The King of Hell's Genius Pampered Wife

Chapter 1270: Tong Bing’s Request

Chapter 1270: Tong Bing’s Request

Seeing Xi Yue leaving, the smile on the officer’s face turned into disgust, “You’re the Foundation Establishment stage trash who came in through the back door recently right? Tch tch, I was wondering how you a piece of s.h.i.+t can stay in the Miracle Healer Academy! It turns out that you ride on Xi Yue’s coattails!”

“I’m not a trash, and I’m not riding anyone’s coattails!” Tong Bing trembled in anger. His voice had a sobbing tone, “I’m a Foundation Establishment Stage like Xi Yue, why should I ride on his coattails? I came in with my own strength.”

The officer was stunned for a moment, then he laughed with contempt and disdain. He looked at Tong Bing as if he was looking at an idiot, “Foundation Establishment Stage like Xi Yue? Hahaha, you think you have the qualifications to be compared with Xi Yue? What do you think you are?”

Another officer saw that what he said was going too far, he came over and gave him a break. He whispered, “Don’t talk about it, this person was brought in by Xi Yue. Maybe he has a good relations.h.i.+p with Xi Yue. If Xi Yue knows you humiliating him, who knows how that plague will torment us?”

As soon as he said this, the officer immediately restrain his himself with a look of panic in his eyes.

Then, seeing that there was no sign of Hexi around, he snorted coldly and threw out an inscribed jade slip, “Nah, you are lucky. A mere Foundation Establishment stage trash can even live a courtyard alone.”

But Tong Bing didn’t pick up the inscribed jade slip. He widened his eyes and said stubbornly, “I… I want to live in a dormitory with Mr. Xi, I know that Huang No. 1 Dormitory only has 2 people now. I don’t want a courtyard alone.”

“You want to live in Huang No. 1 Dormitory?” The officer scratched his ears with a look of disbelief.

Tong Bing nodded heavily, “I, I want to live with Xi Yue. I want to learn from him.”

Hahaha... Idiot, you aren’t afraid of death?” The officer laughed out loud. The other officer who had just persuaded him also showed a mocking look, “Do you think a n.o.body like you can simply stay in th Huang No. 1 Dormitory?”

Tong Bing widened his eyes in confusion and looked at the people who mocked him with contempt. The depression and anger in his heart made him slowly clench his fists, “Why can Xi Yue live, but I can’t?”

The officer sneered and said sinisterly, “Okay, if you want to live, I will fulfill your wish. But, when you become a corpse and get thrown out, don’t blame me for being cruel.”

The other officer explained with a cold face, “I advise you not to fool around if you know what you are doing. Except for Xi Yue, no one in Huang No. 1 Dormitory can come out intact after living in it. The other resident who lives there is a hundred times more terrifying than Xi Yue.”

“But, Xi Yue clearly lives there…” Tong Bing clenched his fists and muttered. Confusion and panic flashed across his eyes, but he quickly regained his determination, “I… want to live in Huang No. 1. Dormitory! I must live there!”

Tch—! You are really ungrateful.” The officer looked at his companion and sneered, “We have already advised you. If you suffer, don’t complain to Xi Yue that it was our fault.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve recorded his words just now with recording stone. Even if he complains to Xi Yue, it’s not our fault. He asked for it, haha…”

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