The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self's Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 18

Though I narrowly avoided the first strike, Phantom"s merciless follow-ups made me lose my footing. A bundle of chains somersaulted in the air and struck at me.
d.a.m.n it, I left the Witch Killer in the room. It wasn"t my intention but looks like I"ve really relaxed during the last week.


Because I immediately rolled sideways, chains didn"t hit me directly but the ground where I was standing just a moment ago was largely gouged out and smoking up.
What an animal strength! Even for a person with the ‘Core", this is an unbelievable power.

“Will, kill you! How dare you say a terrible thing to Sonisama! Unforgivableee!”

Phantom was crying. Even though he was angry, tears spilled from his silver eyes with pitter-patter.

Certainly, I said something heartless to Sonia. That she might"ve intended to put poison in my food and use me as an experimentation subject.
But the person herself didn"t show any signs of concern. I explained all this to him, but why is Phantom still wailing so angrily?
Is it because I bluntly refused the chance to eat Sonia"s cooking?
Eh, am I being killed because of such a reason? No, that"s impossible.

“Phantom-chan~ don"t do it~ leave it at that~”

“No! This guy said something that he shouldn"t have said!”

Coral chanted while sighing.


At that moment, the place under his feet swelled up and collapsed, and Phantom was buried in the ground in no time.

“Gyaaaah…! Let me out, let me out! I can"t stand dark and narrow placeees!”

The baby finally started to cry because of Phantom"s pathetic screams.

“You promised, right?~ That you wouldn"t kill in front of Flenchan. Besides, if you kill Will-chan you will get hated by Sonichan.”

“Uuu, but…but!”

I can hear a m.u.f.fled voice from the ground.

“Leave it to me. Otherwise, you"ll be like that for the whole night, you know?~”

“…I-I got it. Let me out of hereee!”

While soothing the child, Coral returned the soil to its original state. Muddy Phantom was holding his knees and still sobbing.

I fearfully stood up.

“What the h.e.l.l…”

“Sorry~ But you"re also at fault, Will-chan. Well, you don"t know anything so it can"t be helped but…Sonichan probably couldn"t tell you on her own~”

The witches who heard the commotion came around, but Coral easily explained the situation and sent them home. She caught an apprentice witch and told her to relay “I will be borrowing Will-chan” to Sonia.

“Well then~ let"s change places and talk, shall we?~ It"s okay, right?”

I couldn"t do anything but nod.
Despite wearing a ridiculous thing as a bear-eared headband, I could feel the kind of pressure from Coral that she wouldn"t take no for an answer. Every witch in this village is terrifying.
Besides, I can"t grumble that I don"t want to know the truth in this situation.

I was taken to the house of Coral and Phantom right after. Phantom was thrown into the bath and the baby, probably tired from crying, started to sleep in the crib.

I was also full of sand, but I was allowed to sit near the entrance. On the floor, that is.

“Will-chan~ you know the truth about the raid on the royal capital 20 years ago, but you don"t know the real reason this village was created, right?~”

I only know that the witches who escaped witch hunting confided in Alonia and gathered here. I don"t understand this so-called true reason.
After I silently nodded, Coral continued talking.

“To put it simply~ after the peace treaty between Mistria and the witches was signed, the witches split into two forces~ Basically, the faction that tried to get rid of Alonia and the faction that tried to protect her~”

Apparently, they had different motives.
The elimination fraction had many witches with reasons like wanting to kill Jebera"s enemy, not wanting to let Alonia violate 7 Major Taboos and finding cooperation with the hateful Mistria unforgivable. However, it seems that those motives were a simple facade and most of them just wanted to steal the Gem"s recipe from Alonia in hopes of becoming immortals themselves.

Protection faction was also complicated.
There were some who worshipped Alonia for stopping the witch hunting, some who feared that if Alonia died the witch huntings would resume, and some who simply expected the Rose Gem in exchange of their favors…

“Wait a minute. Gem"s existence was famous among the witches?

“That"s right. Jebera had many disciples after all~”

However, the witches would never reveal the existence of the Gem to a human. It was because they were afraid of the resumption of the witch hunt.

“I think you already have some idea about what I"m getting at~ This place, Cucurouge, is what the protection faction created for Alonia~ It seems that they have been attacked many times in the past 20 years~”

Because everybody in the elimination faction wanted to get the recipe only for themselves, they lacked unity and therefore they lost without being able to penetrate through the forest of the protection faction.
Alonia must"ve split her sides from laughing after the surrounding people decided to protect her on their own accord and she was able to fully devote herself to the research.

“Similarly, I also sneaked into the village 4 years ago~ It was a youthful impetuosity~”


Coral laughed self-mockingly and rolled up her sleeves. There was a bruise that looked like a crushed fruit ―― traces of a thin burn.

