The Little Lady of the Big House

Chapter 43

"And there you are," Terrence was triumphing. ""Tis the perfect joy of him--never up in the air with dizzy heels. Flat on the good ground he stands, four square to fact and law, set against all airy fancies and bubbly speculations...."

And as at table, so afterward that evening no one could have guessed from d.i.c.k that all was not well with him. He seemed bent on celebrating Lute"s and Ernestine"s return, refused to tolerate the heavy talk of the philosophers, and bubbled over with pranks and tricks. Paula yielded to the contagion, and aided and abetted him in his practical jokes which none escaped.

Choicest among these was the kiss of welcome. No man escaped it. To Graham was accorded the honor of receiving it first so that he might witness the discomfiture of the others, who, one by one, were ushered in by d.i.c.k from the patio.

Hanc.o.c.k, d.i.c.k"s arm guiding him, came down the room to confront Paula and her sisters standing in a row on three chairs in the middle of the floor. He scanned them suspiciously, and insisted upon walking around behind them. But there seemed nothing unusual about them save that each wore a man"s felt hat.

"Looks good to me," Hanc.o.c.k announced, as he stood on the floor before them and looked up at them.

"And it is good," d.i.c.k a.s.sured him. "As representing the ranch in its fairest aspects, they are to administer the kiss of welcome. Make your choice, Aaron."

Aaron, with a quick whirl to catch some possible lurking disaster at his back, demanded, "They are all three to kiss me?"

"No, make your choice which is to give you the kiss."

"The two I do not choose will not feel that I have discriminated against them?" Aaron insisted.

"Whiskers no objection?" was his next query.

"Not in the way at all," Lute told him. "I have always wondered what it would be like to kiss black whiskers."

"Here"s where all the philosophers get kissed tonight, so hurry up,"

Ernestine said. "The others are waiting. I, too, have yet to be kissed by an alfalfa field."

"Whom do you choose?" d.i.c.k urged.

"As if, after that, there were any choice about it," Hanc.o.c.k returned jauntily. "I kiss my lady--the Little Lady."

As he put up his lips, Paula bent her head forward, and, nicely directed, from the indented crown of her hat canted a gla.s.sful of water into his face.

When Leo"s turn came, he bravely made his choice of Paula and nearly spoiled the show by reverently bending and kissing the hem of her gown.

"It will never do," Ernestine told him. "It must be a real kiss. Put up your lips to be kissed."

"Let the last be first and kiss me, Leo," Lute begged, to save him from his embarra.s.sment.

He looked his grat.i.tude, put up his lips, but without enough tilt of his head, so that he received the water from Lute"s hat down the back of his neck.

"All three shall kiss me and thus shall paradise be thrice multiplied,"

was Terrence"s way out of the difficulty; and simultaneously he received three crowns of water for his gallantry.

d.i.c.k"s boisterousness waxed apace. His was the most care-free seeming in the world as he measured Froelig and Martinez against the door to settle the dispute that had arisen as to whether Froelig or Martinez was the taller.

"Knees straight and together, heads back," d.i.c.k commanded.

And as their heads touched the wood, from the other side came a rousing thump that jarred them. The door swung open, revealing Ernestine with a padded gong-stick in either hand.

d.i.c.k, a high-heeled satin slipper in his hand, was under a sheet with Terrence, teaching him "Brother Bob I"m bobbed" to the uproarious joy of the others, when the Masons and Watsons and all their Wickenberg following entered upon the scene.

Whereupon d.i.c.k insisted that the young men of their party receive the kiss of welcome. Nor did he miss, in the hubbub of a dozen persons meeting as many more, Lottie Mason"s: "Oh, good evening, Mr. Graham. I thought you had gone."

And d.i.c.k, in the midst of the confusion of settling such an influx of guests, still maintaining his exuberant jolly pose, waited for that sharp scrutiny that women have only for women. Not many moments later he saw Lottie Mason steal such a look, keen with speculation, at Paula as she chanced face to face with Graham, saying something to him.

Not yet, was d.i.c.k"s conclusion. Lottie did not know. But suspicion was rife, and nothing, he was certain, under the circ.u.mstances, would gladden her woman"s heart more than to discover the unimpeachable Paula as womanly weak as herself.

Lottie Mason was a tall, striking brunette of twenty-five, undeniably beautiful, and, as d.i.c.k had learned, undeniably daring. In the not remote past, attracted by her, and, it must be submitted, subtly invited by her, he had been guilty of a philandering that he had not allowed to go as far as her wishes. The thing had not been serious on his part. Nor had he permitted it to become serious on her side.

Nevertheless, sufficient flirtatious pa.s.sages had taken place to impel him this night to look to her, rather than to the other Wickenberg women, for the first signals of suspicion.

"Oh, yes, he"s a beautiful dancer," d.i.c.k, as he came up to them half an hour later, heard Lottie Mason telling little Miss Maxwell. "Isn"t he, d.i.c.k?" she appealed to him, with innocent eyes of candor through which disguise he knew she was studying him.

