The History Of Painting In Italy

Chapter 102

Impiccati, dagl", Andrea, so called from having painted some felons hanged.

_See_ Del Castagno.

Incisori Antichi, old engravers, i. 121.

Indaco, l", or Jacopo, a Florentine, called l"Indaco, painted in 1534.

_Bottari._ d. aged 68. _Vasari._ i. 96, 170.

---- Francesco, brother of Jacopo. i. 96.

India, Bernardino, a Veronese, living in 1568. _Vasari._ His altar-piece at S. Bernardino of 1572, another of 1579, and a third at S. Nazaro, of 1584.

_Oretti, Memor._ iii. 214.

---- Tullio, father of Bernardino. _Del Pozzo._ _ib._

Ingegno, l", _see_ D"a.s.sisi Andrea.

Ingoli, Matteo, da Ravenna, d. 1631, aged 44. _Ridolfi._ iii. 273.

Ingoni, Gio. Batista, or Gio. Batista, a Modenese. _Vasari._ d. 1608, aged 80. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 51.

Jocino, Ant., a Messinese, painter of landscape in the seventeenth century.

_Hakert._ ii. 425.

Joli, Ant., a Modenese, b. about 1700, d. 1777. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 69.


Laar, (in Italian written and p.r.o.nounced Laer,) Pietro Vander, called Il Bamboccio, b. at Laar in Holland, about 1613, d. 1673. _Gall. Imp._ Or in 1675. _Argensville._ ii. 255.

Lama, Gio. Bernardo, a Neapolitan, b. about 1508, d. about 1579.

_Dominici._ ii. 374.

---- Gio. Batista, a Neapolitan, scholar of Giordano. _Flor. Dic._ ii. 435.

Lamberti, Bonaventura, da Carpi, b. about 1651, d. 1721. _Tiraboschi._ Or b. 5th December, 1652. Letter from his son, in _Oretti_. ii. 291, iv. 66.

Lambertini, Michele, a Bolognese, his work of 1443, with another of 1469.

_Malvasia._ v. 28.

Lamberto, a German, or Lamberto, a Lombard, or Sustermans, or Suavis, b. at Liege in 1506, flourished about 1550. _Orlandi._ iii. 163.

Lambri, Stefano, scholar of Malosso, painted in 1623. _Zaist._ iv. 192.

Lame, delle, _see_ Pupini.

Lamma, Agostino, a Venetian, was employed in 1696, at about the age of 60.

_Melchiori._ iii. 340.

Lamo, Pietro, of Bologna, scholar of Innocenzio da Imola, known by a _MS._ on the paintings of the said city. _Guida di Bologna._ d. 1578, and buried in the cloister of S. Francesco, painted by him with histories of that saint. _Oretti, Memor._ v. 13.

Lamparelli, Carlo, of Spello, pupil of Brandi. _Orlandi._ ii. 214.

Lana, Lodovico, da Modena, d. 1646, aged 49. _Tiraboschi._ iv. 64.

Lancilao and Girolamo, Paduans, lived towards the beginning of the fifteenth century. _Vasari._ i. 99.

Lancisi, Tommaso, of Citta S. Sepolcro, b. 1603, d. aged 79. _Orlandi._ i.


Lanconello, Cristoforo, of Faenza, perhaps a scholar of Barocci. _Lett.

Pitt._, tom. vii. v. 94.

Landriani, Paol Camillo, a Milanese, called Il Duchino, was young in 1591.

_Lomazzo._ His work at La Pa.s.sione, with his name and the year 1602.

_Oretti, Mem._ Deceased shortly before 1619. _Borsieri Supplemento al Morigia._ iv. 288.

Lanetti, Antonio, da Bugnato, a scholar of Gaudenzio. _Lomazzo._ iv. 270.

Lanfranco, Cav. Gio. di Parma, d. 1744, aged 66. _Bellori._ ii. 213, 399, iv. 137, v. 174.

Langetti, Gio. Batista, a Genoese, d. at Venice in 1676, aged 41.

_Zanetti._ v. 427.

Lanini, Bernardino, di Vercelli, was employed in 1546. _Guida di Milano._ d. about 1578. _Della Valle._ iv. 276.

---- Gaudenzio and Girolamo, his brothers. _MS._ iv. 277.

Lanzani, Andrea, a Milanese, d. 1712. _Orlandi._ iv. 321.

Laodicia, a Pavese, living about 1330. _Lomazzo._ iv. 212.

Lapi, Niccol, a Florentine, b. 1661, d. 1732. _Roy. Gall. of Florence._ i.


Lapiccola, Nicola, of Crotone, a scholar of Mancini, ii. 290.

Lapis, Gaetano, di Cagli, b. 1704, d. 1776. _MS._ ii. 303.

Lapo, di, _see_ Arnolfo, _see_ also vol. i. p. 32, where it is proved that Lapo was fellow-pupil, not the father of Arnolfo.

Lappoli, Matteo, of Arezzo, scholar of D. Bartolommeo. _Vasari._ i. 222.

---- Gio. Antonio, his son, d. 1552, aged 60. _Vasari._ i. 222.

Laudati, Gioseffo, of Perugia, lived in 1718. _Orlandi._ ii. 287.

Lavizzario, Vincenzio, a Milanese, flourished in 1520. _MS._ iv. 279.