The History Of Painting In Italy

Chapter 80

Calcar, or Calker, Gio. of Flanders, died young in 1546. _Sandrart._ iii.


Calcia, Gius., called Il Genovesino, lived in the last century. _MS._ v.


Caldana, Ant. d"Ancona. _Guida di Roma._ ii. 311.

Caldara, Polidoro, or Polidoro da Caravaggio, d. in 1543. _Vasari._ ii.

114, 373.

Calderari, Gio. Maria di Pordenone, who in an altar-piece signed himself _I. M. P. Io. Maria Portunensis_, omitting the surname; an excellent pupil of Pordenone, but little known. He died about 1564. _Renaldis._ iii. 127.

Caletti, Giuseppe, called Il Cremonese, b. about 1600, at Ferrara.

_Cittadella._ d. about 1660. _Baruffaldi._ v. 338.

Caliari, Paolo, a Veronese, d. 1588, aged 58. _Ridolfi._ Or rather aged 60.

_Register cited by Zanetti._ iii. 212, 224, iv. 21.

---- Carlo, his son, d. 1596, aged 26. _Ridolfi._ Or 24, says _Zanetti._ iii. 233.

---- Gabriele, another son, d. 1631, aged 63. _Ridolfi._ iii. 235.

---- Benedetto, brother of Paul, d. 1598, aged 60. _Ridolfi._ iii. 235.

Caligarino, Il, or Gabriele Cappellini, a Ferrarese, flourished in 1520.

_Baruffaldi._ v. 307.

Calimberg, or Calimperg, a German, d. about 1570. _Guarienti._ iii. 245.

Calomato, Bartol., of the Venetian school, an artist of the seventeenth century. _MS._ iii. 339.

Calori, Raffaello, a Modenese. His records from 1452 till 1474.

_Tiraboschi._ iv. 36.

Calvart, Dionisio, of Antwerp, or Dionisio of Flanders, d. at Bologna in 1619. _Malvasia._ b. about 1565, d. 1619. _Oretti_, who cites the inscription on his tomb at the _Servi_. v. 70.

Calvetti, Alberto, a Venetian, pupil to Celesti. _Zanetti._ iii. 350.

Calvi, Lazzaro, a Genoese, b. 1502, d. aged 105. _Soprani._ v. 374.

---- Pantaleo, his brother, d. 1595. _Soprani._ _ib._

---- Agostino, their father, lived in 1528. _Soprani._ _ib._

---- Giulio, called Il Coronaro, a Cremonese, d. 1596. _Zaist._ iv. 192.

Calza, Ant., a Veronese, b. 1653, d. 1714. _Guarienti._ Or rather b. 1636, d. Jan. 27, 1738. _Oretti, Mem._ iii. 340.

Cama.s.sei, Andrea, da Bevagna, d. 1648, aged 47. _Pa.s.seri._ ii. 207.

Cambiaso, Gio., a Genoese, b. 1495, d. old. _Soprani._ v. 378.

---- Luca, or Luchetto, his son, d. 1580. _Palomino._ Or 1585, aged 58.

_Ratti._ b. 1527, d. about 1585. _Mariet. Descript._ _ib._

---- Orazio, son of Luca. _Soprani._ v. 384.

Camerata, Gius., a Venetian, d. 1762, aged 94. _Longhi._ iii. 356.

Camerino, da, F. Giacomo, painted in 1321. _Della Valle._ i. 382, ii. 15.

Camillo, according to some, of the n.o.ble house of Incontri di Volterra, pupil to Guido, lived in 1634. _Guida di Volterra._ v. 155.

Campagnola, Girolamo, a Paduan, in mistake referred to the Marca Trevigiana by _Guarienti_; flourished in the fifteenth century. _Vasari._ iii. 167.

---- Giulio, his son, flourished about 1500. _Guida di Padova._ i. 122, iii. 167.

---- Domenico, supposed son of Giulio, but only his pupil and a Venetian, not a Paduan. _Morelli_, _Notizia_, p. II. p. 110. Lived in 1543. _MS._ i.

110, iii. 167.

Campana, Andrea, a Modenese, lived in the fifteenth century. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 36.

---- Tommaso, a Bolognese, pupil to the Caracci. _Malvasia._ v. 196.

Campanna, Pietro, of Flanders, d. decrepid in 1570. _Palomino._ ii. 122.

Campi, Galeazzo, a Cremonese, d. 1536, aged 61. _Zaist._ iv. 158.

---- Giulio, his son, b. about 1500, d. 1572. _Zaist._ iv. 169.

---- Antonio, Cav., another son, living in 1586. _Zaist._ Made his will in 1591. _Oretti, Memor._ iv. 173.

---- Vincenzio, another son, d. 1591. _Zaist._ See what is said relating to the epochs of the three brothers, iv. 175.

---- Bernardino, b. 1522, was living in 1584. _Zaist._ Some autograph letters of Bernardino, copied from Oretti, bear date 1588, 89, and 90. iv.

177, 287.

Campidoglio, da, Michelangiolo, a Roman, flourished about 1600. _Pascoli._ ii. 259.

Campiglia, Gio. Domenico, a Lucchese, b. 1692. _R. Gall. di Firenze._ i.


Campino, Gio. da Camerino, a painter of the seventeenth century. _Orlandi._ ii. 205.

Campo, da, Liberale, painted in 1418. _Federici._ iii. 38.

Campolo, Placido, a Messinese, d. in the plague of 1743, aged 50. _Hakert._ ii. 441.