The Last Cat In The Universe

Chapter 1

Translator: Vemmy I roughly checked it myself but its pretty much unedited. I may not update AUP this week cuz…..I"m tired……but if I do update, I may split the already short chapter in half. EDIT: I forgot to turn on comments again…..

On a remote and uninhabited prairie, there is a small lump of white quietly laying under the shade.

That is a cat.

His entire body snow white, with glossy and smooth fur, a beautiful, pink nose, and eyes that were as clear as sapphires that were saturated with the colour of the ocean.

This cat"s name was Yue An.

He was named by his first owner.

In the shade, the white cat leisurely swung its tail before sitting up.  With a gentle shake of that thin tail, multiple white tails instantly appeared at the bottom of his back.

The cat"s face seemed quite nervous as he turned his head to cautiously count his tails.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

Eight tails!

Done counting, the white cat was very satisfied.  He then carefully looked at the little shadow of the ninth tail and unbelievably gently caressed it.

As if he had actually touched it, his expression was quite fulfilled and he even began to purr in contentment.

Yue An gently swung the existing eight tails, and, like a folding fan, those extra tails disappeared back into one.

Legend has it that for every 20 years of cultivation, a cat will grow another tail, considered complete [1] when the ninth tail has grown, righteousness was attained through cultivation and can become an immortal.

However, when the ninth tail has almost grown, the cat will receive direction from the heavens to fulfil a person"s wish, any wish was okay.

But when a wish was granted, a tail will fall, the cat will always be left with eight tails and it cannot become immortal.

[1]功德圆满 – idiom meaning "Virtuous achievements come to their successful conclusion", in this case, it is referring to the cultivation.

Yue An was only a young cat and had not lost a tail before, nor did he want to lose one.

The young cat was not resigned.  Taking advantage of when the clan"s guards were distracted, he sneakily used the formation left by the only cat that had successfully cultivated 9 tails to become an immortal, and was sent this place that did not have any humans.

Yue An calculated the date, his ninth tail should grow soon.

And here, there were no humans!

Yue An was extremely happy, with a lazy yawn and stretch, he c.o.c.kily swung his tail and began lapping at his soft, pretty coat.

This was a paradise where only animals existed.

The end of the dry season was approaching, the unbridled prairie that had been tormented by the great heat would soon welcome sweet rain.

Yue An could detect the faint traces of moisture in the air that brought wafts of cool to the prairies during the blazing drought.

The pure white cat stood up, shaking the fur on his body before jumping onto the huge rock he usually used to sharpen his claws.

Standing proudly with its head raised, the pet.i.te Yue An thought of the lions he had seen on TV in the past, remembering the exuberant mane of those male lions, he enthusiastically copied the manner of the male lions and loudly bellowed.


The tender cry didn"t frighten anything, even the birds that were standing nearby with their heads high, on alert against natural predators, were not scared away.

Yue An, “……”

So angry ah.

You, wait for me to become an immortal!

I will blast an entire section of the plains with a shout!

Yue An sullenly looked at his paws, claws extending to lightly scratch at the big rock below his paws, seeing the five deep claw marks that appeared, he finally retracted his claws, satisfied.

He jumped down from the rock and strutted towards the water reservoir in his territory with his tail raised high.

Yue An had already been at this place that lacked spiritual energy for many decades.  From when he only had 5 tails, he had claimed this piece of territory and lived his days here without moving his den.

Actually, saying that this place lacked spiritual energy was an exaggeration, even in the post-magic era where barely any cats could awaken sentience had more spiritual energy than here.

Yue An could somewhat guess that he was no longer on earth.

Here, the oxygen was thin, and the animals he came upon were much smaller than the ones on earth.

The sky was always overcast, with tinges of red, the torridity didn"t come from the sun but rather from under the ground.

However, that"s fine.

The growth of his tails do not depend on the spiritual energy available, they will grow as long as he lives.  Whether the spiritual energy is dispersed or not, it only affected the strength of the techniques he can use.

For example, the lightning technique that could strike down a wall back in the day, in this place lacking spiritual energy, it could only be used……to catch fish.

Yue An raised some fish in the reservoir.  During the dry season, daring little animals would sometimes sneak into his territory and steal a few.  Yue An doesn"t really mind even after discovering them a few times.

They all want to survive, those fellows struggle to live while he was rather unrestrained.

However, he"ll be even more free after becoming an immortal!

Yue An picked up a fish that he struck unconscious (with lightning) and strolled towards his den while happily fantasizing.

After becoming an immortal, things like fish, he can eat or throw them out as he liked.  If he wanted chicken, he could eat to his heart"s content; he won"t need to hunt those little sparrows anymore, he could directly go hunt phoenixes!

The little white cat that looked as if it had not yet reached adulthood happily walked with short steps.  If it wasn"t for the fish in his mouth, he could even meow a song.

Yue An"s fish pond was a bit far from his den.

Before he became a demon,  he was a pampered house cat.  His first owner was a cute, charming little girl who doted on him to the point that he could reach the sky.  Unfortunately, when the little girl"s mother was pregnant with a second child, she sent Yue An to her countryside hometown.

