The Ladies' Work-Book

Chapter 5

Make sufficient number of ta.s.sels to go round. Wind the cotton over a card three inches wide, cut one end, and draw through the loop of netting, and make four more ta.s.sels larger; over a card six inches wide for the corners. Six squares measure one inch.



[Ill.u.s.tration: OTTOMAN COVER.]

MATERIALS:--Brooks" Goat"s-head Netting Cotton, Nos. 30 and 36; Embroidering, No. 40; Steel Mesh, No. 12, and Steel Netting Needle.

For the upper side of the cushion use No. 36 Cotton, and commence with one st.i.tch, and make one at the end of every row until you have 83 loops on your mesh; then decrease one at the end of every row until you have only one left; then fasten off; then darn it with Embroidering Cotton, No. 40, according to the engraving, always taking care that there are the same number of threads in every square, and that the threads all run the same way, making as few breaks in the cotton as possible; in fastening off, or beginning again, always let it be on the under-side, that the ends may not be seen. Then for the under-side of the cushion, make another piece exactly similar to the other one in size, but with a thicker cotton, No. 30. The two pieces must then be joined together, and placed upon a cushion stuffed with wool and covered with a dark purple, crimson, or green velvet; the whole afterwards finished with a thick twisted cord in two colours, with ma.s.sive ta.s.sels at the corners to match.


MATERIALS.--Eight reels of Brooks" Goat"s-head Crochet Cotton, No. 8; crochet hook, No. 18.

This couvrette is begun in the centre, and worked round and round, the thread never being broken off but when it is so mentioned in the receipt.

Make a chain of 6; close it into a round, on which do 8 s.c. st.i.tches.

2nd round: X 1 d.c. under a st.i.tch (taking up both sides of the chain), 2 ch., miss none, X 8 times. Close the round with a slip st.i.tch on the first d.c.

3rd: 1 s.c. on every chain st.i.tch, and 2 s.c. on every d.c. in the round.

4th: 3 ch., twist them, and continue as a d.c. st.i.tch; X 3 ch., miss 3, 3 d.c., all on the second of the 2 s.c. worked on one in last row, X 7 times; 3 ch., miss 3, 2 d.c. on last st.i.tch of last row; slip on the top of the three-twisted chain, which completes the round.

5th: Begin this and all succeeding rounds with a d.c. st.i.tch, made of 3 ch., X ch., miss 3 ch., 2 d.c. on first d.c., 1 on next, 2 on next, X 7 times; 3 ch., miss 3, 2 d.c. on 1 d.c., 1 d.c. on next; slip on top of the 3 chain that began the round.

6th: Worked exactly like 5th, with 2 d.c. on the first and last of every 5, and 1 on each of the intermediate, so that the round consists of 8 sides, of 7 d.c. each, divided by a chain of three.

7th: The same, with 10 d.c. over the 7.

8th: The same, with 12 d.c. over the 10.

9th: 3 ch., twist it into a d.c. st.i.tch, X 3 more chain, 2 d.c. in the first of 12, 4 d.c. in next 4, 3 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c. in 4, 2 d.c. in last of 12, X 7 times; 3 ch., 2 d.c. in first, 4 d.c. in 4, 3 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c. in 4, 1 d.c. in the same as the twisted chain; finish with a slip st.i.tch.

10th: Begin, as usual, with 6 ch; then on each section of the octagon, X 4 d.c. on first 4, 3 ch., miss 2, 3 d.c. on 3 ch., 3 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c. on 4, X 3 ch. between. At the last of the 8 finish with 3 d.c., as the last is made at the beginning of the round; slip on the top of it.

11th: Begin and end as usual [_see note_]. On each section do X 2 d.c.

on 2, 3 ch., miss 2, 3 d.c. on 3 ch., 3 ch., miss 3 d.c., 3 d.c. on 3 ch., 3 ch., miss 2, 2 d.c. on last 2, 3 ch., X.

12th: Begin and end as usual. On each section work X 2 d.c. on 1, 4 d.c. on 4, 3 ch., miss 3, 3 d.c. on 3 ch., 3 ch., miss 3, 4 d.c. on 4, 2 d.c. on the last, 3 ch., X.

13th: Begin and end as usual. On each division do X 2 d.c. on 1, 8 d.c. on 8, 4 ch., miss 3, 8 d.c. on 8, 2 d.c. on 1, 3 ch., X.

14th: All d.c., increasing so as to have 26 on each side of the octagon, with the usual 3 ch. between the divisions.

15th: Begin and end as usual. Work on each part X 7 d.c. on 7, X 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., X twice; 2 ch. miss 2, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 8 d.c. on 8, 3 ch., X.

