The Land of Midian (Revisited)

Chapter 41

3p.m. 30.02 - 80 79 70 26 Hot and still.

Night glorious. No wind. Only sigh and sound of reef.

Jan. 28. 7a.m. 29.98 - 58 58 53 30 Perfectly still and clear. Light land- breeze.

12.45p.m.30.00 - 80 78 66 20 Weather breaking. Clouds forming everywhere. High horizontal cirri. North wind, whistling over country.

3p.m. 29.98 - 80 79 67 20 Packed up wet and dry bulbs.

At sunset high streaky cirri of red colour: all said wind. Same as at Maghair Shuayb (January 21-23). At eleven p.m. El-Ayli (north wind from "Akabat- Aylah?) came down upon us with a rush. Gravel like drops of rain. Tents at once on the ground. Sky still clear--stars shining.

Jan. 29. 7.15a.m.30.02 - 62 - - 19 In tent-hut. Wind violent. Cold and raw between moonrise and sunrise.

Noon. 30.04 - 81 - - 13 In tent-hut. Wind (El- Ayli) gusty and violent.

Sky quite clear.

They say this gale denotes end of Zamharir ("great cold"). Wind fell about three p.m. Mild at sunset. Wind then increased, and became very violent at night (l0-11 p.m.); seems to beat down from above. Summit of quartz-hills, 2 obs. = 29.40

Jan. 30 7a.m. 30.06 - 62 - - 19 In tent-hut. Mountains perfectly clear. Fleecy clouds to north and south, sailing from west to east.

3p.m. 30.06 - 72 - - 15 Clear and fine. Wind falling.

Wind fell during afternoon and evening, but rose again at night; was at its worst about eleven p.m.

Jan. 31. 7a.m. 30.06 - 67 - - 22 In tent-but. Wind worse; signs of blowing everywhere. Light clouds north and south. Mottled clouds (cirri, mackerel- back). Gusts violent after sunrise.

Noon. 30.08 - 73 - - 19 In cabin on board Mukhbir. Wind violent.

Sky clear. White clouds, as yet wind increasing.

Sand and dust but mountains clear.

3p.m. 30.09 - 78 - - 22 On board Mukhbir. Wind violent. Sky covered with grey clouds.

At sunset, gleams to west and round horizon; heavy to north. Hoped for rain, but none came. Fires alight all night. Very bad night; perhaps the worst yet seen. Chain dragging. At nine p.m. sky clear, but wind worse.


Feb. 1. 7a.m. 30.08 - 70 - - 21 Wind worse than ever.

Dark cirri to south.

Mountains clear on all sides.

Noon. 30.06 - 74 70 63 21 Wind very bad, turning to east (?). Cirri everywere: to west formed ascending rays like sun, extending to zenith; to east were crosses and lozenges.

3p.m 30.04 - - 70 65 - Wind still bad. White clouds have thickened to south, and thinned to north. Bases of mountains blurred (by dust?); summits clear.

At sunset wind lighter. Dark clouds to south, going westward from Suez. Cirri overhead, presently disappeared; also about the horizon. At night fine zodiacal light. Wind increased. Observations in main cabin throughout voyage.

Feb. 2. 7a.m. 30.00 - 69 70 65 22 Perfectly clear. Wind worse.

Noon. 30.00 - 78 - - 21 Clear sky; only cloud, thin white strata to north.

3p.m. 29.04 - 75 73 63 19 No clouds. Wind milder.

Barometer falling (sign of wind ceasing?). Wind getting warmer, and bending east.

Wind less in evening, and warmer; ceased about midnight; lasted from eleven p.m., January 28, to midnight, February 2 = five days and five nights.

Zodiacal light.

Feb. 3. 7a.m. 29.93 - 56 65 56 20 On deck (wet and dry bulbs in main cabin).

Fresh breeze from east.

Fleecy clouds south and east.

Noon. 29.96 - 74 - - 25 On deck. Fine breeze from north.

In evening cirri to west and east. Black dots in regular lines. Night at Minat Jinai. Very fine and clear; young moon and Venus. Deadly still. Zodiacal light seen every night in the "Akabah Gulf: not outside it.

Feb. 4. 7a.m. 29.92 - 74 70 67 24 En route to Nuwaybi", along Sinai sh.o.r.e.

Morning grey; light clouds everywhere. Dull sunrise. Water dark. Wind south, felt very damp. Sinai hills clouded over: cirri strata high up; nimbi in fragments below.

Noon. 29.86 - 74 73 68 28 Under awning on board; going north. Sickly sun.

Cirri to east.

3p.m. 29.80 - 75 73 66 26 Main cabin South wind strong, increased after noon. Clear horizon then. Sea foaming: wind became very strong, and raised water about sunset, then fell.

A regular day of south wind, blasts, mists, and gusts; calmed down in evening.

Quiet night. All day cirri and strata high up from west. Wasit sand forming cloud.

Feb. 5. 7a.m. 30.00 - 72 68 60 9 En route to Kalah (Jezirat Faraun of maps), in main cabin.

Wind north. Clouds on hill-tops and to north-- effects of yesterday.

East mountains misty; west clear. Mottle of clouds.

Noon. 29.94 - 73 70 61 7 On deck, steaming north.

Dry and wet bulbs in main cabin. Clouds-- light c.u.muli to north, east, and west; south clear. Wind north, light.

3p.m. 29.97 - 75 70 59 19 In main cabin off island El-Kalah. Violent gusts from west, down valleys- -deflection of south wind, lasted only few minutes. Cloudy and clear.

Night clear. Violent gusts from south, lasting a few minutes, then still.


Feb. 6. 7a.m. 30.12 - 70 66 59 15 In main cabin. A regular raw and gloomy English morning. Clouds everywhere--drops of rain. Wind south, deflected west. Gusts at times. All felt damp and uncomfortable.

Noon. 30.10 - 70 65 59 26 In main cabin. Sky all covered with clouds.

Wind from north, gusty.

Barometer rising.

3p.m. 30.12 - 66 68 60 21 In main cabin. Sky covered; gleams of sun.

Clear to south. Wind north, mild.

A few drops of rain morning and evening. Pleasant quiet night.