The Iowa

Chapter 11

Catlin, Fourteen Ioway Indians. Given in this author"s Eight Years" Travels in Europe and his Descriptive Catalogue as No-o-mun-nee (He who walks in the rain)

NIH-YU-MAH-NI (La Pluie qui marche)

Maximilian, Travels (p. 272, vol. I)


(One who gives no attention, also known as Roman Nose)

Catlin, Fourteen Ioway Indians

NOTCH-EE-NING-A (No Heart-also called White Cloud)

Catlin, Notes of Eight Years" Travel in Europe, (vol. I) Treaty of 1861


McKenny & Hall Indian Tribes (vol. II, p. 59)


Treaty of 1854


Hamilton, B. A. E., (vol. II, p. 424)


Rhees, Smithsonian Inst.i.tution


Schoolcraft Indian Tribes (vol. III)


McKenny & Hall Indian Tribes (vol. I, p. 151)


McKenny & Hall Indian Tribes (pp. 89-93, vol. II)

OKE-WE-ME (Female bear that walks on the back of another)

Catlin, Fourteen Ioway Indians

PAH-TA-COO-CHEE (The Shooting Cedar)

Catlin, Notes of Eight Years" Travel in Europe, (vol. I)

PEKENIGA (The Little Star)

McKenny & Hall Indian Tribes (pp. 157-160, vol. I)


McKenny & Hall Indian Tribes (pp. 89-93, vol. II)

RANT-CHE-WAI-ME (Female Flying Pigeon)

McKenny & Hall Indian Tribes (vol. I, pp. 147-149)

RUTON-WE-ME (Pigeon on the wing)

Catlin, Fourteen Ioway Indians

RUTON-YE-WE-MA (Strutting Pigeon)

Catlin, Fourteen Ioway Indians

SHAU-HAU-NAPO-TINIA (The man who killed three Sioux)

Also known as Moanahonga (Great Walker) McKenny & Hall Indian Tribes (pp. 161-162, vol. I)

SE-NON-TY-YAH (Blister Feet)