The Guy Inside Of My Bed

Chapter 7


After two weeks. I decided to go to car race again, this car race is hidden because it"s illegal. It"s illegal because this event don"t have a permit, most of the racers don"t have a license and the others are still minor. I decided to go here because I"m tired going to the bar. And I usually went home early because I don"t have anywhere to go.

I"m am looking at the field searching for a person I know when Steph suddenly went to me.

"Hi Jessy!" she hugs me.

"Hey Steph!" I answered.

"You want to race? Let"s go, let"s feed Amber a dust."

Actually I would love to but "I have no car!" I answered.

"It"s okay, I have one. So game?" she said.

"Of course, if you"ll say that it"s yours and if I crash it I don"t need to pay." I said while smiling at her.

"Sure it"s a deal!" she responded laughing.

I approach at her black car and look at Amber, she is also looking at me, when I look at her she gave me an angry squint. I"m a b.i.t.c.h that"s why I gave her a smile that I know will make her annoy. I entered the car and prepared for the race.

"Ready! Get Set! GOOOO."

After hearing that I quickly maneuver the car and drive. I saw that I"m the one leading, I"m driving focus when suddenly someone the car in the back. When I look it turns out it"s Amber"s car.

"Oh! Sht!" I said then I drive the car faster. I look at my side and I saw Amber. I was shocked when she suddenly the side of the car. "Are you crazy?" I yelled at her but she just smirk.

Now I finally know, Amber don"t want me to be ahead of her.

EH, WHAT A CRAZY b.i.t.c.h! I THINK THIS b.i.t.c.h WANTS ME DEAD!!

I tried to quicken my pace, the car slightly swayed.

d.a.m.n THIS b.i.t.c.h! SHE"S A CHEATER!!

I suddenly turned to her, she gives me an evil smile which makes my temper raise, and I saw again that she is going to me. I suddenly stopped the car that"s why her car went to the other side but the back of her car brushed the front of the car I"m driving.

I feel the car propelled she is propelled to the right side. I feel impact as the car smashed in the wall while her car also smashed. I feel dizzy now, it"s good that I fastened my seatbelt.

My vision is rotating, I heard a car coming towards us, I saw a glimpse of a car stopped at Amber side to get her, when I turned I saw a yellow car stopped my side. The door opened and a guy entered, I can"t see his face because my vision is getting blurred. He quickly carried me out of the car I"m driving.

My sight is gradually becoming clearer, it"s Brix who is carrying me now. I look behind and saw Amber, she now conscious and looks dizzy. I suddenly remember what she did earlier.

I am not nice.

I suddenly get down from Brix"x carrying me, I know he was shocked at what I did. Although I"m still dizzy I quickly ran towards Amber.

As I said I"m not nice.

I quickly grabbed and pulled her hair. She struggled to get out from me but I didn"t stop.

"WHAT THE HECK!! WAIT, I"LL GET MY REVENGE FIRST!" I said in anger. She continued screaming. I feel an arm holding me in the waist to keep me away to Amber. And it"s Brix. But they can"t stopped me, because I"m strong when I"m mad.

I feel that I gradually away from Amber, so I held her clothes tightly at the same time Brix pulled me away from her.

I said I"m not nice.

I torn her clothes which cause her bra to be seen, she is so embarra.s.sed and humiliated now, while the guys are dumbfounded at what they"ve seen.


Brix is carrying me away from Amber, I"m stuck at his left arm and I keep struggling.

"Let me go!" I shouted at him while beating his arm.

"Okay," he said then put me down.

I was about to go at her again. I don"t know why I feel happy that I saw Amber scared at me. But Brix grab me in my arm.

"Stop! She"s already humiliated," he says.

"She want"s to murder me so I will kill her first." I shouted,

I suddenly turned to him when I heard and saw him laughing. He is laughing really hard, with his hand touching his stomach. My eyebrows raised when I saw him like that.

"Hey! What"s funny?" I said with my eyebrows still raised.

"Haha, it"s nothing– because haha! I mean– haha!" I didn"t understand what he said that why I showed him that I"m really annoyed at him.

"Sorry! Because I was surprised earlier when you suddenly went to Amber, and I really want to laugh when I saw her face while you are grabbing and pulling her hair. I really restrained myself from laughing. Haha!"

I suddenly wondered, I remember Amber face when I combo her, I also laugh and saw Brix laughing again.

"That was so funny!" he says while laughing.

"Yes!" I said laughing.

We walk towards the starting, we left his car because he is busy keeping me away from Amber.

"Anyway, I"m sorry again," he suddenly said.

"As what I said before, you"re already forgiven." I said.

"Can we start again?"

"What?" what he said is weird, it looks like a line when getting back to each other.

"I mean, like this.." he smiled and reach out his hand to me, so I took it.

"I"m Brix Ace Resser Asuncion and you are?" he said while looking at me.

"Jessy Gaile Peyton Guevarra," I responded smiling.

"Nice to meet you," he says and shake my hand and we both laugh.

I"m walking at the school field, I am going to the cla.s.sroom and late again, I"m yawning when I heard a shout.

"Hey! Jes wait!"

I don"t know if I"m the one he is calling but I still turned to look at him.

"Good morning! You"re also late," Brix said when he got near me.

"As always," I said smiling. We walked, when I"m at the front of the building of my cla.s.sroom. "Jess see you around!" he bid me goodbye and he ran.

I look at the building. "Shiz! What is this, I"m really tired climbing the stairs and my room is in the third floor!"


I"m at the hang out and cleaning my car. This area is where there are full of different kind of race car, car parts and car repair things. This is also my business because we are receiving to fix and restore cars. It"s a business but I call it a habit, Oh no erase! As a pa.s.sion, perfect!

"What happen to the chic last night?" Bam asked me.

"Chic who?" I ask.

"The wild hot chic last night dude," he said smiling at me and elbowed me.

"Ah, her? She"s still hot!" he laugh at my answer.

"Last night was epic." he said and I nod.

"What are your plans about her?" he said smiling at me.

"I"m getting serious… I guess." I said smiling at him. He smiled at me and nodded as if he knew what I meant.