16th: Begin and end as usual. Work on each part X 2 d.c. on 1, 4 d.c.

on 4, 2 ch., miss 2, 14 d.c. on 14, 2 ch., miss 2, 5 d.c. on 5, 2 d.c. on 1, 3 ch., X.

[Ill.u.s.tration: MUSIC STOOL COUVRETTE.]

17th: Begin and end as usual. X 2 d.c. on 1, 3 d.c. on 3, 2 ch., miss 2, 6 d.c. on 6, 2 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 5 d.c. on 5, 2 ch., miss 2, 4 ch. on 4, 2 d.c. on 1, 3 ch. X.

18th: Begin and end as usual, X 2 d.c. on 1, 4 d.c. on 4, 2 ch., miss 2, 6 d.c. on 6, 2 ch., miss 2, 13 d.c. on 13, 2 ch., miss 1, 4 d.c. on 4, 2 d.c. on 1, 3 ch. X.

19th: Begin and end as usual. X 6 d.c. on 6, 2 ch., miss 2, 6 d.c. on 6, 2 ch., miss 2, 3 d.c. on 3, 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c. 2 ch., miss 1, 4 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 6 d.c., 3 ch., X.

20th: Begin and end as usual. X 2 d.c. on 1, 5 d.c. on 5, 2 ch., miss 2, 6 d.c. on 6, 2 ch., miss 2, 3 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 12 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, 5 d.c., 3 ch., X.

21st: Begin and end as usual, X 9 d.c. 3 ch., miss 2, 9 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 3 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c., 2 d.c. in 1, 3 ch., X.

22nd: Begin and end as usual. X 10 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 9 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 3 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 7 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 5 d.c., 2 d.c.

in 1, 3 ch., X.

23rd: Begin and end as usual. X 2 d.c. in 1, 11 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 12 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 7 d.c., 2 ch, miss 2, 6 d.c., 2 d.c. in 1, 3 ch., *.

24th: Break off the thread in this and the following round, and begin at the beginning of a division of the octagon, instead of at the last st.i.tch as. .h.i.therto. X 14 d.c., beginning on the _second_ in the division, 2 ch., miss 2, 8 d c., 2 ch., miss 2, 9 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 7 d.c., 3 ch., d.c. on the centre of the 3 chain of last round, 3 ch., X. [Work in the ends of cotton as you go on, and slip on the first st.i.tch at the end of every round.]

25th: X miss the first d.c. of the last row, 1 _diminished_ st.i.tch on the two next, 12 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 12 d.c., X 2 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c., * twice; 1 diminished st.i.tch on the next 2, ** 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., ** 4 times, 2 ch., X.

26th: X 1 diminished d.c. st.i.tch on the two first of 12, 11 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 9 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 5 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 3 d.c., 1 diminished d.c., 1 ch, miss 1, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., 1 ch., X.

27th: X 1 diminished d.c. on two first of 11, 10 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 8 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 2 d.c., 1 diminished d.c., 3 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 10 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1 d.c., 3 ch., miss 2, X.

28th: X 1 diminished d.c. (beginning on the same of last round), 6 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 3 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 5 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 2 d.c., 1 diminished d.c., 2 ch., d.c. on centre of 3 ch. in last round, 2 ch., miss 1, 7 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 7 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, d.c. on centre of 3 ch., 2 ch., X.

29th: X 5 d.c. beginning on the diminished st.i.tch of last round, 2 ch., miss 2, 6 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 10 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 3 d.c., 3 ch., miss 2, 7 d.c., ** 2 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., ** twice, 2 ch., miss 2, 7 d.c., 3 ch., miss 2, X.

30th: X (begin on the second of 5 d.c.), 4 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 8 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 6 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, **

1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, ** twice, 7 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 7 d.c., *** 2 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., *** twice; 2 ch., miss 1, X.

31st: X (begin on the second of 4 d.c.), 5 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 6 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 5 d.c., 1 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, ** 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, ** three times, 10 d.c., *** 2 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., *** 3 times, 2 ch., miss 1, 1 d.c., 1 ch., miss 1, *.

32nd: X (begin on the second of 5), 6 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 2 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 4 d.c., 2 ch., miss 2, 6 d.c., 3 ch., miss 2, 5 open squares, 1 close, 5 open, 1 d.c., 3 ch., miss 2, X.

33rd: X (begin on second of 6), 7 d.c., ** 2 ch., miss 2, 1 d.c., **

twice; 2 ch., miss 2, 7 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, 13 open squares, 1 d.c., 2 ch., miss 1, X.