The Lady's Album of Fancy Work for 1850

Chapter 13

_Flowers for the Border_.--The following is the mode of working this pattern:--Make 28 chain. Turn. Miss 17, 1 plain, 1 chain, 1 long, 2 chain. Continue to work 1 long and 2 chain all round the flower.--

_2d round_. 3 plain under every 2 chain; 4 plain in the stem. Fasten off for the leaf.

12 chain. Turn. Miss 2; 7 long st.i.tches in 7 following chain, 1 plain; 1 chain to cross the stem; 3 long, 1 plain in the same chain as last long; 3 long, 1 plain, 5 long to turn the point; 1 plain, 3 long, 1 plain twice; 7 plain in stem. Fasten off. The second flower, worked as the first, is united to it by working the eighth plain st.i.tch of the last round of the flowers into a st.i.tch the same distance from the stem of the first flower. To turn the corners of the collar, work a flower without a leaf. Continue these flowers the length of the collar.

_Leaves and Flowers for the Centre_:--

_First leaf_. 31 chain. Turn. Insert the needle into the nineteenth chain; 1 plain, 1 chain to cross the stem; 3 long into three following chain; 2 long in 1 chain, 4 long, 2 long in 1 chain; 3 long to turn the points. Then down the other side of the leaf the same. 4 plain in the stem; 1 chain to cross the stem.--

_Second leaf_. 21 chain, and work as first leaf. When finished, work 4 plain down the stem.--

_Third leaf_. 13 chain. Turn. Miss 1, 1 plain, 7 long, 1 plain.--

_The flower_. 17 chain. Turn. Insert the needle in the tenth chain to form a loop; work 15 plain st.i.tches in the loop.--

_1st round_. 6 chain, miss 2, 1 plain five times.--

_2d round_. 7 plain st.i.tches in every 6 chain.--

_3d round_. 3 chain, miss 1, 1 plain; repeat. 17 plain in the stem.

Fasten off for the band.

Work a chain the length of the collar.--

_1st row_. Plain.--

_2d row_. 1 plain, 2 long, 3 double long, 2 long, 1 plain; repeat.

_Directions for making up the collar_.--After the leaves, flowers, band, and border are worked, cut the shape of the collar in pink or blue paper; gum a piece of holland at the back of the paper, to prevent its tearing; tack the border on the paper pattern, the right side downwards; then sew on the sprigs as in the engraving. Sew the edges of the leaves and flowers nicely, to prevent their turning up; then, with a sewing-needle and fine cotton, unite the flowers, leaves, and borders, by pa.s.sing the needle from one part of a leaf or flower to another four or five times; then pa.s.s the needle under the bars formed six or eight times, according to the length of the bar; pa.s.s the needle to another part, and continue to connect the work in this manner throughout the collar.

[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 50. MITTEN.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 51. FLORAL COLLAR.]


[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 53. WINTER HEAD-DRESS.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 54. "BABOCHE," OR CANDLE ORNAMENT.]



_Materials--Black satin or velvet; three shades of green, two ditto of crimson, two ditto of blue, and one skein of olive silk; and one piece of silver twist_.

Work, in embroidery-st.i.tch, the leaves with the greens, the flowers with the crimson, the stems with the olive, the harp with blue, the cords of harp with the silver twist, and the shamrocks with green.



_Materials--Half-an-ounce of shaded scarlet Berlin wool, and six skeins of white wool; Penelope crochet No. 2_.

With white make a chain measuring 18 inches. Work a row in single open crochet. With scarlet work 2 rows, decreasing 1 st.i.tch at the end of each row. Work the next row with white, and continue alternately 2 rows scarlet and 1 white, decreasing every row until 9 rows are completed.

_For the Borders_.--With white work in chains of 7, missing every alternate st.i.tch at the back, and taking every st.i.tch at the sides; and for the s.p.a.ce of 24 st.i.tches in the centre of the cap miss 2 st.i.tches.

Work a second row of chains of 7 at the sides. Work an additional border in the same manner, taking the st.i.tches above the third row of white.

Pa.s.s casings of scarlet ribbon through each of the rows of white wool, place loops of the same between the borders, join the cap behind, and finish with a rosette of ribbon.


The materials required are, a quarter of a yard of bright rose-coloured glazed muslin, a quarter of a yard of white glazed jaconet muslin, two pieces of card of three inches and a half long and one inch broad; join in, and cut out of rose and white jaconet muslin twenty pieces of each colour; fold them, and sew on the card 5 rose, then 5 white, all round, and your baboche will be completed.--(_See_ drawing.) We a.s.sure our fair readers they are exceedingly pretty, and certainly not found _difficult_.



SEE directions in page 22.