“Oh, this isn"t the wound I got when I raided Cucurouge. During the witch hunt 20 years ago…when I was 5 years old, there was a time when I was almost killed by the people of Mistria. I was very close to being burned at stake.”

My stomach and back look even more miserable, Coral said while smiling bitterly.

Coral sought out the Rose Gem in order to get rid of the traces of ugly burns. If you can stay young and beautiful for eternity, the scars can be erased too. As long she could get rid of the hateful burns, she didn"t mind even if the Gem"s poison shortened her lifespan.

“I carefully made a plan, stealthily broke the barrier and reached Alonia"s house without being noticed by anyone. But, you see~ there was Sonichan in Alonia"s house. I completely lost to a then 12 years old girl.”

At that time Sonia had already appeared to have monstrous powers. Apparently, she had been ordered by her mother to mercilessly kill any invaders, but without finishing Coral off, Sonia secretly welcomed her to Cucurouge of all things.

“I was persuaded by Sonichan. Even if it"s impossible to completely get rid of them, let"s try making pills or powders to make the burns less noticeable, she said. I also resolved myself to give up on the Gem because of a certain reason, so I tried trusting Sonichan~“

She was putting on airs, but I waited for the rest of the story without pointing that out.

“And? I get that Cucurouge was attacked by the witches who wanted to get the recipe of immortality. Sonia――”

At that moment, along with the rushing footsteps, Phantom appeared. His hair was still wet and he was only wearing sleepwear. Looks like he hurriedly washed his body. He looked like a normal young man without his chain accessories.


Acting like a spoiled child, Phantom timidly hugged his wife who was twice smaller than him. Apparently, I don"t even enter his sight.

“Sorry…I almost..broke the promise..everything in front of me turned red because of anger.”

“Well, it can"t be helped~ it"s a very big trauma for Phantom-chan, after all.”

While stroking Phantom"s back with “yoshi, yoshi” as he was still sniffling, Coral said.

“Three years ago, the Kingdom sent Phantom-chan to Cucurouge as the Gem"s test subject.”

I held my breath.
At this point, I had already somehow realized the blunder I committed.

Phantom was born with an abnormal ‘Core" and had possessed unbelievable strength since his birth. Apparently, he was shunned as a monster by his father and other siblings, was driven out from the house along with his mother and when he realized it, he had been wandering in the city alone. After repeatedly stealing to sate his hunger, he was finally caught by the Kingdom.

I"ve heard about it.
A few years ago, 『Phantom of the Hidden Mist』was appearing frequently in the northeastern part of Mistria. I heard that that terrifying man died after getting caught by the Chivalric Order, but looks like the records have been tampered with and he was apparently brought to Cucurouge.
Phantom"s body was several times st.u.r.dier than an ordinary person"s, therefore Alonia decided that he would be able to withstand the severe clinical experimentation too.

“I, I….was made to drink poison day after day. It was so I could produce antibodies….! All the food I was given had poison in it and if I didn"t eat, I would be hit by Alonia…in the bas.e.m.e.nt, with the whip!”

The Rose Gem contains poison. Even if she rejuvenated once, as long she continued to keep the Gem on herself, her body would gradually erode.
That"s why Alonia decided to create a substance that could become an antibody. She was certain that if she incorporated antibodies in the Gem, theoretically it would be possible to neutralize the poison.
Creating antibodies was easy. Let the subject take diluted poison little by little. Those who would be able to neutralize the poison would be given a one-level stronger dose. If she patiently continued this process, one day she would produce antibodies that could even withstand the Gem"s poison.

However, no matter how much time pa.s.sed, the experiment didn"t go well and Alonia was frustrated. Apparently, Phantom suffered severe abuse because of her outbursts of anger.

There wasn"t a day when he wasn"t conscious of death. One day he would lose to the poison and die. Or he would be flogged to death.
Inside of the cage in the bas.e.m.e.nt where even the sunlight didn"t reach, Phantom was always trembling with fear and suffering.

“But whenever she could do it behind Alonia"s back, Sonisama would…replace my meal. W-with one of hers…”

Sonia told Phantom inside the cage.

『It"s okay. I have more resistance to the poison』

Saying so, then 13 years old girl drank poisoned soup.

“I am..a terrible person…I made a girl three years younger than me suffer!”

There"s no wonder that this kind of guy would get hit by the whip. I should have been trampled for once and all.
Phantom covered his face and quietly muttered.

“You see, Alonia was~ making Sonichan eat poisoned food since she was young.  She was the closest witch to her own body so she was perfect for experimentation, right?~ It seems that her goal was to take antibodies from her daughter and complete the Gem.”

