.lo to this ball of light?

However, before Yang Xi could nish his struggle with the question of how he should “get acquainted”

with the G.o.dhood, the brilliance of the Thunder G.o.d’s G.o.dhood suddenly intensied and Yang Xi was

wrapped up in it instantly.

A large number of images poured into Yang Xi’s head. Under the thunder and lightning, he seemed to see

a tall gure standing in the clouds, brandis.h.i.+ng a halberd. Countless bolts of lightning constantly ashed

around him!

Shen Yanxiao looked at Yang Xi, who was wrapped in the light, in surprise. Just as she was about to speak,

Xiu calmed her down and said, “The Thunder G.o.d just wants him to understand the Thunder G.o.d’s power

as soon as possible.”

There was no need for Yang Xi to think of a way to communicate with the G.o.dhood at all. Because, for the

G.o.dhood who had been lonely for ten thousand years, it was a very pleasant thing to nally nd an

inheritor again; it would never give up such a moment when its power could be used again. Therefore,

when it came to introductions or whatnot, one would denitely be very, very active and take the initiative!

Yang Xi was the rst to be selected by a G.o.dhood. The other four young people all wore a little smile on

their lips. They were all really happy for Yang Xi.

Yan Yu turned his head in Yang Xi’s direction, and the smile on his mouth was especially gentle.

“Ah-Yu!!!” All of a sudden, Tang Nazhi’s scream rang out. Yan Yu turned his head doubtfully and was

surprised to see a glowing G.o.dhood oating in front of his face.

A gentle force, little by little, infected Yan Yu.

Yan Yu stretched out his hand and held the G.o.dhood on his palm. He felt a warmth he had never felt


“Strange; why did the Moon G.o.d choose a man as her inheritor…” The Dragon G.o.d stared at the G.o.dhood

on Yan Yu’s palm with a face lled with surprise. But what he said made the smile on Yan Yu’s face stien.

“This is the G.o.dhood of the Moon G.o.d?” Yan Yu turned to Dragon G.o.d and asked.

The Dragon G.o.d nodded very sincerely.