The Lady's Album of Fancy Work for 1850

Chapter 9

_16th round_. 7 long, 7 chain, 1 long, 5 chain, 1 long, 5 chain, 1 long, 5 chain, 1 long, 7 chain; repeat.--

_17th round_. 5 long, 3 chain, 1 long worked in the centre st.i.tch of 7 chain, 5 chain, 1 long, 5 chain, 1 long, 5 chain, 1 long, 5 chain, 1 long, 5 chain, 1 long, 5 chain; repeat.--

_18th round_. 3 long, 5 chain, 1 long, 5 chain, 1 long, 5 chain, 1 long, 5 chain, 1 long, 5 chain, 1 long, 5 chain.--

_19th round_. 1 long, 7 chain; repeat all round.--

_20th round_. 1 long, 2 chain, miss 2; repeat all round.--

_21st round_. 3 plain, 9 chain, miss 5; repeat all round.--

_22d round_. 2 chain, 1 long, miss 1; repeat all round.

[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 30. Scagliola Work.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 31. Garniture for Toilette-Basket.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 32. Greek Cap.]



_Material--Raworth"s crochet-thread No_. 70.

_Band of insertion for the Wrist_.--19 c s, unite d c round this ring eighteen times, which will cover about three-quarters of the ring. Turn the work wrong side up. 6 c s, miss 2, s c into third st.i.tch; repeat this five times more. Turn 1 d c, 5 l s, 1 d c, into every s.p.a.ce formed by 6 c s, d c round the remaining part of the ring six times; fasten off, leaving one end about three inches long. Turn on the wrong side.

Begin on the third st.i.tch of third scallop of last flower. 12 c s, s c into fifth st.i.tch of next scallop, forming a loop over the two centre scallops. Turn. D c round this loop eighteen times. Turn. * 6 c s, miss 2, s c into third st.i.tch; repeat from * five times more. Turn. 1 d c, 5 l s, 1 d c into every s.p.a.ce formed by 6 c s; fasten off, leaving one end as in last flower. Work fifteen of these flowers, thread a fine needle with the ends left, and make a few st.i.tches on the wrong side to secure them. The band between the two puffings is to be worked exactly the same; but there must be eighteen flowers instead of fifteen. Commence the fulness on the band for the wrist on the first scallop, at the edge, 5 c s (working in the end of the thread), s c into the centre of next scallop, * 6 c s, s c into the first scallop of next flower. 5 c s, s c into next scallop; repeat from * to the end of the band.

_2d row_. Commence on the first loop of 5 c s in last row, * 8 c s, d c round the next loop, 8 c s, d c round the same loop; repeat from * to the end of the row.--_3d row_. Commence on first loop of 8 c s in last row, 9 c s, d c into next loop, 9 c s, d c into next loop; repeat to the end of the row.--_4th row_. Commence on the same loop of 8 c s, as the last row was begun on 10 c s, d c round the centre of first loop in last row, * 9 c s, d c round the next loop; repeat from * to the end of the row. After the d c st.i.tch round the last loop in this row, make 5 c s, and draw the end of the cotton through. _These 5 c s must be worked at the end of every alternate row, in order to keep the ends of the fulness even_. Work four more rows like the two last, making in all six rows, then seven rows, having 10 c s in each loop, every alternate row of which is begun in the same loop as the preceding row, having 12 c s in the first loop. Then work six more rows like the former six, having 9 c s in each loop. This will make nineteen rows of loops: fasten off. Work a fulness on the upper band of insertion in exactly the same manner, and gather it in at the top next the sleeve in this way: commence on the first loop 2 c s, take the next loop on the needle, and d c round it once, 2 c s, * d c round next loop once, 2 c s; repeat from * to end of row. In the next row, work 1 l s into every st.i.tch of last row.

To unite the fulness on the wristband to the upper band of insertion, turn them both on the wrong side, and hold them as if they were to be sewn together, the insertion being at the back. Take the first loop, and the centre st.i.tch of the first scallop, on the needle, and work 1 s c to unite them, 3 c s, s c the next loop and centre st.i.tch of the next scallop, o 4 c s, s c the next loop and centre of first scallop in next flounce together, 3 c s, s c next loop and next scallop, o * 4 c s, s c next loop and next scallop, 2 c s; take the next loop on the needle _without_ the scallop, and s c once round it, 2 c s, s c the next loop and next scallop together; repeat from * to end of row, except on the two last flowers, which must be worked as from o to o.

_For the Edging on the Wristband_.--Commence on the first scallop of the insertion, * 5 c s, s c into next scallop, 6 c s, s c into next scallop; repeat from * to end of row.

_2d row_. 10 c s, 1 l s, into first loop of last row, * 3 c s, 1 l s into same loop, 3 c s, 1 l s into next loop; repeat from * to end of row.--

_3d row_. 7 c s, d c round every loop of last row.--

_4th row_. 4 c s, 1 l s into every loop of last row.--

_5th row_. Begin on the first loop of third row, 6 c s, 5 l s into first loop of last row, 4 c s, d c into next loop, * 4 c s, 5 l s into next loop, 4 c s, d c into next loop; repeat from *.--

_6th row_. 4 d c st.i.tches round first loop of 6 c s in last row, 8 c s, * miss the 5 l s, d c four times round the next loop of 4 c s, 4 d c round the next loop, 8 c s; repeat from *.--

_7th row_. Begin on first loop of 8 in last row, 7 c s, s c _between_ the two loops of 4 d c each, * 7 c s, s c round the centre of 8 c s in last row, 10 c s, d c round the same loop, 7 c s, s c between the two loops of 4 d c; repeat from * to end of row. This finishes the edging.

D c round the ends of the puffings, taking in the ends left on finishing the rows. Make a chain of 15 st.i.tches at the ends of the two bands of insertions, and s c into the edge for a small loop. D c round these twenty-four times, and sew a small pearl b.u.t.ton on the other ends of the bands. The insertion may have a narrow satin ribbon run through the open holes, finished by a small bow at the upper part of the sleeve.

[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 33. Flower-Stand.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 34. Cover for Ta.s.sel of Window-Blind.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 35. Under-Sleeve.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 36. Smoking Cap.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 37. Baby"s Cap.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 38. Border for a Baby"s Cap.]



_Materials--Claret-coloured velvet, gold braid, and a gold band and ta.s.sels_.

Six pieces of velvet, three nails in length, and the width given in diagram will be required, and these must be sloped to a point. Draw the designs upon the velvet with a white crayon, and sew on the braid; arrange the patterns in alternate order; neatly join the pieces of velvet, and edge each joining with braid; line with silk, and finish with band and ta.s.sels.



_Materials--Raworth"s threads Nos. 90 and 100, and Penelope crochet No.


With No. 90 make a chain of 3 loops, join and work a round of double crochet.--