Every month, a few days before going to Lord Sanigue"s mansion,  Sonia"s food would be changed to the one without poison. It seems that Sonia was using that to replace Phantom"s food.

What the h.e.l.l is that? – I thought.
Alonia was conducting experiments using the children?
How could she do such a cruel thing to the daughter she gave birth to?

No, she even made Sonia shoulder the contract of concealing the truth.
For Alonia, Sonia…any person other than herself was a being she wouldn"t mind dying.

Oh, it"s not surprising for Phantom to get mad. What a cruel thing I said.
How could I say such an insensitive thing to a woman who was made to eat poisoned food by her own mother…
I naturally hanged my head down.

“Sonisama said…to『endure one more year』. That everything would end after that….!”

Even though it was a prediction without any evidence, Phantom found hope in Sonia and waited for one year while groaning.

“And two years ago…Alonia really died. Apparently, she was killed by the poison of the Rose Gem….”

However, both Phantom and Coral say that they don"t know detailed information about Alonia"s death.
It"s a mystery whether the last experiment was conducted or if the Gem was ever completed. Sonia has been tight-lipped about this matter.

“I think that Sonichan might have killed Alonia…”

Alonia was a genius at magic and there was n.o.body on her level even among the fellow disciples of Jebera. Even without creating Cucurouge, there might not have been anybody who would be able to steal the recipe from her. That"s how much of a strong and frightening witch she was.

Was Sonia enduring till her magic skills caught up to Alonia"s?
So she could win even if they fought. And then, two years ago….

I trembled with fear.
I was already convinced that Sonia had killed before, but I hadn"t even thought for a little that she had possibly killed her own mother.
Sonia called Alonia「mother」. I"ve been thinking that even while acknowledging her crooked sides, she loved her as a mother.
And that Sonia herself too was raised cherishingly while being pampered…

“but, you know, the real hard part came after Alonia died. A fight happened in the village.”

Alonia took multiple disciples and let them manage the ingredients and take care of the surroundings. The disciples, believing that one day they would gain the benefits of the Rose Gem, endured the days of being used as slaves.

“However, Alonia died easily and all their hardships ended up being for naught. That anger turned towards Sonichan. The witches which attacked Sonichan and demanded her to hand over the recipe of immortality――”

“Were killed by me, Coral and also the elder granny….the adults that are left in the village right now are the ones who protected Sonisama at that time…”

Phantom stared at his own palm. I wonder if the sensation from that time still remains?

“After the village calmed down, Sonichan declared that she wouldn"t give the recipe anybody and that she would definitely never create it. We also agreed with her and after that Cucurouge gradually turned into a calm and peaceful village. Sometimes, witches from outside come to steal the recipe, but we all repel them together. To be honest, Sonichan can easily defeat them even on her own, but we don"t want her alone to bear a painful role.”

Even if Alonia died, Sonia wasn"t freed yet. There was still the pact with the Mistria Kingdom…the promise of marriage with Prince Rain.

“Both I and Phantom tried stopping her. The Prince aside, the King is dangerous. If she married into the royal family, she would definitely go through a bad time.”

“But…Sonisama said that she wished to marry…she said that becoming the Queen would be a pain, but if she married into the royal family, even the witches who wanted the recipe wouldn"t dare to lay their hands on her…I hated for Sonisama to be gone, but, I also wanted her to marry and be blessed by many people…I wanted her to create a warm family…”

Shouting 「Die Prince!」Phantom stamped his feet.

Did Sonia think that it wouldn"t be good to put Cucurouge in risk because of herself forever? Maybe that"s why she accepted the marriage so obediently.
Blood drained from my whole body. During the marriage ceremony, we denounced Sonia. Right now I was deeply made aware that we had done a tremendously cruel thing.

“Will-chan, this is just my selfish fan~ta~sy, but didn"t Sonichan bring you here because she doesn"t want to live alone in that house?~”

The house that was dominated by Alonia. A place where dark and painful memories remain.
Sonia said many times that she was happy to return to Cucurouge, but she never said that she was happy to be back home.

“Sonichan doesn"t quite show much of her feelings. Even though it would be okay if she acted spoiled towards other people and complained more.”

Even though I should have known it.
The loneliness of eating separately despite being under the same roof.

Sonichan is still just a 16 years old girl, Coral sighed.

“Welcome back. I heard that you had a fight with Phantom? I"m surprised that you managed to return unscathed.”

After hurrying back home because I couldn"t stay still, I found Sonia relaxing in the living room.
It seems that she had just left the bath and was drying her hair with magical warm air.
I kneeled on the spot and lowered my head.

“I was in the wrong. Hit me.”


Sonia was unusually honestly surprised.

