The Letters of Cicero

Chapter 34

CIX (A IV, 6)



[Sidenote: B.C. 56, aeT. 50]

Of course I am as sorry about Lentulus as I am bound to be: we have lost a good patriot and a great man, one who to great strength of character united a culture equally profound. My consolation is a miserable one, but still it is a consolation--that I do not grieve on his account: I don"t mean in the sense of Saufeius and your Epicurean friends, but, by Hercules, because he loved his country so deeply, that he seems to me to have been s.n.a.t.c.hed away by a special favour of providence from its conflagration. For what could be more humiliating than the life we are living, especially mine? For as to yourself, though by nature a politician, you have yet avoided having any servitude peculiar to yourself: you merely come under an appellation common to us all.[491]

But _I_, who, if I say what I ought about the Republic, am looked on as mad, if what expediency dictates, as a slave, and if I say nothing, as utterly crushed and helpless--what must I be suffering? Suffer, indeed, I do, and all the more keenly that I cannot even shew my pain without appearing ungrateful. Again: what if I should choose a life of inactivity and take refuge in the harbour of retired leisure?

Impossible! Rather war and the camp! Am I to serve in the ranks after refusing to be a general? I suppose I must. For I perceive you, too, think so, you whom I wish that I had always obeyed. All that is left to me now is, "You have drawn Sparta: make the best of it!" But, by heavens, I can"t: and I feel for Philoxenus,[492] who preferred a return to gaol. However, in my present retirement I am thinking over how to express my rejection of the old policy, and when we meet you will strengthen me in it.

I notice that you have written to me at frequent intervals, but I received all the letters at once. This circ.u.mstance increased my grief.

For I had read three to begin with, in which the report of Lentulus was that he was a little better. Then came the thunderbolt of the fourth.

But it is not he, as I said, who is to be pitied, but we who are so callous as to live on.[493] You remind me to write that essay on Hortensius: I have digressed into other subjects, but have not forgotten your charge. But, by heaven, at the first line I shrank from the task, lest I, who seem to have acted foolishly in resenting his intemperate conduct as a friend, should once more be foolishly rendering his injurious treatment of me conspicuous, if I wrote anything; and at the same time lest my high _morale_, manifested in my actions, should be somewhat obscured in my writing, and this mode of taking satisfaction should seem to imply a certain instability. But we shall see. Only be sure to write me something as often as possible. I sent a letter to Lucceius asking him to write the history of my consulship: be sure you get it from him, for it is a very pretty bit of writing, and urge him to use despatch, and thank him for having written me an answer saying that he would do so. Go and see my house as often as you can. Say something to Vestorius:[494] for he is acting very liberally in regard to me.

[Footnote 491: Reading _communi fueris nomine_. After all, the meaning is very doubtful.]

[Footnote 492: Philoxenus, who, having been sent to the quarries by Dionysius of Syracuse, for criticising the tyrant"s poetry, was given another chance. After reading a few lines he turned away silently.

"Where are you going?" said Dionysius. "Back to the quarries," said Philoxenus. For Spa?ta? ??a?e?, ta?t?? ??se?, see p. 59.]

[Footnote 493: _Ferrei_. The true meaning of the word here seems to me to be shewn by _de Am._ -- 87, _quis tam esset ferreus, qui eam vitam ferre posset, cuique non auferret fructum voluptatum omnium solitudo_?

There is an intentional play on the words _ferreus_ and _ferre_. Others have altered it to _servi_, and others have explained it as an allusion to the iron age, in both cases spoiling the ant.i.thesis--he died, we remain--and in the latter using the word in a sense not elsewhere found.

Lentulus is L. Cornelius Lentulus. See Letter L.]

[Footnote 494: A money-lender.]

CX (A IV, 7)



[Sidenote: B.C. 56, aeT. 50]

Nothing could be better timed than your letter, which much relieved the anxiety I was feeling about that excellent boy, our Quintus. Two hours earlier Chaerippus had arrived: his news was simply awful. As to what you say about Apollonius, why, heaven confound him! a Greek and turn bankrupt! Thinks he may do what Roman knights do! For, of course, Terentius is within his rights! As to Metellus--_de mortuis_, etc.[495]--yet there has been no citizen die these many years past who ----. Well, I am willing to warrant your getting the money: for what have you to fear, whomsoever he made his heir, unless it were Publius?