It was then that Yue An awakened sentience, it was also during that time that he was taken back to the clan by a travelling cat demon.

The little girl raised Yue An for a bit more than a year, and, along with her, Yue An developed many fussy habits.

For example, there can"t be any foreign scents near his den; for example, maintaining a glossy, spotless appearance at all times; for example, paying particular attention to keeping an unhurried and composed bearing while eating, etc.

Yue An even sectioned off a specific area for eating and for burying food remains.

Slightly to the left of the area between his den and the fish pond, there is a piece of land not covered by the wild gra.s.s, exposing the dirt below.

That was Yue An"s dining room.

Yue An set the fish in his mouth down, the tip of the tail that was raised up high swayed a few times.  Just as he was about to bite, his ears suddenly erected, raising his head to look towards the left.

Without any warning, his body lowered, back legs applied force, and suddenly shot forward like a streak of white lightning,

Light rustling sounds came from the prairies, when the Yue An that was two heads shorter than the gra.s.s appeared again, he was holding something that looked like a cross between a bird and a chicken in his mouth.

(T/n: Yes I know a chicken is a bird, blame the author)

After killing it, Yue An effortlessly dragged the animal that was twice his size back to the dining area.  With practiced ease, he stretched out his sharp claws and skinned the animal that had sent itself to his doorstep.  

He unhurriedly licked clean the blood and shreds of flesh on his body and paws afterwards, before lowering his head to leisurely eat the fish and unforeseen prey.

The taste is like chicken, but more firm.  It"s better than nothing, he could use it to grind his teeth.

After languidly finishing his meal, Yue An licked his paws and cleaned the traces of blood off of his face before starting to dig a hole at the side, preparing to bury the remaining bones.

At this time, there was a boom of thunder in the horizon.

The white cat that was focused on digging jumped in shock, raising its head to look towards the murky red sky.

He didn"t detect the moisture that would always appear before it rain.

There shouldn"t be thunder at this time.

Just as Yue An thought, the sky was silent for many seconds after the thunder, before there was a sudden explosion of blinding flames.

Those flames became increasingly bright, bright until they cut through the hazy skies, as if a comet piercing through the atmosphere, a long tail trailing after it, bringing a calamitous force as it smashed towards this piece of overgrown land.

Yue An watched that comet-like thing come closer and closer, streaking through the sky above him and causing the ground below to violently shake, before landing on……

My den!!!!!

The fish bone in Yue An"s mouth fell to the ground; an expression that was part vacant, part shock, and part wronged appeared on his adorable face.

The fur on his entire body bristled, without the mind to even bury the remains of his food, he turned and immediately bolted towards his den.

Unfortunately, the result was already set.

Yue An crouched beside the dark grey, oval-shaped thing that had descended from the sky and was radiating astonishing heat.  Looking at the remains of the den he had lived in for many decades after building it with great difficulty, he almost wanted to cry in sadness.

Not having time to mind the grey ash that stuck onto his fur, the cat circled the burnt blackish ball a few times before stopping, wilted.  Meowing a few times with that tender voice, he was extremely aggrieved.

Feeling wronged for a few seconds, he unsheathed his claws in fury and began savagely clawing this charcoal ball that had smashed his den.

Yue An is a demon.

The fighting ability of demons are quite amazing——the quality of their body are also extremely formidable.

He furiously scratched the burnt remains that had gone through the atmosphere, the terribly durable charcoal ball was easily clawed through as if it was paper.

Yue An scratched it for a while, and felt the sensation under his paws change, as if he had touched something.

Immediately, a quiet click came from within the charcoal ball.

Yue An"s ears shook, vigilantly standing upright as he looked at the giant charcoal ball that had opened up from within, revealing a crack.

Yue An retracted his paws, pulling back a step to see the true appearance of the thing that had been wrapped up in the burnt ball.

It was an egg-shaped thing that emitted a milky white light——but it wasn"t an egg, because it was slowly opening, exposing what it had been protecting within.

This was a human.

A tattered one, drenched in blood, with a hole torn in his abdomen, one that was about to stop breathing.

This human still had a trace of vitality.  In fact, with unyielding willpower, he was even slowly opening his eyes.


Alarms went off in Yue An"s heart.  When he clearly saw what was in the egg, he turned and fled without hesitation.

However, it was already too late.

At this moment, the cat whose ninth tail was about to grow, felt the guidance of the heavens and unavoidably heard what the human on his last breaths most earnestly wished for.

……Want to survive.

He wants to survive.

Yue An pretended to not hear, desperately running for his life.  While running, he felt his rear lighten and turned his head to see a tail lightly fall onto the ground.

Yue An"s steps stopped, trembling as he swung out all his tail and disbelievingly counting them.  After counting, he wailed with grief and indignation, staring at his tail that had fallen and the human whose injuries were recovering at a rate that could be seen with the naked eye.  He felt like he was going to faint.


I f*** your ancestors" graves[2]!!!!

[2]我日你个仙人板板 I have no idea if this is right, tell me if I need to change it

It picks up the pace a little and then becomes super chill.  May be exciting later on but no promises cuz I haven"t read that far.  Someone should pick it up~ *Shameless*

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