The Mage Will Master Magic Efficiently In His Second Life

Chapter 105

Translator: Nefarian


When she lightly swung her hand, the arm of the Giant Ape got torn apart and flew across the sky, after a long flight it landed on the bare earth with a thud.

Both the Giant Ape including myself was just watching the arm rolling across the ground with blank surprise.

I was doing my utmost to just understand what was happening here.

The Giant Ape was supposed to be holding on to Shirushu’s hand but it suddenly got shredded and torn apart….. Now it was rolling across the ground…..?

I turned my glance away from the arm that Shirushu had torn apart and I noticed that she was staring directly at the Giant ape with a pair of white fangs baring it at the beast.


From the appearance of her showing her fangs and the way she grumbled, you wouldn’t be able to a.s.sociate her with the previous Shirushu.

Shirushu’s hair was originally supposed to be light pink in color, but it was now bright red. Her eyes changed from black to red as well.

Her beast ears that was being concealed by her priest hat were now visible above her head and was restlessly moving around as if she was searching for prey.


I certainly thought that there was no way an ordinary human from the port town of Izu could travel all the way into the deep woods by herself, but to think that she would be a beastman.

Thinking about it properly, it had always been strange that she was always able to find where the children were eating and how she was able to travel in the Goliath Forest which was filled with monsters all by herself.

Moreover, she doesn’t seem to be an ordinary type of beastman……

Nevertheless, Shirushu doesn’t seem to be paying much attention to me, she turns towards the Giant Ape and places her hands down casually.

Taking a stance like a four-footed beast she bends forward and kicks off the ground to propel herself.


Shirushu shouts out like a beast and rushes towards the Giant ape which only had one arm remaining.

The beast was at least three times her size but along with her b.e.s.t.i.a.l roar, she launches a vigorous punch towards the belly of the ape.

Taking such a brutal impact, the body of the Giant Ape slightly floats up in the air before itself across the earth to stabilize itself. The Giant Ape tries to retaliate by striking back at Shirushu who was close to its chest.

However, it only hit the empty air.

Shirushu dodges the blow with ease and was already behind its back throwing another punch right at it.


The beast could not react to Shirushu’s erratic movements in the slightest.

Just with that one blow, the Giant Ape’s huge body was staggering to a fall, but Shirushu doesn’t even let it fall to the ground in peace.


Shirushu’s fist was swung so fast that you could barely see it, she was repeatedly launching a barrage of blows.

The more this continued, the sound of flesh receiving a heavy impact started to resound within the forest.

The beast began to screech and Shirushu was howling at it, receiving blow after blow, the Giant Ape could not even perform any sort of counter attack.

(So strong!)

It is true that a half-beast, half-human race possesses a higher amount of physical strength in comparison to a regular human being, however, who would of guessed that it would be to such an extent…..


Shirushu’s kick pierces its belly and the Giant Ape collapses on its knee.

Blood was dripping down from her fists like raindrops and even though she was breathing quite rapidly she still had eyes that were filled with fighting spirit as she looked down commandingly towards the Giant Ape.

Finally, just as she was going to wield her hand which was covered in blood to deal the finishing blow to the kneeling Giant Ape, the Treant Ape launched an attack.

It must have been liberated from the Blue ice wall after the spell expired, this was to be expected as I hadn’t really paid attention to it for a while now.

But even the surprise attack by the Treant Ape was not able to faze her and she immediately reacted, after swiftly evading the attack, she sneaks behind the Treant Ape and chops off its neck sending it flying.

The Treant Ape has a Magic Value of 7200, yet it died in one blow?

When I looked closely, Shirushu’s finger nails were very beast-like, they were long and very sharp.

I can"t really tell from such a far distance, but I can also feel some sort of magic in play. It kind of feels similar to the time when Lydia’s father negated my magic in our fight.

At any rate, I can feel terrifying offensive attack is about to be unleashed….. This is bad.


When the Giant Ape howls towards the sky, I could sense that the surrounding area around the woods began to shake and rustle.

This is the special ability of the Giant Ape, when all the surrounding Treant Apes are defeated, it will begin to re-summon a new batch of Treant Apes.

Soon after numerous Treant Apes appears out of the forest in order to surround us, but instead Shirushu floats a warlike smile as she glances at the enemies around her.

