The History Of Painting In Italy

Chapter 137

Trompetta, _see_ Da Pesaro.

Troppa, Cav. Girolamo, supposed pupil of Maratta. _MS._ ii. 286.

Trotti, Cav. Gio. Batista, a Cremonese, called Il Malosso, b. in 1555.

_Zaist._ Living in 1603. _Zamboni_, p. 151. His Pieta at the chapel of S.

Gio. Nova in Cremona, with date of 1607. _Oretti, Mem._ iv. 189.

---- Euclide, his nephew. _Zaist._ iv. 193.

Troy, Gio. Francesco, b. at Paris, 1680, d. 1752. _Abrege de la Vie_, &c.

vol. iv. ii. 307.

Tuccari, Gio., a Messinese, b. 1667, d. in the plague of 1743. _Hakert._ ii. 444.

Tuncotto, Giorgio, living in 1473. _Co. Durando._ v. 452.

Tura, Cosimo, called Cosme da Ferrara, d. 1469, aged 63. _Baruffaldi._ v.


Turchi, Alessandro, called L"Orbetto, a Veronese, painted at Rome in 1619.

_Catalogo Vianelli._ d. there in 1648, aged 66. _Pozzo._ b. 1580, d. 1650.

_Pa.s.seri._ ii. 232, iii. 317.

Turco, Cesare, d"Ischitella, b. about 1510, d. about 1560. _Dominici._ ii.


Turestio, Francesco, a Venetian mosaic worker, painted in 1618. _Zanetti._ iii. 253.

Turrita, da, in the Sienese, F. Mino, or Giacomo, d. about 1289. _Guida di Roma._ His mosaic work at S. M. Maggiore, which, according to Oretti, bears the date of 1495, seems to have been retouched. i. 8, 34, 381.

Turini, Gio., da Siena, lived about 1500. _Vasari._ i. 112.


Vaccarini, Bartol., da Ferrara, lived about 1450. _Baruffaldi._ v. 289.

Vaccaro, Andrea, a Neapolitan, b. 1598, d. 1670. _Dominici._ ii. 407. The Andrea Vaccari, a Genoese, or Roman, mentioned by _Guarienti_, appears to me one of his usual mistakes.

Vacche, dalle, F. Vincenzo, a Veronese, an Olivetan monk. _Notiz. Morell._ iii. 89.

Vaga, del, or de" Ceri, Perino, or Pierino Bonaccorsi, a Florentine, d.

1547, aged 47. _Vasari._ Or aged 46. _Oretti_, from the Inscrip. in the Rotonda. i. 212, ii. 111, 125, 379, v. 369.

Vagnucci, Franc., di a.s.sisi, flourished the beginning of the sixteenth century. _MS._ ii. 161.

Vaiano, Orazio, called, from his birth-place, Il Fiorentino, painted at Milan about 1600. _MS._ iv. 296.

Valentin, Monsieur Pietro, called by Baglione Valentino, a Frenchman, native of Brie, near Paris, d. 1632, aged 32. _Bardon._ ii. 203.

Valentina, di, Jacopo, da Serravalle; his painting of 1502. _MS._ iii. 38.

Valeriani, P. Giuseppe, dell"Aquila, d. in the pontificate of Clement VIII.

_Baglione._ ii. 386.

---- Domenico and Giuseppe, Romans, directed by Marco Ricci. _Zanetti._ iii. 384.

Valesio, Gio. Luigi, a Bolognese, d. in his prime under the pontificate of Urban VIII. _Baglione._ v. 126.

Valle, da, in the Milanese, or Valli, Gio., painted about 1460. _Lomazzo._ iv. 217.

Valle, Carlo, his brother, iv. 234. _Morigia_, p. 403; called, as it seems, Carlo Milanese. iv. 223.

Van Bloemen, commonly Van Blomen, Gio. Francesco, called Orizzonte, academician of St. Luke in 1742, d. 1749. _MS._ ii. 330.

---- Pietro, called Monsieur Stendardo, brother of Orizzonte. _Catalogo Colonna._ ii. 333.

Vandervert, of Flanders, a pupil of Claude Loraine. In the _Catalogo Colonna_ he is named Enrico Wandervert. ii. 248.

Vandi, Sante, a Bolognese, d. at Loreto, 1716, aged 63. _Crespi._ v. 268.

Vandych, and Vandyck, Antonio, b. at Antwerp, 1599, d. at London, 1641.

_Bellori._ ii. 235, iv. 187, v. 394.

---- Daniele, a Frenchman, painted in 1658. _Zanetti._ iii. 281.

Vanetti, Marco, da Loreto, pupil of Cignani. _Life of Cav. Cignani._ ii.


Van Eych, or Abeyk, Giovanni, di Maaseych, called De Bruges, or Da Bruggia, and by Facio, who wrote his eulogy, _Jo. Gallicus_, b. 1370, d. 1441.

_Gall. Imp._ i. 81, ii. 355, iii. 41.

Vanloo, Giambatista, of Aix, d. 1745, aged 61. _Serie degli Uomini piu Ill.u.s.tri in Pittura_, &c. vol. xii. Or aged 69. _Bardon_, tom. ii. ii. 307, v. 484.

---- Carlo, his brother and pupil, _ib._

Vanni, Cav. Francesco, a Sienese, b. 1565, d. 1609. _Baldinucci._ Or 1610.

_Mariett. Descriz._ i. 443.

---- Cav. Michelangiolo, his son, living in 1609. _Della Valle._ i. 432, 445.

---- Cav. Raffaello, brother of the preceding, academician of St. Luke in 1655. _Orlandi._ He was aged 13 in 1609. _Della Valle._ i. 432, 446.

---- Gio. Batista, a Florentine; according to others a Pisan; but in the epitaph called _Civis Flor._ (_Moreni_, tom. iv.) b. 1599, d. 1660.

_Baldinucci._ i. 294.

Vanno, del, (scholars of Cav. Vanni the elder) Gio. Antonio and Gio.

Francesco. _Guida di Roma._ ii. 230.