The History Of Painting In Italy

Chapter 150

---- _Zibaldone Cremasco del Ronna._ iv. 223, and in Index I.

Puccini, Cav. Tommaso. _Critical Examination of a work on Painting by Daniel Webb._ Florence, 1707, 8vo. v. 130.


Ranghiasci, Ab. Sebastiano. _Catalogue of the Eugubine Professors in the Arts of Design._ It is inserted in the fourth volume of the Sienese edition of Vasari. ii. 13.

Ranza. _On the Antiquities of the Chiesa Maggiore of S. Maria di Vercelli._ _ib._ 1784, 4to. i. 83.

Ratti, Cav. Carlo Giuseppe. _Genuine Historical Notices respecting the Life and Works of the celebrated Painter Antonio Allegri da Coreggio._ Finale, 1781, 8vo. Cited, iv. 79, and often in the school of Parma.

---- The same. _Lives of the Painters, Sculptors, and Architects of Genoa._ _See_ Soprani. _See also Guida di Genova._

---- The same. _Life of the Cav. Raffaello Mengs_, 1779. ii. 318.

---- Defence of the same; or a _Letter to a Friend, which contains an account of Cav. Carlo Giuseppe Ratti._ Without date of place or year.

_Pref._ x.x.xvi. ii. 141, 314, 316, v. 444.

Renaldis, de, Co. Canon. Girolamo. _Historical Essay on the Paintings of Friuli._ Udine, 1796, 8vo. and 1798, 4to. iii. 5, and other places in the Venetian school.

_Reply to the Critical Reflections upon the different Schools of Painting of M. Argens._ (By the March. Ridolfino Venuti) Lucca, 1755, 8vo. ii. 291.

Requeno, Ab. D. Vincenzo. _Essays on the Restoration of the ancient Art of the Greek and Roman Painters._ Venice, 1784, 8vo.; with additions, at Parma, 1787, 2 vols. 8vo. ii. 343, v. 352, 355.

Resta, P. Sebastiano, _Prete dell"Oratorio._ _Portable Gallery_; _MS. in the Ambrosian collection_, iv. 101, 117, 256, _et seq._

---- The same. _Letters on Painting._ ii. 391, iv. 255. His credulity, ii.


Reynolds, Sir Joshua. _Discourses on the Arts of Design._ Florence, 1778, 12mo. iii. 97, 140.

Richa, Giuseppe, of the Comp. of Jesus. _Historical Account of the Florentine Churches, &c._ 10 tom. 4to. 1762. i. 149.

Richardson. _Treatise on Painting and Sculpture._ Amsterdam, 1728, 3 vols.

8vo. Pref. viii. xxvi. x.x.xii. and i. 78, 178, 192.

Ridolfi, Cav. Carlo. _The Wonders of the Art; or Lives of the ill.u.s.trious Painters of Venice and of the State._ Venice, 1648, 2 vols. 4to. Merit of the work, iii. 286. Cited in the first epochs of the Venetian school, and throughout the Index. Not approved, iii. 34, 62, 73, 163, 185, iv. 218.

Rosa, Giuseppe, _see Imperial Gallery_.

Rosa, Salvatore. _His Satires._ Amsterdam, 1788, 8vo. i. 175. ii. 255.

Roscoe, William. _Life of Lorenzo de" Medici, translated from the English._ Pisa, 1799, 4 vols. 8vo. iii. 250.

Rossi, de, Gio. Gherardo. _Articles on Painting, in the Memoirs of the Fine Arts._ ii. 294, 302.

---- The same. _Flights, poetical and pictorial._ Parma, 1795, 8vo. ii.


Rossi. The same. _Life of Antonio Cavallucci._ Venice, 1796, 8vo. ii. 325.


Sandrart, Joachimi. _Academia Artis Pictoriae._ Nuremburgh, 1683, folio.

Noticed, i. 127. Cited, iii. 163, and in Index I.

Sansovino, Francesco. _Venice described._ 1571, 4to. iii. 74.

---- The same book. Edition augmented by Giustiniano Martinioni. Venice, 1663, 4to. iii. 257.

Santos, (de los,) Francisco. _Description del Monasterio de S. Lorenzo de l"Escorial._ Madrid, 1698, folio, v. 383.

Scannelli, Francesco. _The Microcosm of Painting._ Cesena, 1657, 4to.

Cited, i. 175, iv. 46, 58, 156, 229, 246, 267, v. 42, 306, 369.

Scaramuccia, Luigi. (He calls himself Girupeno, that is, Perugino.) _The Refinement of Italian Art._ Pavia, 1674, 4to. iv. 173, 292.

_Series of ill.u.s.trious Characters in Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture, with their Eulogies and Portraits._ Florence, 12 vols. 4to. concluded in 1775. i. 149, 307, 342, _et seq._

Serlio, Sebastiano. _General Rules of Architecture._ Venice, 1537, 1544, folio. i. 424, 425, ii. 112, v. 207.

Signorelli. _Vicende della Coltura delle due Sicilie._ Naples, 1787, 5 vols. 8vo., and 3 supplementary vols. 8vo. 1791. ii. 359. I have not had an opportunity of consulting this excellent work, from which I might have derived information for the history of the Neapolitan school.

Soprani, Raffaello. _Lives of the Painters, Sculptors, and Architects of Genoa._ 1674, 4to. A posthumous work. The author continued it up to the year 1667, that of the decease of Torre. I have made use of the second edition, corrected and enlarged, with Annotations of the Cav. Ratti, Genoa, 1768, 4to. Annexed to it is the continuation of the work, by the same Ratti, which forms the second volume, 1769, 4to. Merit of these writers, v.

364, 444. Cited through the whole of the Genoese school.

_State of the Lateran Church in the Year 1723._ _See_ Baldeschi.

Superbi, P. Agostino. _Account of ill.u.s.trious Men in the City of Ferrara, &c._ _Ib._ 1620, 4to. v. 326.


Taia, Agostino. _Description of the Apostolic Vatican Palace._ Rome, 1750, 8vo. i. 136, ii. 7, _et seq._, Co. Francesco Maria. _Lives of the Painters, Sculptors, and Architects of Bergamo._ Bergamo, 1793, 2 vols. 4to. with additions by Ferd.

Caccia, and notes of Co. Giacomo Carrara. iii. 3, often alluded to in the Bergamese school.

Temanza. _Lives of the Venetian Architects._ Venice, 1778, 4to. Cited in Index I.

Tempesti, Dott. _Academical Discourse on the Literary History of Pisa._ Pisa, 1787. i. 67.

---- _Eulogy of Giunta Pisano._ It is inserted among the _Historical Memoirs of several ill.u.s.trious Pisans._ Pisa, 1790, 4 vols. 4to. i. 11.

Terzi ... _Chronicle of Castel delle Ripe, and of the district of Durante_, (now Urbania) written about 1616. _See_ Colucci. 27 tom.

Theophilus _Monachus de omni Scientia Artis pingendi_. _MS._ Edited only in part. i. 84, 224, iii. 87, iv. 209.