The New Gate

Chapter 49

“I saw it!”

It was the third day since Shin and the second princess of Bayreuth Kingdom, Rionne, had been transposed to the Sacred Place Kalkia. The rampart of the stronghold city, Balmel, was visible to the two people who continued going south.

Normally it was impossible to arrive in three days, but they were upper cla.s.s Chosen Ones. It could be said that their speed surpa.s.sed that of a flying dragon.

Similarly from the Sacred Place to Balmel, there was quite a distance from the large crowd of monsters. Since the Goblins and other monsters were the main const.i.tuent for their slow movements, they still had probably nearly a week to spare.

“I’ll go meet the feudal lord. Shin, please report to the Adventurer’s Guild.”

“Understood. What will you do afterwards?”

“When it comes to the intercepting the large-scale of ‘Flood’ monsters’ invasion, cooperation of the guild and the army is essential. It means that the Chosen Ones will a.s.semble immediately.”

“I see. Roger that.”

The current time was just past noon. Since it was not early in the morning or late at night, he didn’t have to wait at the reception desk.

Rionne told the circ.u.mstances to the guard who was in the guardroom of the gate, and was guided to the feudal lord’s castle.

Shin also asked the guard about the place and headed toward the Adventurer’s Guild.

“Is it in between Bayreuth and Falnido?”

What Shin spoke about was the race of people he came across. There were a lot more beasts here than in Bayreuth, and more humans than in Falnido. He also saw some elves and dragnils.

The key point of defending was to keep the overflowing monsters in check from the Sacred Place. In addition, because the city was next to the sea and an abundance of mountains, this might have resulted in various races gathering.

“It’s lively.”

Shin briskly walked for a while, and soon saw a familiar signboard.

He opened the door, entered inside, and made his way to the counter.

“Excuse me, could you relay something to the guild master?”

“Sorry for being so for asking, but what kind of business do you have with Guild Master?”

The elf receptionist girl, who gave off the impression of a working woman with on, asked him with a dubious look.

It was the first time Shin had come to Balmel, so he didn’t know any acquaintances. When an adventurer without acquaintances asked to call the guild master, you probably would think it was suspicious, too.

“There is information on the ‘Flood’. In addition to the Guild Card, I also pledge with my social position.”

“…Please wait a moment.”

The receptionist contemplated for a moment before lightly bowing and drawing back to an inside room.

It was likely that she couldn’t ignore it when she heard it was about the ‘Flood’.

“This way, please.”

The receptionist, who returned after a few minutes, prompted Shin to the back room.

It seemed that the guild interior’s design was almost the same in every town. They walked a short distance and a big door could be seen, and the reception girl knocked on it.

“It’s Eliza. I brought you the adventurer in question.”

“It’s open. Have him enter.”

The reply, which came from the other side of the door, was a male voice.

Also, this reception girl seemed to be called Eliza.

Shin pa.s.sed through the door which had been opened by Eliza, and entered the room.

“Welcome to the Adventurer’s Guild. I am the guild master, Baren Lakt. I’m told that you brought information on the ‘Flood’; could you tell me more about it?”

When he was invited to sit on the sofa, Shin felt that he was being observed.

Baren’s appearance was that of a man just past his 60’s. Most of his hair was white; wrinkles also stood out on his face.

However, even if he looked gentle, that glint in eyes held a sharpness that wasn’t inferior to Barlux’s.

“I am Shin. The ‘Flood’ occurred around Sacred Place Kalkia. It consists mainly of Goblins, Orcs and others humanoid monsters. Judging from the speed of their progression, I think it will take them about one week until they arrive here.”

“…Your expression looks like you’ve seen it happen; may I ask for your information sources?”

“As you said, I saw it. I can’t say in detail, but I can confirm that a ma.s.s of monsters was heading toward Balmel when I went to the vicinity of the Sacred Place. My companion has already gone to contact the feudal lord here.”

“To the feudal lord? Does the person accompanying you have a high social rank?”

Baren asked, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

If one could have an audience with the feudal lord immediately, it must be a person with a high position to some degree. As expected from the guild master of the city near the Sacred Place, he was quick to catch on.

“You will know about my companion’s status. The information should be pa.s.sed on to you soon. Leaving that aside, do you believe in my information?”

“Hrm, I can not remain silent when hearing ‘Flood’. But under the present situation, there’s no proof to back up what you’re saying――”

Baren said, while putting his hand on his chin.

However, it seemed he already sent a messenger to confirm the information contrary to his words.

There were people leaving the guild hurriedly; Shin could sense it.

“If you say that you are an A rank adventurer, the story would be different.”

For Baren, he should be able to get into action quickly. However, since he was the head of the organization, he couldn’t accept Shin’s information that easily.

“Then, how about this?”

Receiving a probing-like gaze, Shin took out the letter of introduction from Tsuki no Hokora from his Item Box.

“That is…”

Eliza expressed words when she saw the letter of introduction.

“I already have official guarantee that it’s genuine by Guild Master of Bayreuth.”

“…I see, I have no choice but to believe you since this is shown.”

The gaze containing doubt from Baren was erased.

