The History Of Painting In Italy

Chapter 94

Fiamminghino, _see_ Everardi.

Fiammingo, Arrigo, d. aged 78, in the pontificate of Clement VIII.

_Baglione._ His altar-piece at S. Francesco in Perugia, dated 1564; where he signs himself _Henricus Malinis_. _Mariotti._ ii. 160.

---- Enrico, a scholar of Spagnoletto and of Guido. _Malvasia._ v. 154.

---- Gio., painted in the time of Gregory XIII. _Taia._ ii. 170.

---- Jacopo, a scholar of Maratta. _Vita del Maratta._ ii. 286.

---- Lodovico, _see_ Pozzoserrato.

---- (Il), _see_ La Longe, _see_ Calvart.

Fiasella, Domenico, called, from his district, Il Sarzana, b. 1589. d.

1669. _Soprani._ v. 396.

Ficatelli, Stefano, of Cento, lived in 1700. _Cittadella._ v. 172.

Ficherelli, Felice, a Florentine, called Felice Reposo, b. 1605. d. 1660.

_Baldinucci._ i. 295.

Fidani, Orazio, a Florentine, his works, dating about 1642, d. young. _MS._ i. 288.

Fiesole, da, B. Giovanni, a Dominican, called Il B. Gio. Angelico, b. 1387, d. 1455. _Baldinucci._ Painted in the cathedral of Orvieto. 1457. _Della Valle._ i. 76, ii. 18.

Figino, Ambrogio, a Milanese, flourished about 1590. _Orlandi._ living in 1595. _Morigia._ iv. 275.

---- Girolamo, living also in 1595. iv. 276.

Figolino, Gio. Batista, or Marcello, a Vicentese, lived about 1450.

_Ridolfi._ In two engravings in the imperial cabinet, by his hand, we read, _Marcello Fogolino_. _Zani._ The same in his two pictures at Vicenza. i.

122, iii. 34.

Filgher, M. Corrado, a German, living in 1660. _Boschini._ iii. 338.

Filippi, Camillo, a Ferrarese, d. 1574. _Baruffaldi._ i. 180, v. 316.

---- Bastiano, commonly called Bastianino, his son, b. 1540. _Baruffaldi._ Or rather 1532. _Crespi._ _MS._ d. 1602. _Baruffaldi._ v. 315.

Filippi, Cesare, another son, d. shortly after 1602. _Baruffaldi._ v. 318.

---- Giacomo, a scholar of the Ferrari, d. 1743. _Cittadella._ v. 348.

---- (Taia,) or rather Filipepi, _see_ Botticelli.

Filocamo, Antonio, Paolo, Gaetano, brothers and Messinese, d. in the plague of 1743. _Hakert._ ii. 440.

Finiguerra, Maso, a Florentine, living in 1452. _Gori._ i. 112.

Finoglia, Paol Domenico, d"Orta, d. 1656. _Dominici._ ii. 405.

Fiore, del, Colantonio, a Neapolitan, d. 1444, aged 90. _Dominici._ Or d.

young. _Summozio._ ii. 350.

---- Francesco, a Venetian, deceased in 1434. _Zanetti._ iii. 27.

---- Jacobello, his son, memorials from 1401 to 1436. _MS._ Ridolfi and Zanetti were mistaken in ascribing to him the picture Della Carita, with date of 1446; whereas the Cav. de" Lazzara a.s.sured me of his having read _Johannes Alema.n.u.s Antonius de Murano_. iii. 27.

Fiorentino, Tommaso, lived in Spain, 1511. _Conca._ i. 212.

---- Giuliano, _see_ Bugiardini.

---- Michele, _see_ Alberti.

---- il, _see_ Vaiano, _see_ Stefano, _see_ Vante.

Fiori, Cesare, a Milanese, d. 1702, aged 66. _Orlandi._ iv. 317.

---- da, Mario, _see_ Nucci Gaspero, _see_ Lopez Carlo, _see_ Voglar.

Fiorini, Gio. Batista, a Bolognese, living in 1588. _Malvasia._ Painted along with Aretusi, in the church of the Carita, in 1585. _Oretti, Mem._ ii. 129.

Firenze, da, Giorgio, his works from 1314 to 1325. _Baron Vernazza._ v.


Flori, Bastiano, and Foschi F. Salvatore of Arezzo, a.s.sistants of Vasari, about 1545. i. 270.

---- Bernardino, and Griffi Batista, scholars of Garofolo. _Baruffaldi._ v.


---- N. della Fratta, a painter of the sixteenth century. _MS._ ii. 165.

Floriani, Francesco and Antonio, of Udine, lived in 1568. _Vasari._ Of the first there remains a picture in his native place, with date of 1579, and another of 1586. _Renaldis._ iii. 135.

Floriano, Flaminio, a supposed scholar of Tintoretto. _Zanetti._ iii. 196.

Florigorio, Bastiano, da Udine. _Ridolfi._ Or rather Florigerio, painted in 1533. _Guida di Padova._ iii. 135.

Foco, Paolo, a Piedmontese, lived about 1660. _MS._ v. 490.

Folchetti, Stefano, of Piceno, his work of 1494. ii. 20.

Foler, Antonio, a Venetian, d. 1616, aged 80. _Ridolfi._ iii. 242.

Foligno, da, F. Umile. _Guida di Roma._ Lived the beginning of the eighteenth century. ii. 311.

Folli, Sebastiano, a Sienese, painted in 1608. _Della Valle._ i. 441.