The Monster Inside Of My Bed

Chapter 6

Heartbeat Fast!

[Jessica’s POV]

After my first day of cla.s.s in college, I entered my room and locked it.

“Hey Allen! Where are you?” I shouted at him.

“Pst! Don’t shout. Your mom and dad will hear you and will come here.” Allen said at me.

“Don’t worry not just like before, they are always not here.” I answered.


“I’m already a grown up, an independent person. Don’t worry they trust me!” I said while smiling at him.

“Why did you call me?”

“Ay! I forgot! See, I bought you some clothes so that you can change. I can’t do it before because I was too young and I ca’t afford to buy.”

“You don’t need to, my clothes does not get old.”

“Oh please!”

He accepted it and entered the bathroom. I waited, then he walk out from the bathroom.

“Oh my gee! It really suits you.” I surprisingly said to him.

“Really?” He said unsure.

“Of course, yes! So lets go out.”

“I can’t.”

“Ha? Why?”

“Did you forget? I can’t get away from the bed.”

I have not answer him yet until I remember. “Oh right, I forgot.” I sat on the bed, sad.

[Allen’s POV]

She become sad to my answer, maybe it is already too long that’s why she forgot.

“How is your first day in college?” I asked here to change the subject. Maybe the sadness she feel will be gone.

“As usual, just the same. Nothing’s special.”

“Well it is just the first day.” I said smiling.

The next day, morning. I heard that she’s awake that’s why I went out of he bed.

“Oh Gosh!”

“Oh s.h.i.t!” We both said simultaneously.

I saw her just wearing underwear, in her panty and bra. It looks like she is going to take a bath. I hurriedly went back and hide below the bed.

“Stupid! Fool!” I said to myself while banging my head.

She is not the little Jessica before. She is already a lady. It is awkward for a lady to have a man in the same room.

“Uhmm.. Allen?”She called me.

“A.. ah sorry Jessica.” I shyly said to her.

“Its okay. It is also my fault because I did not tell you beforehand. I forgot that I have a roommate.”

“Okay. Just take your bath and tell me if I can go out.”


“My Gosh, I’m going to be late! Allen can you look for my watch?” Said Jessica in hurry.

“I can.” Allen answered. He immediately floated around the room to search.

Because they are both in hurry, they did not notice that they are going to each other. The time seems to stop! They are both staring at each other. Allen hands are on Jessica’s waist, while Jessica’s hand are on Allen’s shoulder.

They are an inch apart from each other. They can both hear their breathing sound. Their noses are touching and they both feel something, the fast beating of their heart. What is this strange feeling? They question themselves.

After a while they both go back to reality.

“Sorry.” Allen said.

“Its okay. I am also in a hurry like you.”

“Here is your watch.”

“Ah.. thank! I will go now, see you later. Bye!” Jessica said in goodbye.

After Jessica’s cla.s.s she went straight home. She is looking for Allen after she entered her room.

“Why are you home immediately?” Allen noted.

“I don’t want to wander around.”

“Maybe you will imprison yourself here with me. Your parents will decide again to migrate.”

“Haha! No way! I will not agree.”

“And why?”

“I will miss you! Why? Did you not miss me?”

“I missed you.” Allen said wholeheartedly.

Both of their cheeks become warm to what they heard.

Night time, when they are sleeping, Jessica suddenly had a nightmare.

“Jessica are you okay?” Allen asked worriedly.

“I had a very bad dream.” Answered Jessica while panting.

Allen is going back below when “Will you accompany me?” said Jessica in low voice.

Allen turned at answered it with a smile. he sat beside Jessica who is lying.

“Just like before.” Jessica said smiling.

“The?” asked Allen.

“Like this. You are guarding me when I have a nightmare until I fall asleep again. You are the reason why I survived being alone in the room!”

“Your right. Its good that you are not crying unlike before.” He smiled. He look at Jessica but saw her already sleeping.

The next day, they both woke up together in the bed. Jessica embracing Allen. They both look at each other until they both feel the awkward atmosphere. They both hurriedly stand.

“Sorry, I did not notice that I feel asleep here.” Allen explained.

Jessica scratch her nape, don’t know what to say. She took the towel and went to the bathroom and said “Ay! I’m going to be late.”

“s.h.i.t! You are so stupid! Idiot” Allen said to himself scratching his head, when Jessica entered the bathroom

Inside the bathroom Jessica is leaning on the door while touching her chest. “Heartbeat fast! Why is my heart beating like this?” (lub..dub..lub..dub)

translated by: seiji