The History Of Painting In Italy

Chapter 82

Carbone, Gio. Bernardo, a Genoese, d. 1683, aged 69. _Ratti._ v. 412. _See also_ Scacciani.

Cardi, _see_ Da Cigoli.

Cardisco, called Marco Calabrese, flourished from 1508 to 1542. _Vasari._ ii. 375.

Carducci, or, as he signs himself, in _Conca_, Carducho, Bartolommeo, a Florentine, b. about 1560, d. 1610. _Baldinucci._ i. 267.

---- Vincenzio, his brother, d. 1638, aged 60. _Conca._ i. 268.

Cariani, Gio., a Bergamese. His notices to 1519. iii. 116.

Carigliano, da, Biagio, pupil to Ricciarelli. _Vasari_; who mistook his country. Read Cutigliano. i. 276.

Carlevaris, Luca, of Udine, b. 1665, living in 1718. _Orlandi._ d. 1731.

_MS._ He was called di Ca Zen.o.brio, and commonly Casan.o.brio, from the n.o.ble family who patronised him, iii. 384.

Carlieri, Alberto, b. at Rome in 1672, living in 1718. _Orlandi._ ii. 338.

Carlini, P. Alberigo da Pescia, Minore Osservante. d. 1775, aged 70. i.


Carlone, or Carloni, _Orlandi_, Gio., a Genoese, d. 1630, at Milan, aged 39. _Ratti._ iv. 297, v. 406.

---- Gio. Batista, his brother, d. 1680, aged about 86. _Ratti._ iv. 297, v. 407.

---- Andrea, or Gio. Andrea, son of the preceding, b. 1626. _Pascoli._ Or rather 1639, d. 1697. _Ratti._ v. 429.

---- Niccolo, brother of Andrea, and pupil of the same, v. 430.

Carnevale, Fra., or F. Bartol. Corradini, a Dominican, from Urbino, lived in 1474; appears to have been deceased in 1478. _Lazzari._ ii. 22, 53.

---- Domenico, da Modena, painted in 1654. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 51.

Carnio, Antonio del Friuli, was living in 1680. _Guarienti._ iii. 296, 297.

---- Giacomo, survived the year 1680. _Renaldis._ iii. 297.

Carnuli, da, in the Genoese, F. Simone Francescano, painted in 1519.

_Soprani._ v. 367.

Caroselli, Angiolo, a Roman, b. 1585, d. 1653. _Pa.s.seri._ ii. 204.

Carotto, Gio. Franc., a Veronese, b. 1470, d. aged 76. _Pozzo._ iii. 82, iv. 11, v. 459.

---- Gio., his brother, d. aged about 60. _Pozzo._ iii. 82, iv. 12.

Carpaccio, Vittore, a Venetian. His works up to 1520. _Zanetti._ On his portrait executed by himself, in possession of the Giustiniani alle Zattere, he inscribed the year 1522. _MS._ iii. 54.

---- Benedetto, also a Venetian, although claimed by the people of Istria, like the preceding. His notices up to 1541. _MS._ _ib._

Carpi and Testa, Ferrarese artists of the fifteenth century. _Cittadella._ v. 300.

---- or de" Carpi, Girolamo da Ferrara, b. 1501, d. aged 55. _Vasari._ Or aged 68. _Baruffaldi._ v. 313.

---- da, Alessandro, pupil of Costa. _Malvasia._ Lived about the middle of the sixteenth century. _Oretti. Cart._ iv. 38.

---- Ugo, flourished in 1500. _Orlandi._ i. 110, iv. 55.

Carpioni, Giulio, a Venetian, b. 1611, d. 1674. _Orlandi._ iii. 303, 312, 340.

---- Carlo, his son. _MS._ iii. 313.

Carradori, Jac. Filippo da Faenza. His altar-piece at S. Cecilia di Faenza, with name and date of 1582. _Oretti, Mem._ v. 48.

Carrari, Balda.s.sare, and Matteo his son, of Ravenna, living about 1511.

_Guida di Ravenna._ v. 39.

Carrega, b. a Sicilian, flourished during the last century. _MS._ ii. 420.

Carriera, Rosalba, a Venetian, b. 1675, d. 1757. _Zanetti._ According to _Freddy_, b. at Vienna in 1672. iii. 382.

Carrucci, _see_ Da Pontormo.

Cartissani, Niccolo, a Messinese, b. 1670, d. 1742. _Florent. Dict._ ii.


Casa, Gio. Martino, di Vercelli, lived about 1654. _MS._ iv. 278.

---- della, _see_ Bernabei.

Casalini, _see_ Torelli.

Casan.o.brio, ought to be written Ca Zen.o.brio, _see_ Carlevaris.

Casella, Gio. Andrea da Lugano, painted at Turin in 1658. _Nuova Guida di Torino._ v. 477.

---- Giacomo. _ib._

---- Francesco, a Cremonese, lived in 1517. _Zaist._ iv. 159.

---- Polidoro, a Cremonese, flourished in 1345. _Zaist._ iv. 151.

Caselli, Cristoforo, called Cristoforo da Parma, and also Il Temperello, painted in 1499. _Aff._ iv. 76.

Casembrot, Abramo, of Holland, a painter of the seventeenth century, in Messina. _Hakert._ ii. 424.

Casentino, di, Jacopo, died old in 1380. _Vasari._ i. 60, 64.

Casini, Gio. da Varlungo in the Flor. territory, b. 1689, d. 1748. _R.