(She’s just like a crazed beast.)

Slowly raising her arms, the edge of her mouth rises and it seemed like she could not suppress the destructive impulse within her any longer.

For a Beastman, it is quite common for them to let their brutal beast-half of their being take over, in doing so most of them lose their sense of reason and completely submerges themselves in the midst of battle.

I’ve seen a couple of beastman battle in the past, but I’ve never seen anything like this…

(At any rate, I should use this opportunity to recover…)

While casting healing magic on myself, I also casted Safe Protection on to Shirushu.

She’s not easy to hit while in this condition but it"s just more of a precaution.

Without even giving me a glance, Shirushu kicks off the ground and started to attack the Giant Ape again.

Her kick which was as strong as a whirl wind, connected directly with the head of the Giant Ape and its huge body was rolling across the ground while raising a cloud of dust in its wake.

All the Treant Apes who rushed towards Shirushu in order to protect their master, was without exception: smashed, cut in half or crushed to the ground and instantly died.

While trampling the crushed remains of the Treant Apes, Shirushu calmly walks towards the Giant Ape.

The Giant Ape tries to open its mouth once again in order to call for more reinforcements, however…


It’s mouth could not make any more sound after that.

Shirushu plunged her hand into its mouth grabbing its tongue that was as long as her own hand.


No matter how much it tried, it just couldn’t create the right sound, the Giant ape was struggling as if it had already gone mad and Shirushu returns a smile as she ripped the tongue out from its roots.

The unpleasant sound of its tongue detaching resounded along with the pained howl of the Giant Ape.

While looking down at it, Shirushu casually throws the tongue behind her back.

The tongue that was writhing around soon stopped moving all together and the Giant Ape who was watching its tongue, was filled with anger and directed its gaze right at Shirushu.

Kicking the ground, the Giant Ape shows a surprising swiftness that had not been seen before as it launched itself towards Shirushu.

Shirushu slowly spreads out her arms, and…


That was the end for the Giant Ape.

The body of the Giant Ape was cut into four pieces as it falls to the ground in a pitter patter.

After easily eliminating the Giant Ape, Shirushu slowly turns her gaze towards me like a beast that had just found a new prey to toy around with.

Translator: Nefarian

Below Shirushu’s feet was the scattered remains of the Giant Ape which had been shred to pieces.

Her red hair was fluttering against the wind and her burning red eyes locks on to me.

Her vacant eyes suddenly opened wide and Shirushu’s body began to tremble and sway.

And then,

( This is bad!)

While backing away from her, I chanted out time square. during the time suspension effect I casted black boots twice.

At the same time, I was looking at Shirushu.

She had the same eyes when she was toying around with the Giant Ape, it was the sort of gaze that made you think she was here to hunt her prey, this was a ferocious look.

Brandishing her sharp nails towards me, she aims it towards my face.

After the time stop effect is released, the wind property is enchanted on my legs.

This was the effect of my speed strengthening from casting Black Boots twice.

(She is definitely fast, but if I know what she’s aiming for then!)

I barely avoided her claws that were aimed towards my face and her attack grazes my cheek making me spill blood.

(……. She seems to be aiming for my eyes. As expected, is she still unable to regain her senses?)

While avoiding her attack, I somehow manage to grab on to her arm and push against her chest with my back.

Then just like that I sink my hips towards the ground and swing my arms forwards to initiate a full blown throw of Shirushu!

Before she was about to crash into the tree, Shirushu spun around her body and kicked the tree to propel herself. The sound of the tree cracking under the pressure could be heard and she was flying towards me with a tremendous amount of momentum.

The tree that Shirushu kicked breaks right into two and falls apart.

Just how much power does she have in such a slim body?

A human-beast breed with both red eyes and red hair, I’ve heard stories about them before, but if I am not mistaken they are a race of beastmen known as pure breed.

Even amongst the beastmen, they are known to have very violent natures, originally when a beastmen becomes angry, their eyes will turn red as a result, but in the case of a pure breed, even their hair would turn red.

Especially, in cases where they becomeso angry that their hair turns red, I’ve heard that they lose all reason and become unable to differentiate between friend of foe.

Not only that, but the power and destruction they are capable of is nothing that can be compared to the usual beastmen…..