But he has, in fact, made a respectable man his heir, though he was himself ----! Wherefore in this business you will not have to open your money-chest: another time you will be more cautious. Please see to my instructions about my house: hire some guards: give Milo a hint.[496]

The Arpinates grumble amazingly about Laterium.[497] Well, what can I say? I was much annoyed myself, but "to words of mine he gave no heed."[498] For the rest, take care of young Cicero and love him as always.

[Footnote 495: ??? ?s?? f??????s??, leaving Atticus, as often, to fill in the words ?p" ??d??s?? e??et?as?a? (Hom. _Od._ xxii. 412, where the word is ?ta????s??). Terentius is some eques who has stopped payment.]

[Footnote 496: Because Clodius was attempting to pull down Cicero"s new-built house on the ground that the site was still consecrated. He was prevented by Milo (Dio, x.x.xix. 20).]

[Footnote 497: Something that Quintus had done, perhaps about water, on his estate which annoyed his fellow townsmen.]

[Footnote 498: ? d" ??? ?p??et? ???? (Hom. _Od._ i. 271).]

CXI (A IV, 8 a)



[Sidenote: B.C. 56, aeT. 50]

There were many things in your letter which pleased me, but nothing more than your "dish of cheese and salt fish"![499] For as to what you say about the sale,

"Boast not yourself before you see the end,"[500]

I can find nothing in the way of a building for you in the neighbourhood. In the town there is something of the sort, though it is doubtful whether it is for sale, and, in fact, close to my own house.

Let me tell you that Antium is the Buthrotum of Rome, just what your Buthrotum is to Corcyra. Nothing can be quieter, cooler, or prettier--"be this mine own dear home."[501] Moreover, since Tyrannio has arranged my books for me, my house seems to have had a soul added to it; in which matter your Dionysius and Menophilus were of wonderful service. Nothing can be more charming than those bookcases of yours, since the t.i.tle-slips have shewn off the books. Good-bye. I should like you to write me word about the gladiators, but only if they fight well, I don"t want to know about them if they were failures.

[Footnote 499: We must suppose Atticus to have mentioned some money loss (see last letter), and to have added that, though a ruinous one, his tastes were simple, and he could live on simple fare. Cicero laughs at the affectation of the rich Atticus. _Raudusculum_, "a piece of bronze,"

was the ancient term for the piece of bronze money used in sales, _per aes et libram_ (Varro, _L. L._ v. 163).]

[Footnote 500: ?p? ??" e?p?? p??? te?e?t?sa?t" ?d??, "Do not boast till you see a man dead"--a well-known line from a lost play of Sophocles, containing a sentiment elsewhere often repeated, especially in Herodotus"s account of the interview of Solon and Crsus.]

[Footnote 501: e?? ?? ??t?? f???? ?????, according to a probable restoration of the Greek words (instead of e?? ?s?t?? f???? ?????, "I might even hate my town house in comparison"); cp. Hor. _Od._ ii. 6, 7.]

CXII (F V, 3)


[Sidenote: B.C. 56, aeT. 50]

The insults of a most outrageous person, with which he loads me in frequent public speeches, are alleviated by your kind services to me; and as they are of little weight as coming from a man of that character, they are regarded by me with contempt, and I am quite pleased by an interchange of persons to regard you in the light of a cousin.[502] Him I don"t wish even to remember, though I have twice saved his life in his own despite. Not to be too troublesome to you about my affairs, I have written to Lollius as to what I want done about my provincial accounts, with a view to his informing and reminding you. If you can, I hope you will preserve your old goodwill to me.

[Footnote 502: _Fratris_. The mother of Clodius, Caecilia, was a daughter of Q. Caecilius Metellus Balearicus (consul B.C. 123), father of the writer of this letter.]

CXIII (F I, 7)