The Monk That Wanted To Renounce Asceticism

Chapter 1243: A Free Five-Minute Chat

Chapter 1243: A Free Five-Minute Chat

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Only then did the two soldiers recall that he was pregnant, not that he was giving birth. It should be fine…

Therefore, the two soldiers raised White s.h.i.+rt again and ran towards another individual room.

Watching White s.h.i.+rt leave, the others secretly wiped the cold sweat off their foreheads. If this were to blow up here, none of them would be able to escape!

Hence, they quickly dispersed to prevent getting implicated.

Indeed, not too long later, a loud boom could be heard as the individual room blasted out red chili powder.

“Just what did White s.h.i.+rt encounter? He’s actually constantly giving birth to bombs?” Many people were discussing within the Red Fiend.

“I heard that he went to China and schemed against a monk. I heard that the monk is famous in China and he even knows divine powers. Do you think that monk is up to no good?”

“It’s possible… If it really is him, my G.o.d, who can afford to offend such a person?”

“But us Red Fiends, are not that easily messed with. No matter how powerful he is, he is in the open while we are in the dark. He might not be able to handle it if we carefully scheme against him.”

“Let’s see what the higher-ups say.”

At the same time, in a hidden underground palace in the Red Fiend headquarters, there were only a few people sitting at a long table.

From the end to the end, there were men and women dressed in orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, and black. The spot at the end of the table was empty, but further back was a curtain. Behind the curtain was a blurry shadow. It was impossible to tell if it was male or female.

“Red s.h.i.+rt was imprisoned by Fangzheng. White s.h.i.+rt helped avenge him, but he ended up in such a state. Everyone, is there anything you wish to say?” asked Black s.h.i.+rt.

Orange s.h.i.+rt was a woman. Her orange-yellow hair was striking. She pursed her lips into a smile and said, “Boss Black s.h.i.+rt, up till now, there’s only two paths. Either we go to war, or we ask for peace.”

Yellow s.h.i.+rt said with a smile, “War? That’s not an ordinary monk. To be able to make White s.h.i.+rt give birth to bombs, he can make all of us give birth to bombs. I doubt any of us wants to give birth to children at our future gathering.”

Everyone imagined the scene of Red Fiends collectively giving birth to bombs at home as they s.h.i.+vered in fear.

Green s.h.i.+rt said, “Do we have to make peace? This doesn’t match the Red Fiend’s style… Besides, we haven’t confirmed that the situation with White s.h.i.+rt is a result of that monk. After all, we don’t know if he is dead or alive!”

Orange s.h.i.+rt laughed. “Why don’t we let Sister Green s.h.i.+rt give it a try?”

Green s.h.i.+rt snorted coldly. “I won’t do something I’m not confident of. Why not have Sister Orange s.h.i.+rt do it?”

Orange s.h.i.+rt chuckled. “No, I’m not interested in men.”

Black s.h.i.+rt said, “Enough, the two of you. If you want to fight, do it outside. Don’t fight during the meeting.”

Green s.h.i.+rt and Orange s.h.i.+rt immediately backed off, but they still glared at each other, indicating their displeasure towards each other.

At this moment, Cyan s.h.i.+rt lightly said, “To know if he really has divine powers or if he is still alive is actually very simple. Why don’t we just give it a try? However, I personally believe that he has divine powers. Otherwise, if he were so easily killed, the Italian government wouldn’t have been powerless against him.”

“Give it a try? Who’s going?” Black s.h.i.+rt asked.

Cyan s.h.i.+rt replied, “Let that person with a screw loose go. He will only be a burden if he stays. If he dies outside, it won’t be considered a loss.”

“Are you talking about that fool, Eccentric?” Even Black s.h.i.+rt couldn’t maintain his composure.

Orange s.h.i.+rt said, “To let that fool go… That’s really… interesting.”

Black s.h.i.+rt said, “We have one suggestion; are there any other suggestions?”

