The Most Majestic You

Chapter 31 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at Most Majestic You

Chapter 31 Part 1

Nine o’clock at night, KG was having their training session as usual.

All players were affected by the depressed atmosphere in the training room.  Aside from

communicating information about the game, they had little energy for small talk.  Cheng Yang went

to the balcony to breathe some fresh air after training and came back with a pile of cigarette b.u.t.ts.

He picked up a cigarette b.u.t.t with his fingers.  “I feel like it doesn’t look promising this time.”

Li Cang just walked into his room, turing his head to ask,  “What do you mean it doesn’t look promising.  Do you mean the young lady boss and her mom?”

“No.”  Cheng Yang shook his head,  “I mean boss and the young lady boss.”

“It can’t be?!”  Li Cang jumped up to his bed and lowered his voice, “Hasn’t it only been a couple days?  They are in perfectly good condition.  Why would they break up?”

Cheng Yang also lied down on his bed with his two arms as a pillow,  “What do you know.  With her

qualifications, what kind of boyfriend could she not have.  She chased after boss just because she’s

too young to know any better.  Our profession doesn’t have a clear future, it’s a profession

misunderstood by the general public.  What can we offer to others as a commitment.  I think even if

those two get together, they will go separate ways sooner or later.”

Li Cang tried to push him off the bed.  “Why did you just curse them?  Didn’t you enthusiastically

encourage them before?”

Cheng Yang:  “Tsk, I was only joking around.  Do you really think they can be together forever?”

Li Cang looked at him annoyingly.  “That’s what I think.”

Cheng Yang covered himself with the blanket.  He felt that he could no longer enjoy playing with this

mentally r.e.t.a.r.ded boy.

Li Cang was still pushing him outside his blanket.  “You get up.  Be clear.”

“What do you want me to say?”

Li Cang seriously said,  “I think boss is not the kind of person you just said.”

Cheng Yang popped out his head impatiently.  “Does this have anything to do with what kind of

person he is?  Everyone has times when they’re sentimental as well as rational.  I surely don’t

believe that boss himself has distinguished it very clearly. Be quiet.  Go sleep.”

n.o.body dared to verify what happened between Xu Jimo and Qianxi, they just kept moving forward

as usual.  Until one day, Qianxi dropped out of KG’s WeChat group, then their guess was finally


Did they really…...break up?

But Xu Jimo behaved very calmly as always.  He would train when it was training time, go negotiate

when there was business to negotiate.  His life moved on and everything was in an orderly manner

as if this Qianxi person had never existed.

He was so calm that even Li Cang began to believe what Cheng Yang said was true.

…...Was he really so cold-blooded?

The negotiation between KG and R went very smoothly.  KG gave up the fight for Tundra, but the

captain Cheng Feng of R’s B team would transfer to KG to as their Carry.  Cheng Yang officially

announced his retirement and Li Cang chose to change his role to Support.

One month of the dynamically rocking transfer period ended shortly.  The new compet.i.tion season


KG players held a welcome party for Cheng Feng on the day he moved to base.  Being used to live

in the impersonal loft style R base, Cheng Feng had a hard time getting used to the warm and cozy

decorations at KG…...especially since he was sharing a room with Wei Lai who was about the same

age as he and the wallpaper of the room was actually a pale blue.

He thought, it was really different having a woman manager……

After dinner, he got familiar with everyone in a friendly atmosphere, finally he dared to ask,  “Why

don’t I see the manager, Ms.Ye?”

The air abruptly dropped below freezing.  The smiles on all of their faces suddenly stiffened.

The new manager Cheng Yang was stunned.  Cheng Feng interacted with Qianxi several times in

Seattle.  His impression of her hadn’t changed since then.  Was the gossip true that Wind was

interested in their young lady boss?

“Oh, she changed jobs.”  Cheng Yang evaded the question.  “Don’t you have some joint business

with them?  It’s that new streaming platform.  It was founded by her and her friend.”

As the manager, he also remembered to remind Cheng Feng the team rules, “Our old players are

not allowed to sign a streaming contract.  But you are not restricted by this because your contract

was signed before the transfer. Just don’t miss training because of a stream.”

Cheng Feng listened carefully and nodded.

Xu Jimo concluded the welcome party, “Get some rest early today.  Wei Lai take him to get familiar

with everything else.  The rest of you go back to your own room.  Cheng Yang, you stay.”

They scattered.  Only Cheng Yang sat in front of him with questions in his mind.

He didn’t say anything that he shouldn’t have…...Cheng Feng didn’t know the relationship between

the young lady boss and boss yet.  Just keep it that way for him. Therefore, he didn’t say anything

more about the matter.

But it wasn’t what he thought at all.  Xu Jimo took out a contract to him.  Cheng Feng took over and

looked at it.  Surprisingly, it was from Qin Xiao’s company.

Xu Jimo was against it in the first place, plus now Qianxi had joined Qin Xiao’s group as well as being a financial backer.  The issue of streaming became a taboo among all KG players…...Xu Jimo

surprisingly offered this contract to him on his own.  “The manager is not a player.  I don’t care about

your personal business outside your work time.”

“Boss……”  Cheng Yang felt that he was caught in an awkward position.

Qianxi was a high level manager in Qin Xiao’s group.  If he signed this contract, then he would serve

two bosses at the same time.  But these two bosses didn’t get along with each other, it would be

really awkward to be caught in between……

“As for other players.”  Xu Jimo was very scrupulous in separating official from personal business.

 His calm eyes didn’t have a hint of emotion.  “If they want to join, they can sign the contract

individually.  I won’t interfere on my side.  I don’t want them to have different treatment after Cheng

Feng joined us.  So I’ve dropped this restriction.  You guys don’t have to worry about it.”

Was it really because of Cheng Feng?

Cheng Yang thought about this and answered, “Alright”.  He sent the new rule to all members on

their private chat.

Translated by Team DHH at