The Iowa

Chapter 7

AIAOUA.-Perrot (1689), _Mem._, 196, 1864.

AIAOUAIS.-_Ibid._, index.

AIAOUEZ.-Jefferys, _French Dom. in Am._, 1, 139, 1761.

AIAUWAY.-_Orig. Jour. Lewis and Clark_ (1804), 1, 61, 1904.

AIAVVIS.-Le Sueur quoted by Ramsey in _Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll._, 1, 45, 1872.

AIEWAYS.-_Orig. Jour. Lewis and Clark_ (1804), 1, 45, 1904.

AIJOUES.-Schoolcraft, _Ind. Tribes_, III, 522, 1853.

AINONES.-Membre(1680) quoted by Hayden, _Ethnog. and Philol. Mo. Vol._, 445, 1862.

AINOVES.-Hennepin, _New Discov._, 132, 1698.

AIOAEZ.-Coues, _Lewis and Clark Exped._, 1, 19, note, 43, 1893.

AIOUEZ.-Charlevoix (1723) in Margry, _Dec._, VI, 526, 1886.

AIOUNOUEA.-Hennepin (1680-82) in Margry, _Dec._, 11, 258, 1877.

AIOWAIS.-Pike, _Trav._, 134, 1811.

AISNOUS.-McKenny and Hall, _Ind. Tribes_, III, 80, 1584.

AJAOUEZ.-Jefferys, _Fr. Dom. Am._, pt. 1, map 1, 1761.

AJOUAS.-Smet, _Miss. de l"Oregon_, 108, 1848.

AJOUES.-Bowles, _map Am._, ca. 1750.

AJOUEZ.-Perrot, _Mem._, index, 1864.

ANJOUES.-Buchanan, _N. Am. Inds._, 155, 1824.

AoAIS.-_N. Y. Doc. Col. Hist._, _X_, 630, 1858.

AONAYS.-Smet, _Letters_, 38, note, 1843 (misprint).

AOUAS.-Cabeca de Vaca misquoted by Schoolcraft, _Ind. Tribes_, II, 37, 1852 (error).

AVAUWAIS.-Lewis and Clark, _Trav._, 14, 1807.

AVOY.-Neill, _Hist Minn._, 200, 1858.

AVOYS.-_Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll._, 1, 32, 1854.

AYAHWA.-Coues, _Lewis and Clark Exped._, 1, 20, note, 1893.

AYAUAIS.-Drake, _Bk. Inds._, VI, 1848.

AYAUVAI.-Coues, _Lewis and Clark Exped._, 1, 19, note, 1893.

AYAUWAIS.-Lewis and Clark, _Discov._, 17, 1806.

AYAUWAS.-Lapham, Blossom, and Dousman, _Inds. Wis._, 3, 1870.

AYAUWAUS.-_Orig. Jour. Lewis and Clark_, 1, 91, 1904.

AYAUWAY.-_Ibid._, 45.

AYAVOIS.-La Harpe and Le Sueur (1699) quoted by Long, _Exped. St.

Peter"s R._, II, 320, 1824.

AYAWAI.-Coues, _Lewis and Clark_, 1, 19, note, 1893.

AYAWAYS.-Lewis and Clark, _Trav._, II, 442, 1814.

AYEOUAIS.-Neill, _Hist. Minn._, 197, 1858.

AYE8AIS.-_N. Y. Doc. Col Hist._, X, 608, 1858.

AYOA.-Martin, _Hist. La._, 301, 1882.

AYOES.-Perrot (1689) in _Minn. Hist. Soc. Coll._, II, pt. 2, 24, 1864.

AYOES.-ditto in _Wis. Hist. Soc. Coll._, XVI, 14, 1902.

AYOOIS.-Bienville (1722) in Margry, _Dec._, VI, 407, 1886.

AYOOUAIS.-Beauharnois and Hocquart (1731) in Margry, _Dec._, VI, 570, 1886.

AYOOUeS.-Iberville (1702) quoted by Neill, _Hist. Minn._, 172, 1858.

AYO8OIS.-_N. Y. Doc. Col. Hist._, IX, 1055, 1855.

AYOUA.-Adelung, _Mithridates_, III, 271, 1816.

AYOUAS.-See Chauvignerie"s _Report of Census, etc._, 1736.

AYOUAHS.-Domenech, _Deserts N. Am._, II, 34, 1860.

AYOUES.-Neill, _Hist. Minn._, 173, 1858.

AYOUEZ.-Lamothe Cadillac (1695) in Margry, _Dec._, V, 124, 1883.