The Monster Inside Of My Bed

Chapter 15

16 Thousand Years

[Allen’s POV]

I did not hear any  news of her after she got married, the room remained vacant. There are times that Jessica’s parents cleaned the room  or sometimes taking Jessica’s things to her.

Sometimes when I go to the door I could hear her parents talking. I might hear a news of her.

“Dear, Jessica is pregnant.” I heard Jessica’s mother talking to her father.

Days pa.s.sed, weeks and months. I feel more sadness and impatient.

“Hon faster, Jessica is in labor.” I heard the shout O f Jessica’s dad, it was still dawn then.

I did not sleep, I was nervous, I hope she could deliver the baby properly.

The next morning, Jessica’s parents car came. I went near the door to listen when I heard their footsteps pa.s.s.

“Dear, I just pick up the things, prepare the others and we will go back to the hospital.” Jessica’s mother said.

“Don’t forget to bring all the things needed.” her dad said.

“Please! Tell me whether its a boy or a girl.” I whispered.

But they didn’t say anything and went back.

Days pa.s.sed, it was noon at that time when I heard her mom talking on the phone.

“Oh Mare? – Yes, Jessica’s baby is a girl, a beautiful girl.” She said on the phone.

I was disappointed when I hear it. She said she will not introduce it to me if its a daughter, anyway I understood her. It is good that she delivered the baby healthy.

Few years pa.s.sed, I think Jessica’s appearance is more mature than me. Suddenly, a car stopped at their house.

“Wait baby not there, you may stumble.” I was near at the door when I heard it.

Its Jessica’s voice, I just knew. I miss to hear her voice, how many years has since I last heard it.

I touch the doork.n.o.b, I hope she will open it and went inside at least to say h.e.l.lo to me. But she did not until they leave.

They rarely visit here, sometimes twice a year, during Christmas and New Years and then no more.

One day, the door opened. I was surprised when I saw Jessica’s mom, she looked old.

She went to Jessica’s table and take a few things and sat on the bed. I saw her smiling while looking at her things, shortly her tears fell. Then Jessica’s father entered as well, he also look old, he sat beside his wife and gently rub her back.

Perhaps like me they miss Jessica, especially she is their only child.

One day, I heard Jessica’s mom shouting asking for help.

“Help! Help! My husband!” She said shouting.

I want to help but I cant, he had a heart attack and they bring him to the hospital. A few days pa.s.sed her father died.

Five years pa.s.sed, her mother also died. They saw her lying and not breathing, she died of old age.

A funeral was held again in the house. One night I heard someone spoke near the door.


A familiar voice, If I’m not mistaken it was Jessica’s. It is somewhat different, maybe because she somehow aged.

“Dud you hear me? How are you? I’m sorry for everything.” She said in a crying voice.

I went near the door and listen.

“I am having a hard time now, both my mom and dad disappeared,” she said crying.

“I’m sorry if I’m talking to you, you are my first best friend.” I leaned my head against the door.

“I miss you, take care, bye.”

I heard her footsteps getting farther, I want to talk but I did not, I just cried at what she said.

She is having a difficult time right now, I want to be beside her, to support her as a friend. Maybe its for the better, it will only confuse her if she will talk to me. Besides, I know Chris will not abandon her.

Many years has pa.s.sed, it was longer when I waited for her when she leave.

No one is living in the house now. There was someone who come, but just clean the house. I was kept vacant and they did not sell it, maybe it was Jessica’s decision.

I still love her until now, even though many years has pa.s.sed. I look at my hands, nothing has change still the same. Hundred years has pa.s.sed but I still look like a teenager.

I want to die, it is sadder to live for a long time alone. I cant imagine for how many years living like this, bored, sad and alone.