I avoided the head-b.u.t.t from Shirushu who was jumping towards me, after I did this, she then uses both hands and feet to against the ground stopping her forward momentum and changing her course back towards me.

Her fangs were bared and the growling Shirushu was exactly like the embodiment of a beast.

「Calm down…. But well even though I’m saying this, she probably can’t hear me?」


However, for some reason her eyes seemed sad, to me it looked like she was shedding tears.

「…. I’ll try not to hurt you. Just hold on for a little while longer.」

Although in the state that she is in, I doubt she can hear any of what I’m saying.

Even if I try to use a spell to put her to sleep, it will be meaningless if she cannot hear the sleep code.

Continuing to avoid her attacks, I cast time square.

While the time suspension took effect, I cast double Red Gloves.

——–Muscular strengthening magic, Red Glove.

Avoiding her attack by a hair’s thread margin, I grab her arm and this time I push her down towards the ground.

Just like that I get on top of her belly as if riding a horse and press both of her hands against the ground.

The power of the struggling Shirushu is dreadful, even though I’ve enhanced my strength it will be impossible to hold her down for an extended period.

(I need to end this quick…!)

I chanted Time square and during the time suspension phase, I casted Green Wall twice.

「Green Wall….. Double!」

Magical energy begins to surround her from the center of her body and an ivy sprouts out from the ground constricting the entirety of her being.

Even though she was raging around and struggling with her hands and feet, it was futile.

The more you struggle against this ivy, the more it will tangle around your body and constrict you.

Her whole body is soon restrained and Shirushu became unable to move.

The Green Wall double spell has a slow and narrow range of effect, but once it manifests itself in the target, it becomes very difficult to solve the constraints.

Considering that the difference between the amount of magical power between me and Shirushu is quite large, the spell becomes even more effective.

「Gaa, Ahh… Uhh….」

However, the amount of time it can restrain a person is quite short.

Leaving my left hand to hold the ivy in place, I release all of my magical energy in my right hand.

「Don’t worry, this will be over soon.」

Sticking my hand against her struggling chest, I used all my energy to disrupt her magical power line within her body.


Shirushu lets out a final groan, as her upper body started to convulse and tremble in a big way, she twitches her body until she becomes completely exhausted and crumbles down.

Because she fainted, her hair color turns from bright red to her usual pinkish color.

Even Lydia could not move for the next day when I used all my power to manipulate her magical power line.

Even if she recovers consciousness and becomes shocked, she should not be able to move her body for quite some time.

I shouldered the fainted Shirushu on my back and walked in the direction that Milly was thrown in.

――――The sun began to set and it started to get dark.

I was leaning against a tree and Milly was resting against my lap.

It seems that she fainted because of that one blow by the Giant ape, but after applying healing magic, she has somewhat recovered.

In front of me was this bon fire created for the purpose of warmth and also for the purpose of making the beasts and monsters around here avoid us.

On the other side of me, Shirushu was also asleep.


Perhaps she was awoken by the sound of crackling fire, but Shirushu slowly opened her eyes and looked in my direction.

「Have you woken up?」


Shirushu seemed to look at me with a confused expression, but after seeing how Milly was sleeping on my lap, gradually the color of her hair was becoming dyed in red.

(She’s going to go crazy again…..?)

Although I immediately readied myself, it would seem that she didn’t lose her reason this time around or have any intention to attack me, instead….

「I’m so very sorryyy!」

Bowing while pressing three fingers of each hand on the floor, Shirushu rubs her head against the ground.

If I looked closely, I could tell that the color of red in her hair was much paler than before.

It would seem that as long as she didn’t become seriously enraged, she wouldn’t go on a rampage.

Nevertheless, even though I’ve fully stirred up her magical power lines, it would seem that her body is capable of moving without any issues?

Even Lydia was out of commission for a full day after but…. Is this also because of the high physical abilities of the beastmen race?

「Don’t worry about it….. Though I suppose you aren’t going to forget about it that easily huh.」

「Yes….. I’m so very very sorry…..」

I was watching the trembling Shirushu who was repeatedly apologizing to me.

Entering the forest by herself causing us trouble, then not listening to my instructions to stay put and ending up getting caught by the Giant Ape, finally going on a rampage and even going as far as to attack me.