"Who?--Graham, you must mean," he answered with untroubled directness.

"He certainly is. What do you say we start dancing and let Miss Maxwell see? Though there"s only one woman here who can give him full swing to show his paces."

"Paula, of course," said Lottie.

"Paula, of course. Why, you young chits don"t know how to waltz. You never had a chance to learn."--Lottie tossed her fine head. "Perhaps you learned a little before the new dancing came in," he amended.

"Anyway, I"ll get Evan and Paula started, you take me on, and I"ll wager we"ll be the only couples on the floor."

Half through the waltz, he broke it off with: "Let them have the floor to themselves. It"s worth seeing."

And, glowing with appreciation, he stood and watched his wife and Graham finish the dance, while he knew that Lottie, beside him, stealing side glances at him, was having her suspicions allayed.

The dancing became general, and, the evening being warm, the big doors to the patio were thrown open. Now one couple, and now another, danced out and down the long arcades where the moonlight streamed, until it became the general thing.

"What a boy he is," Paula said to Graham, as they listened to d.i.c.k descanting to all and sundry on the virtues of his new night camera.

"You heard Aaron complaining at table, and Terrence explaining, his sureness. Nothing terrible has ever happened to him in his life. He has never been overthrown. His sureness has always been vindicated. As Terrence said, it has always delivered the goods. He does know, he does know, and yet he is so sure of himself, so sure of me."

Graham taken away to dance with Miss Maxwell, Paula continued her train of thought to herself. d.i.c.k was not suffering so much after all. And she might have expected it. He was the cool-head, the philosopher. He would take her loss with the same equanimity as he would take the loss of Mountain Lad, as he had taken the death of Jeremy Braxton and the flooding of the Harvest mines. It was difficult, she smiled to herself, aflame as she was toward Graham, to be married to a philosopher who would not lift a hand to hold her. And it came to her afresh that one phase of Graham"s charm for her was his humanness, his flamingness.

They met on common ground. At any rate, even in the heyday of their coming together in Paris, d.i.c.k had not so inflamed her. A wonderful lover he had been, too, with his gift of speech and lover"s phrases, with his love-chants that had so delighted her; but somehow it was different from this what she felt for Graham and what Graham must feel for her. Besides, she had been most young in experience of love and lovers in that long ago when d.i.c.k had burst so magnificently upon her.

And so thinking, she hardened toward him and recklessly permitted herself to flame toward Graham. The crowd, the gayety, the excitement, the closeness and tenderness of contact in the dancing, the summer-warm of the evening, the streaming moonlight, and the night-scents of flowers--all fanned her ardency, and she looked forward eagerly to the at least one more dance she might dare with Graham.

"No flash light is necessary," d.i.c.k was explaining. "It"s a German invention. Half a minute exposure under the ordinary lighting is sufficient. And the best of it is that the plate can be immediately developed just like an ordinary blue print. Of course, the drawback is one cannot print from the plate."

"But if it"s good, an ordinary plate can be copied from it from which prints can be made," Ernestine amplified.

She knew the huge, twenty-foot, spring snake coiled inside the camera and ready to leap out like a jack-in-the-box when d.i.c.k squeezed the bulb. And there were others who knew and who urged d.i.c.k to get the camera and make an exposure.

He was gone longer than he expected, for Bonbright had left on his desk several telegrams concerning the Mexican situation that needed immediate replies. Trick camera in hand, d.i.c.k returned by a short cut across the house and patio. The dancing couples were ebbing down the arcade and disappearing into the hall, and he leaned against a pillar and watched them go by. Last of all came Paula and Evan, pa.s.sing so close that he could have reached out and touched them. But, though the moon shone full on him, they did not see him. They saw only each other in the tender sport of gazing.

The last preceding couple was already inside when the music ceased.

Graham and Paula paused, and he was for giving her his arm and leading her inside, but she clung to him in sudden impulse. Man-like, cautious, he slightly resisted for a moment, but with one arm around his neck she drew his head willingly down to the kiss. It was a flash of quick pa.s.sion. The next instant, Paula on his arm, they were pa.s.sing in and Paula"s laugh was ringing merrily and naturally.

d.i.c.k clutched at the pillar and eased himself down abruptly until he sat flat on the pavement. Accompanying violent suffocation, or causing it, his heart seemed rising in his chest. He panted for air. The cursed thing rose and choked and stifled him until, in the grim turn his fancy took, it seemed to him that he chewed it between his teeth and gulped it back and down his throat along with the reviving air. He felt chilled, and was aware that he was wet with sudden sweat.

"And who ever heard of heart disease in the Forrests?" he muttered, as, still sitting, leaning against the pillar for support, he mopped his face dry. His hand was shaking, and he felt a slight nausea from an internal quivering that still persisted.