The Grammar School Boys in Summer Athletics

Chapter 45

"That"s our old friend, Amos bang-bang, to a dot," muttered Tom dryly, as the advancing party of men and boys halted.

"I don"t care about fooling with a dynamite factory," remarked one of the men.

d.i.c.k, at a dead run, joined the party.

"Come along!" he cried. "Let"s break down the door and find out whether the poor fellow is hurt."

"Yes! And have that "poor fellow" hand you a peck of nitro-glycerine for a surprise," retorted a man.

"Come on, fellows! We can get the door down without help," d.i.c.k called, appealing to his chums.

All five of them rallied to his support. It took but a few st.u.r.dy shoulder blows to complete the work of the explosion and break the lock of the door.

d.i.c.k took one quick look inside.

"Tom, run and "phone for a physician!" Prescott called back.

"Poor Garwood is unconscious, and cut. He"s bleeding. Poor chap, with his lop-sided mind and his "mastery of the world" imaginings!"

Reade sped away. As soon as the crowd found there was no danger there was a rush to the scene. Darrin and three friends managed to hold the crowd somewhat at bay, while Prescott a.s.sisted two women in trying to bring the injured man to.

"I hope he doesn"t get away this time," thought d.i.c.k. "If Garwood remains at large much longer he"ll fix up a bang-bang that will carry him clean into the next world!"

While those having the injured man in charge waited they explored the boathouse. Of the explosive materials not a particle was found. Evidently it had all gone up in smoke. But, in a far corner, the searchers discovered a package of gauze, and another of salve, with which poor Garwood had evidently attended to the burns resulting from former explosions. Later it was found that both packages came from a drugstore some twenty miles away, where the poor fellow had also bought his explosive materials from time to time. He must have walked the long distance at night when other people were abed, for the druggist stated that his customer came in, on each visit, as soon as the store was opened in the morning.

Blankets and a few groceries, found in the loft, explained the demented man"s manner of housekeeping during the last few days.

It was half an hour ere a physician finally arrived in a touring car.

"The man doesn"t appear to be badly hurt," declared the medical man. "It won"t take us five minutes to get him into town and in the hospital, so I believe we had better start to revive him after we get him there."

Two strong men were found who were willing to sit in the tonneau, holding Amos Garwood"s insensible body between them.

As the car started away a subdued cheer arose. The mystery and the vanishing of Amos Garwood were at an end at last. Those who had feared having a demented man at large in the community breathed more easily.

From the day of the race the summer vacation for the late Grammar School boys began in earnest. A few days later d.i.c.k and his swimming squad met a similar organization from the South Grammar, and a match was held on the river. As Prescott"s squad again won, Central Grammar was now undisputed Grammar School champion on the water as well as in baseball.

Colonel Garwood tried to pay the offered reward to the members of d.i.c.k & Co., but the parents of the boys refused to entertain the idea.

Amos Garwood, not seriously injured in body, was soon well enough to be taken back to the sanitarium. Here his malady was found not to be severe. A year later he was discharged, fully cured of his delusions, and able once more to take his place as a useful member of society.

There does not remain a great deal more to be told.

Many of the boys who have appeared in these pages went no further in school life, but stepped out into the working world, there to fit themselves for the men"s places in life.

The more fortunate ones, however, went to High School. All the members of d.i.c.k & Co. were thus favored in being able to go forward into the fields of higher education. We shall speedily meet with these manly American boys again, for their further doings will be described in the _High School Boys" Series_.

In the first volume of this series, "_The High School Freshmen; Or d.i.c.k & Co."s First Year Pranks and Sports_," the friends of these six wide-awake boys will find them in a new field of action, and follow them through an exciting series of trials and triumphs.

d.i.c.k & Co."s interest in High School athletics, and the way in which they won a permanent place in the hearts of the older students is told so realistically in the first volume of this series as to make all readers long to know more about them.

All the big and little boys who wish to continue their friendship with d.i.c.k & Co. will find their further adventures related most entertainingly in the four volumes of the High School Boys" Series just published.