She probably didn’t even know how or what to apologize for anymore.

While prostrating herself on the ground, the ears growing out of her head was shivering and trembling.

It seems that beastmen were to acting emotionally just as they are known to act on instinct.

Letting out a sigh, I came over to sit next to Shirushu who was unwilling to lift her head from the ground.

「I understand. You can’t forgive yourself…… You want me to give you some sort of punishment to ease your guilt right?」

「Yes….. I will do anything… !」

Still prostrating herself, she was like some sort of criminal awaiting her punishment as her body trembled.

Because Shirushu had such a high sense of responsibility, it was likely that she was unable to forgive herself.

When dealing with these type of people, it’s best to just give them what they want.

Standing behind Shirushu, I turned over her clothes as she remained in kneeled on the ground when I did, it revealed a pair of black tights that wrapped around her a.s.s.

She lets out a small voice and her body was twitching in fear, but she didn’t show any signs of retreating.

Just as she has stated, it would seem that she planned on being properly punished.

Grabbing on to her protruding b.u.t.t,

――――I struck hard with the with the palm of my hand.


There was a good slapping sound along with a small scream, but Shirushu still remains prostrated on the ground.

The more I struck and slapped with my hands, the more Shirushu’s body would tremble.

By the time I finished beating her b.u.t.t several times, she was breathing heavily expelling a lot of air.

Her b.u.t.tocks were swollen and it was shaking little by little.

My hands were also tingling.

「… It’s over. Raise your face Shirushu.」

「Haa…. Haa……. Yess…….」

She answered  me with a tiny voice as she raised her face and I could see that both her hair, eyes and cheeks were bright red.

It probably hurt a lot, her eyes had tear marks to indicate where the tears flowed.

While waiting for her to settle down, I sat next to her side.

「Shirushu are you a beastmen purebreed?」

「……Yes, it would seem that way. it’s something I heard from the reverend….」1

Although it looks like she has settled down quite a lot, she still hasn’t looked at me for some time.

Or perhaps she was really embarra.s.sed about what happened just now.

Her face is still red.

「Have you ever went berserk and ended up like earlier today?」

After listening to me, she twitched a little and answered in a very small voice of acknowledgement.

「When I was a child, I was picked up by the church, but back then I was a roughneck that was out of control, so the reverend-sama used his special magic to seal this dark part of me away.」

Indeed, if you were a priest in a church, it would not be so strange to be able to use one or two sealing type magical arts.

「But since the reverend pa.s.sed away, time has continued to weaken the seal unravelling it. Seeing that Zeph-san and Milly-san was hurt due to my own failures, my heart felt like it was going to burst…… and my eyes were filled with red…..」

Saying this, she started to hang her head down in shame again.

It seems she really minds about her own mistakes.

「I don’t think I can stay in that church anymore…..」

「…… It’s probably for the best」

Being a person who can became a crazed beast just from anger, indiscriminately hurting anything in her sights… I don’t think someone like that could live in a town in an upright manner.

Especially in the church she lived in, there were plenty of children in it.

「What do you plan on doing from now on?」

「Hmm….  So I’m thinking of living as an adventurer like Zeph-san and the others. If I use that power, it seems like I will be able to fight. As for the children….. Do you think it would be alright if you told them that I died in this forest? Even without me there, they still have Rui and all the children are surprisingly tough. Even without someone like me over there….. I believe…. that they can do…. well…uhn」

She was doing well to say this much, but her eyes started to drop down tears.

At the same time, her hair which was gradually returning to her pinkish hue once again started to be dyed in bright red.

「Eh…..? Uhm? Aha…… W-Why are…. tears……uhn.」

Large droplets of tears were flowing down her face and I hugged Shirushu’s head against my chest.

「……Don’t push yourself.」


Although Shirushu was bewildered with the sudden embrace, she soon accepted it as her body trembled and she wrapped her hands around my back.

My clothes were becoming more and more wet with Shirushu’s tears.


「Didn’t I already say not to mind it?」

While becoming sopping wet with her tears, I embraced the sobbing Shirushu and until she fell asleep, I continued caressing her red hair telling her that it would all be alright.

Nef the reverend just for clarification is the priest dude who took her in as a child. ↩