“What happened so suddenly…did you perhaps. .h.i.t your head? or did you awaken to that side after crossing swords with Phanto――”

“Wrong. I heard…about your past. I said an insensitive thing that day…about poisoned food and test subjects.”

My thoughtless words weren"t at the level that could be easily forgiven after apologizing. I don"t mind even if you hit me till you"re satisfied.
When I said so, Sonia chuckled.

“Oh, really? I don"t know about how much you have heard, but if it"s about that, there"s nothing to forgive because I was neither mad nor hurt. An apology isn"t needed. I mean, something that happened more than 2 years ago inside of me is considered to be already finished.”

While stroking the surface with her nails, Sonia suddenly relaxed her shoulders.
She didn"t look like she was putting up a front, but I couldn"t believe her easily.
Sonia"s life has been miserable. Being fed poison by her mother since she was young, fighting with witches who were aiming for the recipe, drinking poison herself for the sake of the test subject and at the same time receiving strict education to become the Queen. Two years ago she might even have killed her own mother.
They"re all the events that one would drag with them for the whole life.

I don"t understand.

“How can you…smile right now?”

I asked unintentionally.
Even though she was freed from Alonia"s control, she had to confront despairful things like breaking the engagement with the Prince Rain and being threatened by the King"s messenger.

“You know, I"m not very good at getting mad or lamenting…My mother was always hysterically shouting and it was very disgraceful. I always thought that I never wanted to become an adult like her.”

“But even so-!”

“It"s not like I"m forcing myself to smile. I am happy right now so my cheeks loosen up naturally. I"m also hopeful for the future. Because I can freely do anything from now on.”

There are plenty of things I want to do.
Sonia really looked like she was having fun.

“Eat something delicious, collect cute things, wear lovely clothes, play a lot and leisurely spend time at home when tired. I want to be praised and admired by the people around me, so I will properly do my job as the pharmacist too. Medicine brings a lot of money, you know? With the use of my knowledge, I"ll never have problems with getting food. I can even live in luxury.”

Flashing an impish smile, she looked down at me while I was still kneeling.

“But if I"m alone, I will surely get bored of that kind of lifestyle soon enough. That"s why…hey, Will. Play with me. You have been through many bad things and always had to endure. I don"t think you will be punished just for becoming happy. Let"s spend everyday life so happily that you will forget the painful past. If you stay with me, I"ll make you happy too, Will..”

Various emotions whirled inside of my heart and I couldn"t put them in words.
Although I was thinking about what kind of delusional things she was spouting when the trouble with the royal family wasn"t solved yet, on the other hand, I also found her proposal very attractive.

To play. I had never thought about it before. When I was a kid I was always alone and when I decided to become the Knight I only thought about becoming stronger.

I see. This woman is laughing because she"s happy in the present.
I remembered the words that Emerald told me once.

『You see, I want Will-kun to laugh too! If you laugh you will become happy!』

It"s similar but still completely different.
The current me can"t laugh in order to become happy. I don"t have such energy.
But will I be able to feel the happiness someday and laugh naturally if I stay with Sonia?
As if I want it to be that way but I"m also afraid of it, my feelings are complicated.

“I still don"t understand yet. But….”


“I will eat the same thing as you from tomorrow, so I want you to make my share of food too, Sonia.”

It was the first time I casually called her name. Whether or not she noticed this, Sonia was staring in puzzlement.
I wonder what"s this feeling. It"s very embarra.s.sing. It"s like I"m taking some kind of penalty. Hurriedly standing up, I averted my face.

“No, it would be strange to make my master cook all the time, right? I will learn how to make proper dishes so teach me how to set up a menu!”

It"s been a while since I"ve mustered up so much courage.
My face is hot and my head feels like it"s about to explode.

For myself a while ago it would be unthinkable to ask the witch to teach me something or to acknowledge her as my master. My parents might be amazed too, looking at me from the other world.
But it"s fine already.
Just as there are good and bad people, the witches have their differences too.
There might be cruel and greedy witches, but there might be witches who aren"t like that.
Sonia…is not a bad witch.

“It a request from my cute servant, after all. Alright. But I will be very strict about the calorie calculations and the nutritional balance so be prepared, okay?”

“I get it. I know that the way of cooking is steep. It"s fine.”

Sonia laughed with a voice that tickled my ears.

“You are very honest, Will. And also simple-minded. If I ever want to use drugs on you, I will ask you directly. I feel like it would be more effective that way.”

She"s not a bad witch…probably.
In order to ascertain that, I think I will stay near her for a little more.

This chapter was suffering both to read and to translate. 

@me in case of mistranslation, typos and awkward grammar.

P.S since I know that some of you have been following this since chapter 1, am I at least getting better?
P.P.S Cinderella is next.