Everyone shook their heads.

Black s.h.i.+rt said, “Then let’s begin voting.”

Everyone raised their hands.

Black s.h.i.+rt said helplessly, “Then let Eccentric go. I hope he’ll die a little nicer, or make the enemy die a little uglier…”

Everyone nodded in unison before laughing.

Not long after, a sloppy man walked into White s.h.i.+rt’s ward wearing a gas mask. Then, he sat down beside White s.h.i.+rt and said, “White s.h.i.+rt, don’t be afraid. I’m here. I’ll help avenge you.”

White s.h.i.+rt’s eyes widened when he heard this voice. His face was filled with panic as he tried his best to squeeze out a single word from his mouth: “Scram!”

The man wearing the gas mask was Eccentric as mentioned by Black s.h.i.+rt. Eccentric shook his head and said, “Look at how uncooperative you are. Why are your eyes opened so wide. Are you giving birth again?”

White s.h.i.+rt let out a snort and closed his eyes. Clearly, he did not want to bother with Eccentric.

Eccentric said, “Alright, you can ignore me, but Boss said that he’s leaving me to handle the darn baldy, Fangzheng. Give me his WeChat handle and I’ll leave after receiving it!”

White s.h.i.+rt asked, “Really?”

Eccentric nodded as a playful look flashed in his eyes. It didn’t matter if Black s.h.i.+rt and company believed it or not, but White s.h.i.+rt believed that Fangzheng definitely had divine powers and was very terrifying! The symptoms he suffered were the best proof! However, he did not plan on saying anything. After his accidents, all of them watched him in amus.e.m.e.nt and ignored him. He was filled with resentment, so being able to vent it on them was perfect. Since he was unlucky, everyone else might as well suffer the same bad luck!

Hence, White s.h.i.+rt said, “His WeChat handle is yizhisifangzheng. Add it. I’ve already told you what you want to know. You can fulfill your promise and leave!”

Eccentric nodded. “No problem. I’ll leave now.”

After saying that, Eccentric circled around White s.h.i.+rt before sitting back down. “Alright, I’ve left and come back. Don’t disturb me.”

White s.h.i.+rt rolled his eyes in anger. If not for his lack of strength, he really wanted to slap this b.a.s.t.a.r.d to death!

For the first time, White s.h.i.+rt had the urge to give birth to a bomb and blast him to death…

Eccentric ignored him and sent a friend request to Fangzheng on WeChat.

Fangzheng was originally playing with his cell phone. When he saw a stranger add him as a friend, he immediately rejected it when he saw the message included.

Eccentric smacked his lips and said, “Hehe, you rejected it. It looks like you are forcing me to use my ultimate move!”

After a while, Fangzheng received another request. When he opened it, he saw that the profile picture was of a half-naked, s.e.xy beauty. The name was: “AreWe MeetingTonight?”

The request message: Nude chat. Try it free for five minutes. It doesn’t cost anything if you don’t like it.

After Fangzheng saw this, his face flushed red…

“Master, what are you looking at? Why are you so excited? Your face is all red.” Squirrel, who was eating pine nuts by the side, immediately came over to ask when he saw Fangzheng’s odd expression.

Fangzheng hurriedly swapped away WeChat and said, “It’s fine. Eat your food. I’m going out for a walk.”

Regardless of how Fangzheng pretended to be a master, he was still a young lad that was full of sap. He became a little restless from the t.i.tillation.

However, Fangzheng looked up at the sky, sighed, and silently tapped the reject b.u.t.ton.

However, the anger in his heart did not dissipate. It was stifling!

He pondered about what he should do to vent his frustration.

The moment Eccentric saw that he was rejected once again, he was enraged. “Not even my ultimate technique works? You’re forcing me to curse!”

Therefore, Fangzheng received another request. The other party’s profile pictured looked like a red fiendish demon. Its name was: “FangzhengF**kYou!”

Request message: Son of a b*tch, fight me!