The Land of Midian (Revisited)

Chapter 47

3p.m. 29.98 - 74 65 - In cabin. Fine north breeze.

Warm sun. Air cool. Wind- clouds to east; the rest blue.

Sky wondrous clear.

At 4.30 p.m. left El-Wijh, and steamed nearly due south-west. Fine breeze and long waves from north-west. Wind and waves fell. Rolled horridly from seven p.m. to midnight: no ballast; very bad steering: then turned south-east, and movement somewhat improved. Very heavy dew. Zodiacal light clear.


Mar. 25. 7.30 a.m.30.04 - 73 68 - Marvellous fine morning. Wind north. Glorious day.

12.15p.m.30.01 - 75 64 - Near El-Haura. Lovely day.

Steady north breeze.

4p.m. 29.97 - 77 69 -


Mar. 26 6a.m. 29.94 70 - - 36 In cabin. Red morning, warm and still. Sea oily. Light mists. Venus throws shadow.

Very heavy dew--all wet.

12.15p.m.29.91 - 74 70 - Same place. Warm sun; cool breeze from north.

3.20p.m. 29.87 - 78 74 - At sea. Cirri and wind-clouds to east and nearly everywhere.

Weather fine, yet gla.s.s falling. Damp air. Hence (possibly) many have colds, coughs, and hoa.r.s.eness. Wind-clouds, but clear to north. Dew very heavy.


Mar. 27. 7a.m. 29.87 - 73 68 - In captain"s cabin Dew-clouds everywhere. Air very damp.

11.45a.m.29.98 - 78 70 - Air still and pleasant.

3p.m. 29.85 - 78 72 - Day decidedly hot and damp.

Aneroid very low.

Mar. 28. 6.30a.m. 29.89 - 70-1/2 68 - In cabin. Dew wetted tents and decks like heavy shower. Sky all dew; air feels soppy.

Violent wind from north-west.

Ship rolling.

1p.m. 29.97 - 70-1/2 67 -

Mar. 29. 7a.m. 29.97 71 - - 33 In cabin. Strong, cold north wind. Men coughing like cries of camels. Sky very clear.

This kind of storm is called Hawwa el-"Uwwah ("last storm of March"), and blows fourteen days. Followed by El-Ni"am el- Kabir ("greater"), and El- Saghir ("less"); continues forty days.

6p.m. 28.78 74 - - 30 At Fort El-Wijh, two hours"

journey up the valley.

Fine day on seaboard--not much gale. Wind north-west. Night cool, but no dew.

Ship"s barometer, 6 a.m., 30.7 Wind north-west. Ther. (F.) 64 deg.

Ship"s barometer, noon, 30.7 Wind north-west. Ther. (F.) 76 deg.

Ship"s barometer, 3 p.m., 30.7 Wind north-west. Ther. (F.) 76 deg.


Compared ship"s (Sinnar) mercurial barometer, 30.07 (64 deg. F.), with anerold, 30.01; difference, aneroid,--0.06.

On return compared ship"s (Sinnar) mercurial barometer, 29.99, with aneroid, 29.86; difference, aneroid,--0.13.

Date. Time. Aneroid Ther. Dry Wet Hydg. Remarks.

Inches. (deg.)Bulb. Bulb.(deg.)

Mar. 30. 5.30a.m. 29.70 64 - - 24 At Fort El-Wijh, on box before tent. Cold and cloudy morning.

Moon and stars veiled.

Noon. 29.55 90 - - 43 In camp at Umm el-Karayat-- deep valley. Puffs of sea- breeze from south. Strong sun.

3.15p.m. 29.50 86 - - 29 In big tent at Umm el-Karayat- -lat. 26 deg. 13". Sun very hot. Fresh and strong sea- breeze from east (?).

Cool and pleasant night. No sign of dew. Climate healthy. Garrison at Fort El- Wijh in excellent condition.

Mar. 31. 5a.m. 29.44 45 - - 19 In big tent at Umm el-Karayat.

Very clear, still morning.

West pink. At sunrise wind, and hot and cold puffs (south- east and land-breeze).

11.10p.m.29.46 90 - - -3 At Wady el-Kubbah, under tree.

Very hot. Wind shifting from east to west (sea-breeze).

Stones in sun so hot that they cannot be held. At noon regular Khamsin; air sandy.

Top of Jebel el-Kubbah, aneroid 29.34; in valley below, aneroid 29.46 (47?); height, 120 feet.

3p.m. 29.30 94 - - -20 At Mayat el-Dasnah. Hot west wind. Thermometer in big tent, unwalled.

Night cool.

April 1. " 29.30 63 - - -12 At Mayat el-Dasnah. Morning pleasant, still, and quite clear. No sign of dew or Khamsin. Hygrometer exceedingly dry. Sun rose hot.

Slight breeze from eight a.m.

to 8.30 a.m., when the rocks and stones have become thoroughly heated. Very refreshing: cools head; stops perspiration.

9.30a.m. 28.96 83 - - -10 At foot of Maru Rabigh, in shade of rock.

12.30p.m.28.92 99 - - -8 At Maru Rabigh, under big tent awning. About noon a medley of winds; hot blasts of Khamsin from south-west, suddenly changed to north.

3p.m. 28.88 100 - - -25 At Maru Rabigh. Hot sun. Wind in puffs, mostly south-west.

No sand in air. Stones in sunshine too hot to hold; yet there are flies.