The Land of Midian (Revisited)

Chapter 38

Dec. 25. 7a.m. 29.10 739 50 50 45 29 Morning cool and clear.

Noon. 29.20 - 72 68 55 21 Very clear, still, and hot. Slight breeze from sea (west). Sun strong.

Swarms of flies. Dry bulb in sun, 73 degrees; wet, 60 degrees.

3p.m. 29.16 741 72 69 54 15 Cool and gentle breeze from sea, dispersing the swarms of flies. At times "sand-devil" from north-west.

All this day"s observations taken on writing table in large tent. Night cold: cold severest after two a.m. and before sunrise. Sky at night perfectly clear.

Wind from north turning to east, a Barri ("land-breeze"). Height of Jebel el- Abyaz above tents, by aneroid = 350 feet (29.20 - 28.85 = 0.35).

Dec. 26. 7.15a.m. 29.21 743 48 46 43 22 In tent. Sky perfectly clear.

Noon. 29.26 - 76 77 55 6 Sun very hot. Air quite still. Fleecy clouds from west over the sun.

4.45p.m. 29.23 743 73 69 55 8 Sun cooler. Air perfectly clear.

Dec. 27. 7a.m. 29.16 740 50 49 43 5 3 In tent. Morning cold and clear: few flecks of cloud to east. Air feels intensely dry.

12.30p.m.29.23 743 77 74 58 9 Fine cirri high up. Sky blue. Sun veiled at times. Very little wind, a breath from north.

3.20p.m. 59.16 742 80 77 56 6 Sky with filmy white clouds, thicker at west.

Sun hidden; very hot at noon (rain-sun?). Not a breath of air. Sense of intense dryness. Ink evaporates at once. Cool breeze started up shortly after 3.30 p.m.

from west, then clouds thickened. Thermometer fell 4 degrees.

Cool evening; quite clear. Fevers and feverish colds begin to show themselves in camp. Minimum thermometer during night--No. 1, 45 degrees; No. 2, 46 degrees; French, 15-1/2 degrees (Centigrade).

Dec. 28 7a.m. 29.10 739 55 53 46 10 In tent. Still. Neither warm nor cold. Mottled clouds.

Noon. 29.13 740 78 72 58 4 Clouds thin. Sun very hot (rain-sun?). Light breeze from north-west.

3p.m. 29.10 739 79 72 58 - Feels intensely dry.

Hot, close. Heavy clouds, and purple to west. Gusts from west.

No wind. Morning and evening very mild. At eight p.m. dark cloud moving from south-west to mountains. Drops of rain; then stars. Minimum thermometers during night, both 48 degrees. None of the maximum will act.

Dec. 29. 7a.m. 29.10 738 58 58 54 9 In tent. Cool, clear.

Blue-pink in west. Light sea-breezes from west.

Must be awfully hot in summer. In closed tent at eleven a.m., 92 degrees.

Noon. 29.13 - 77 75 60 10 Nice breeze from sea (west), bending to north.

4p.m. 29.00 739 82 79 59 5 Warm and quite still.

Mean of nineteen aneroid observations at Jebel el-Abyaz = 29.13.


Dec. 30. 7a.m. 29.10 739 56 - - 7 Clear, still. No speck of cloud. Moon Naim (sleeping = *[figure]).

5p.m. 29.88 758 66 - - 8 Air quite clear. Camped at Sharma. Change to sh.o.r.e pleasant and soft.

Noon on journey; sun very hot. Evening still. Violent weather at night; cold and comfortless. Abated somewhat after sunrise.


Dec. 31. 7a.m. 29.88 758 59 - - 7 Wind cold and dusty. Sky perfectly clear. A few light mist-clouds on mountain-wall.

Noon. 29.94 760 75 73 58 6 Wind still. Sun much warmer.

3p.m. 29.90 - 74 71 58 3 Wind cool; some dust.

Clouds about sunset sailing out of Suez Gulf, forming archipelago of sky islets. Dark bank to south. Minimum thermometer at night = 42 degrees.

AT SHARMa, IN BIG TENT OPEN NORTH AND SOUTH (about 100 feet above sea-level).

Jan. 1. 7a.m. 29.90 759 53 50 45 10 Clear, fine, quite still. Nice breeze began about nine a.m.

Noon. 29.97 - 71 69 57 4 Cold. North wind high.

Light clouds to west; the rest clear.

3p.m. 29.94 760 73 72 61 4 Clouds to west from Suez sea.

High wind fell before midnight. Cold--sat in tent. Flies troublesome everywhere. Minimum at night, 42-43 degrees.


Jan 2. 7a.m. 29.98 761 53 - - 10

3p.m. 30.00 762 76 72 58 3 Cool breeze from north.

No signs of clouds. Sun hot and air cool.

Evening no wind, no clouds. At night high cold wind from east, seems to pierce clothes. Lasted till morning and sun well up. Minimum thermometer, No. 1 = 45 degrees; No. 2 = 46 degrees.

Jan. 3. 7a.m. 29.92 760 58 57 47 3 Dawn comfortless. Cold.

Fire in tent. Sand blowing. Air highly electrical.

Noon. 29.90 762 77 76 61 2 Wind still. Hot sun.

3p.m. 29.91 759 76 74 58 4 Hot sun. Gentle breeze.

Warm in tent.

Night very cold. Minimum thermometers, No. 1 = 40 degrees; No. 2 = 41 degrees.

Jan. 4. " 29.83 - 52 50 - 5

Noon. 29.93 760 81 80 60 3 Decidedly hot. No breeze.

3p.m. 29.90 - 78 75 63 0 Very hot and still.