The Most Majestic You

Chapter 38 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at Most Majestic You

Chapter 38 Part 2

When she walked in, Amy and Mumu, probably bored, were talking about the room’s decorations.  “Look at this painting.  Look at the peach flower petals, they’re outlined in gold  They’re afraid that people do not know how expensive the restaurant is.”

They saw Qianxi enter through the door.  “Little princess, you’re finally here.  You’re so late. Maybe you should drink 3 of wine as a penalty?”

“I’m sorry I’m late.”  Qianxi smiled apologetically.  She sat down next to them.  “You just order the wine, I’ll drink it.”

Amy quickly grabbed the menu.  “You came too late.  We already ordered the appetizer.  See if there’s something you want to eat.  Let’s order more.”

Then she began to discuss the drink and wine list with Mumu and teasing Qianxi at the same time.  “I heard that our little princess is a successful investor now.  Is your emerging company very successful?”

Several others joined in as cheerleaders.  “Right, you just set up a business and now you’re studying abroad.  You’ll be the boss behind the scene.  You’re truly a winner in life.”

“......”  Qianxi hadn’t gone to any parties in the past half year after she resigned.  She found it difficult to fend them off.  So she used the only technique she was good at, she curved her eyes and gave a gentle smile.

Everyone in the large banquet room were horsing around.  Someone said to have a farewell party for her in advance, then someone else said to celebrate the success of her business for New Years. They opened several bottles of vintage red wine.  Qianxi drank with them and wondered if she should check whether her card had enough money to pay the bill.  Finally she was unable to stand it anymore and excused herself to the restroom to call Xu Jimo for help.

She leaned against the counter and asked in a quiet whisper,  “Where are you now?”


“......Do you still train on the 4th day of the New Year?”

“No.”  Xu Jimo’s tone was m.u.f.fled.  Apparently she had woken him up.  He asked lightly,  “What’s happening?”

He had just flown back to Yang City.  He was tired from travelling and had fallen asleep immediately after he arrived.  He planned to catch up on some sleep before meeting up with her later.  Qianxi heard his tired and hoa.r.s.e voice and spoke in a guilty voice, “Never mind.  Nothing.  I’ll call someone else.  You rest up now.”  

“What’s wrong?”  He apparently didn’t want to hang up the phone.

“......”  Qianxi told him the honest truth.  He then spoke in a clear voice,  “Send me the address.”

Qianxi went back to the private banquet room.  They had all finished eating and broken off into conversations with their neighbors.  They were all slightly drunk, the subject of their chatting had become rather random.  Poor Qianxi had to wait for reinforcement to arrive and rescue her, so she had to stay and continue chatting with them.

When Xu Jimo arrived to pay the bill, the subject of their conversation had already moved from her business and academic studies to her marriage-- -- “We heard that you’re with a professional esports player?”

Somebody in the original “Night Shift Little Nurse” group who knew the details sent her an ambiguous look.  “Did you bag him with just the investment?”

She kept smiling without giving an explanation, embarra.s.sed the entire time.  She waited for Xu Jimo to rescue her out of the siege, then she could escape.

Xu Jimo took her out of the restaurant, holding her hand as they walked onto the freezing street.  It was already deep into winter.  He was silent the entire time and Qianxi looked at his back.  She thought he was mad, so she just kept following him closely.

Xu Jimo didn’t turn around until they had walked across the street.  His slender eyes glanced at her red face.  “Are you cold?”

“......I’m alright.”  Qianxi used her another spare hand to touch her face.  Her fingers were cold and her face was also cold, she couldn’t really feel anything.

Xu Jimo finally stopped and turned back to help sort out her scarf.  In the end, the scarf covered more than half of her face, only leaving her eyes exposed.

Her eyes looked clearer and brighter in the night.  She spoke timidly, “I didn’t mean to wake you up on purpose.  I just paid rent two days ago, so I didn’t realize that I didn’t have much left on this card.  They were especially happy today, so I…...ran over budget.”

She wholeheartedly thought he was mad because he had been awakened from his slumber.

In addition, she also wholeheartedly believed that she should pay the bill whenever she went out to eat with her friends.  She was already used to it for a long time.  Even though the only two things she did were to bury herself in the food and raise her head occasionally to smile, she was always the subject of their teasing during the meal.

She was a person without a shred of temper.  She always smiled to friends, just as she smiled to the boyfriend without knowing why he was always cold and silent.

In the end, she even pulled down the scarf in order to let him see her brilliant smiling face. “And, man did you look really handsome while swiping that card!  I have never felt that before.”  She pouted her mouth and blew a kiss to him.  “How about you manage all of our family finances in the future?  All I need to do is just listen to you.”

Xu Jimo pulled her scarf up without much expression.  “What will you do when I’m not around?”

Her smile behind the cashmere scarf froze.

“We’re separated by the Pacific Ocean.  It takes twelve hours to fly to your side.  Mail would take a week.  What do you plan to do then?”

“......”  Even her eyelashes had silently drooped.

Xu Jimo pulled her head to his shoulder.  “I’m not mad at you.  I’m only worrying about you.”

She could see that his every breath turned to white fog and slowly disappeared in the chilly wind as he lowered his head to talk.

Qianxi felt somewhat wronged and rubbed her head against his chest.  “I won’t be so sloppy from now on.”

She touched his waist.  Her hands were numb from being in the chilly wind for so long.  Her fingers were like little insects secretly trying to find shelter in his pockets.

Finally, after a long while, her hands in his coat pockets slowly warmed up.  Then she stretched out her head and said.  “It’s so late now, so it doesn’t matter if I go home or not. Shall I go back with you?”

Translated by Team DHH at