The Land of Midian (Revisited)

Chapter 4

Sa"id Hasan Basha". His owner was a Fellah called Hasan Basha--peasants often give this t.i.tle as a name to a boy who is born under fortunate circ.u.mstances. Sa"id was a fat, jolly fellow, a Sidi Bhai from the Mrima, or mainland of Zanzibar, who had wholly forgotten his Kisawahili. Corporal Mahmud was punished for keeping him eighteen hours on guard. He was one of the very few to whom I gave "bakhshish" after returning to Cairo.

Sa"id El-Sa"id.

Mirsal Ginaydi.

Mabruk Rizk.

Abdullah Mohammed Zaghul.

Sa"id Katab.

Faragallah Sharaf el-Din.

Farag Salih.

Surur Mustafa.

Salamat el-Nahhas; an excellent and intelligent man, who was attached to the service of M. Lacaze. He distinguished himself by picking up antiques, until his weakness, the Da el-Faranj, found him out.

Farag Ahmed Bura"i.

Farag Mohammed Amin.

Mirgan Sulayman.

"Abd el-Maula.


Mabruk Hasan Osman.

Khayr Ramazan, a large and st.u.r.dy negro, from Dar-Wadai, with long cuts down both sides of his face; a hard-working and intelligent soldier, who naturally took command of his fellows. I made him an acting corporal, and on return recommended him for promotion.

Fadl "Allah "Ali el-Kholi, a Shilluk, one of the worst tribes of the Upper Nile, whom it is forbidden to enlist. He began by refusing to obey an order, he pushed an officer out of his way, and he struck an Arab Shaykh. Consequently, he pa.s.sed the greater part of the time in durance vile at the fort of El-Muwaylah.

Mirgan Yusuf; flogged for insolence to his officer, January 19.

Abdullah Ibrahim.

Ibrahim Kattab.

Mabruk Mansur Agwah.

The Boruji (bugler) Mersal Abu Dunya, a "character" who retires for practice to lonely hills and vales. His progress is not equal to his zeal and ambition.

The thirty quarrymen were all Egyptians, and it would be hard to find a poorer lot; they never worked, save under compulsion, and they stole whatever they could. I examined their packs during the homeward cruise, and found that many of them had secreted Government gunpowder:--

Ahmed Ashiri.

Ahmed Badr.

Ahmed el-Wakil.

Omar Sharkawi.

5. Mustafa Husayn.

Ismail el-Wa"i.

?Ali Zalat.

Ali "Abd el-Rahman.

Mustafa Salim.

10. "Ali Bedawi.

Hanna Bisha"i.

Hamed Hanafi.

Hamed Wahlah.

Mustafa Sa"dani (died of fever at El-Muwaylah).

15. Mahmu"d Gum"ah.,

Abu Zayd"nah.

Ismail Dusuki.

Sukk el-Fakih.

Isa el-Dimiki.

20. "Ali Atwadh.

Mohammed Sulayman.

Ibra"hi"m "Ali Mohammed.

"Ali Isa.

Mohammed "Abd el-Zahir.

25. "Ali Wahish.

Abbasi Mansur (a tinman by trade, but without tools).