The History Of Painting In Italy

Chapter 135

Tatta, _see_ Sansovino.

Tavarone, Lazzaro, a Genoese, b. 1556, d. 1641. _Soprani._ v. 384.

Tavella, Carlo Antonio, a Genoese, b. at Milan in 1668, d. at Genoa in 1738. _Ratti._ v. 441.

---- Angiola, his daughter, d. 1746, aged 48. _Ratti._ v. 442.

Tedesco, Emanuello, a scholar of t.i.tian. _Ridolfi._ iii. 164.

---- Gio. Paolo, _see_ Scor, _see also_ Lamberto.

---- del, Jacopo, a Florentine, scholar of Domenico del Ghirlandaio, i. 96.

Temperello, il, _see_ Caselli.

Tempesta, il, _see_ Mulier.

Tempesti, (in the _Lett. Pittor._ and in other books _Tempesta_, and in _Lottini_ called _Tempestino_;) Antonio, a Florentine, d. 1630, aged 75.

_Baglione._ i. 278, ii. 147, 171.

Tempestino, a Roman, flourished about 1680. _Pascoli._ ii. 251.

---- or Tempesti, Domenico, a Florentine, perhaps called also _Dei Marchis_, b. 1652, living in 1718. _Orlandi._ i. 363.

Teniers, David, of Antwerp, called Il Ba.s.sano, d. 1649. _Sandrart._ ii.

241, iii. 211.

Teodoro, a Mantuan, _see_ Ghigi.

---- Monsieur, _see_ Hembreker.

Teofane, of Constantinople, lived in the thirteenth century. _Baruffaldi._ v. 285.

Teoscopoli, _see_ Delle Greche.

Terenzi, Terenzio, called Il Rondolino, a Pesarese; called also Terenzio d"Urbino; d. in the pontificate of Paul V. _Baglione._ ii. 194.

Terzi, Cristoforo, a Bolognese, d. 1743. _Guida di Bologna._ v. 253.

---- Francesco, a Bergamese, d. old at Rome about 1600. iii. 183.

Tesauro, Bernardo, a Neapolitan, flourished from 1460 to 1480, or near it.

_Dominici._ ii. 365.

---- Filippo, a Neapolitan, b. about 1260, d. about 1320. _Dominici._ ii.


---- Raimo, Epifanio, a Neapolitan; his works from 1494 to 1501.

_Dominici._ ii. 366.

Tesi, Mauro, of the state of Modena, d. at Bologna in 1766, aged 36.

_Crespi._ v. 276.

Tesio, il, of Turino, a scholar of Mengs. _MS._ v. 487.

Testa, Pietro, a Lucchese, called Il Lucchesino, b. 1617, d. 1650.

_Pa.s.seri._ i. 323.

Testorino, Brandolin, a Brescian, lived perhaps in the fourteenth century.

_See Morelli Notizia._ iii. 30.

Tiarini, Alesandro, a Bolognese, b. 1577, d. 1688. _Malvasia._ v. 179.

Tibaldi, or Pellegrino di Tibaldo de" Pellegrini, called Pellegrino da Bologna, b. 1527, d. 1591. _Life of Tibaldi, written by Gio. Pietro Zanotti._ v. 59.

---- Domenico, his brother, b. 1541, d. 1583. _Guida di Bologna._ Or d.

1582, aged 42, as stated in P. F. Flaminio da Parma, who gives his epitaph in the _Memorie Storiche_, &c. Parma, 1760. _Oretti, Memor._ v. 62.

Tiepolo, Gio. Bat., a Venetian, d. 1769, aged 77. _Zanetti._ Or d. 1770.

_Conca._ iii. 361.

Tinelli, Cav. Tiberio, b. 1586, d. 1638. _Ridolfi._ iii. 283.

Tinti, Gio. Batista, of Parma, painted in 1590. _Aff._ iv. 137, 138.

Tintore, del, Ca.s.siano, Francesco and Simone, of Lucca, flourished towards the end of the seventeenth century. _MS._ i. 324.

Tintorello, Jacopo, of Vicenza, flourished in the fifteenth century. _Guida di Vicenza._ iii. 34.

Tintoretto, _see_ Robusti.

Tio, Francesco, a Fabrianese, painted in 1318. _Colucci._ ii. 15.

Tisio, _see_ Da Garofolo., di, or t.i.ti, Santi, da Borgo S. Sepolcro, b. 1538, d. 1603.

_Baldinucci._ i. 257.

---- Tiberio, son of Santi, long survived his father. _Baldinucci._ i. 258.

Tiziano, _see_ Tizianello, _see_ Vecellio.

Tiziano, di, _see_ Dante.

Tognone, or Antonio, of Vicenza, a scholar of Zelotti, d. young. _Ridolfi._ iii. 241.

Tolentino, di, Marcantonio, a painter of the sixteenth century. _Colucci._ ii. 167.

Tolmezzo, di, Domenico, of Udine, painted in 1479. _Renaldis._ iii. 39.