The Lady's Album of Fancy Work for 1850

Chapter 15

_Materials--One skein of cerise, one of blue fine crochet-silk, one skein of gold twist; one hank of gold beads No. 6, one ditto of silver; a gilt top and ta.s.sel will also be required_.

Thread the gold beads on the cerise silk, and the silver on the blue, and with the cerise make a chain of 7 st.i.tches, unite; make 2 st.i.tches in each st.i.tch in the 1st round, in every alternate in the 2d, and in every third in the 3d, pa.s.sing down a bead in every st.i.tch; work thus, increasing in each st.i.tch until there are 42 bead-st.i.tches in the round; now decrease each division of the star, working 6 bead-st.i.tches, 1 plain, increasing in the plain st.i.tch; then decrease 1 bead-st.i.tch in every round till but one remain, increasing always in the same st.i.tch in each round; work 2 plain rounds, still increasing as before; work 1 round with gold twist, without increasing; 1 round with cerise, pa.s.sing down a bead at every st.i.tch; and 1 round again with twist. Commence with blue, and work 1 plain round. There ought now to be 64 st.i.tches in the round; if a greater number should be found, decrease by missing a st.i.tch as may be found necessary. This must be done in the first round worked with blue.--_2d round (with blue)_. 10 plain, 3 beads, 1 plain, 2 bead-st.i.tches; repeat all round.--

_2d round_. 8 plain, 8 beads; repeat.--

_3d round_. 12 plain, 4 beads; repeat.--

_4th round_. 4 plain, 4 beads, 5 plain, 3 beads; repeat.--

_5th round_. 2 plain, 6 beads, _4_ plain, 2 beads, 1 plain, 1 bead; repeat.--

_6th round_. 1 plain, 4 beads, 2 plain, 3 beads, 1 plain, 1 bead, 2 plain, 2 beads; repeat.--

_7th round_. 2 plain, 2 beads, 2 plain, 5 beads, 3 plain, 1 bead; repeat.--

_8th round_. 1 plain, 2 beads, 3 plain, 5 beads, 3 plain, 2 beads.--

_9th round_. 2 plain, 2 beads, 3 plain, 5 beads, 2 plain, 2 beads; repeat.--

_10th round_. 1 plain, 2 beads, 2 plain, 1 bead, 1 plain, 3 beads, 2 plain, 4 beads; repeat.--

_11th round_. 2 plain, 1 bead, 1 plain, 2 beads, 4 plain, 6 beads; repeat.--

_12th round_. 5 plain, 3 beads, 4 plain, 4 beads; repeat.--

_13th round_. 12 plain, 4 beads; repeat,--_14th round_. 8 plain, 8 beads; repeat.--

_15th round_. 10 plain, 2 beads, 1 plain, 3 beads; repeat.--

_17th round_. Plain, decreasing by missing every 16th st.i.tch. Work 1 round with gold, then divide the purse, and work one-half with cerise; work 8 rows, pa.s.sing down a bead at every st.i.tch, and decreasing a st.i.tch at the beginning and end of each row; work the other half to correspond; sew on to the top, and finish with ta.s.sel in the centre of star.



_Materials--White, and three shades of scarlet and shaded green Berlin wool;_ _Penelope crochet No. 2_.

With white make a chain of 84 st.i.tches; work a row of single open crochet.--

_2d row (lightest scarlet)_. 3 chain, 3 long, miss 2; repeat to the end.--

_3d row (second shade of scarlet)_. 1 long worked in the centre long st.i.tch of previous row, 5 chain; repeat.--

_4th row (dark scarlet)_. 3 long worked above the long, and the last and first st.i.tches of the chain, 4 chain; repeat.--

_5th row (green)_. Commence in the edge st.i.tch of third row. 5 chain, miss 3 *, 5 long, 3 chain, miss 1; repeat from *, and work to the end, which must be finished with 5 chain, 1 plain, worked in the third row.--

_6th row (white)_. Commence at the edge-st.i.tch of the third row. 6 chain, * 5 plain worked above the 5 long of previous row, 4 chain: repeat from * to the end, and finish with 6 chain. Fasten the white wool to the second st.i.tch of fourth row, 6 chain, 3 plain worked above the 3 long of fourth row; repeat. Pa.s.s through every second st.i.tch of white row, and place a rosette of ribbon at the end.



_Materials--Crimson satin and gold twist_.

Draw the design, and work in embroidery-st.i.tch. This elegant design is suitable for the centre of a book-cover, a watch-pocket, and many other purposes, which the taste of the worker may suggest.



_Materials--Raworths crochet-thread No. 30, or fine knitting-cotton_.

Use cotton No. 10 for embroidering the pattern. Meshes No. 4, No. 6, and a flat mesh three-fourths of an inch in width, will be required for the edge.

Commence with a foundation of 300 loops on mesh No. 4, and net till the length required is worked; then net the following edge at the sides and end; net two loops in every loop on the large mesh, making four loops in the corner loops.--

_2d row_. Take two loops together, netting two in these.--

_3d row_. Take every loop on mesh No. 6.--

_4th row_. Like 3d row.--

_5th row_. Net two loops in every loop on the large mesh.--

_6th and 7th rows_. Like 3d and 4th. Work the pattern in darning-st.i.tch, as in ill.u.s.tration.

[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 63. ROUND COLLAR.]