“Don’t you have to verify it?”

“Unfortunately, I don’t have a letter of introduction. But as you said, I can contact Barlux-dono. Even if you tell a lie, I’ll know it immediately.”

“Thank you――”

“Uh huh, from here on I officially announce the declaration of a state of emergency. If the companion whom you said has brought the story to the feudal lord, the army would move immediately. As soon as the report comes, we’ll begin the preparation for the residents’ evacuation. Eliza, please contact the representatives of each guild.”


Eliza who received the order left the room afterward.

Organization of the army and units, procurement of supplies, and the evacuation of the residents; there were many things that needed to be done from now on.

“What are you going to do hereafter? I guess you’re an upper cla.s.s Chosen One, right? Please cooperate as I’d like to ask regardless, but…”

“You don’t have to ask. As an upper cla.s.s Chosen One as you say, you can expect me to help to some extent.”

“That’s rea.s.suring. Then, it would be nice if you have a meeting together with the other Chosen Ones in this city.”

In Baren’s talk, the Chosen Ones that became the main force, because upper cla.s.s Chosen Ones were not the same as ordinary adventurers or knights, it was said that they would unite in a party between fellow Chosen Ones and fight.

Since they themselves often had weapons for their exclusive use, they didn’t take much time with preparation compared to a common adventurer.

“Now the Chosen Ones protect Balmel, but I’ve heard there is one short..”

“You had known? I’m also concerned about this, but the force increased once you joined. It became somewhat better, is what I’d like to think.”

“My companion is a Chosen One too, so you can count on us.”

“It’s a blessing.”

After inquiring about the location of the shop which the Chosen One ran, Shin left the adventurer’s guild. Even if everyone of them were a Chosen One, it didn’t mean they would be adventurers or knights.


“That’s the place, huh? I’ve seen that signboard somewhere before.”

He said as he went ahead along the street, and found the signboard of the landmark.

At the sole of a paw and small fish which were drawn on the signboard, Shin tilted his head.

“Paw, small fish…Wait, those are, dried small sardines?”

A paw and dried small sardines. To that combination, something flashed inside Shin’s mind.

“The shop’s name is ‘Nyan Da Land’…you say? D-Don’t tell me….”

While remembering the person who shouldn’t be here, Shin opened the shop’s door.

A bell rang and he entered the shop, there, it was a bar with a calm atmosphere. Shin was familiar, no, he was at a loss for a moment how he should move in the interior which he was so familiar with.

“Hm? Customer-san, I am very sorry, but we haven’t opened yet. You can have delicious sake after the sun goes down a little more, okay?”

Shin stiffened at that very moment, a deep voice of a man from the inner part of the store was heard.

Shin was also familiar with this voice, and he turned toward the direction of the voice.


“Certainly, I was called that by a close friend, but…Nyaa Nyaa Nyaa!?”

That person, expressed his surprise with his whole body when he confirmed Shin’s face.

His race was High Beast of cat. As for the appearance, there was no way of expressing it other than a cat walking on two legs and wearing clothes.

His face was mostly white but only the ears were black. A part of the fur on his face had become gray for some reason; it looked like a crack on a split tile.

The reason why Shin called him “Hibineko” was because of the grey patch. His avatar name in-game was ‘[email protected]’. (T/N: Hibineko literally means crack cat)

If only his voice was heard, one would imagined a refined man of middle age, but due to his short stature and his cartoonish costume, he looked like a mascot character of a deformed animal in an amus.e.m.e.nt park.

Add a exclamation mark floating above the head, and he would become the gag character of a manga.

“Are you a d-double?”

“Who is! Ah, no, but why? Hibineko-san, you were in the death game…”

You should have died.

Though Shin didn’t voice it, he knew he wasn’t mistaken. However, 【a.n.a.lyze】 certainly displayed ‘[email protected]’.

“Really, you’re Shin-nyaa….?”

“Ah…you’re indeed Hibineko-san…first of all should I stop calling you that name?”

Shin felt that tension dispersed, as “-nyaa” attached to the end of names which was a peculiar way of calling from Hibineko. Even if he thought back to when it was a regular game, he was a player who could change the mood of the area unintentionally.

“*Sigh*, even though I don’t understand it well, it’s been a long time, Hibineko-san. No, is it better to call you [email protected]?”

“Mugu! To know my sealed true name, you’re really Shin-nyaa!”

“I only saw it from 【a.n.a.lyze】. Or perhaps I should say, please stop calling me as Shin-nyaa, seriously.”

While communicating like they did in the past, Shin sighed.

“Fumu, it’s truly you, Shin… Hey, Shin. I want to confirm only this, have you died?”

“No, I didn’t, supposedly.”

Shin spoke briefly about what happened to himself after he defeated ‘Origin’. He couldn’t be dead at least.

“No no, such things…”

“For me, I am concerned why Hibineko-san is here though.”

“I don’t understand it either. Having lost my life in death game, when I came to myself, I was asleep on a plain. Level, stats, and items. Nothing changed from prior to dying, so I didn’t have a hard time while living.”

Balmel seemed to be the first place he arrived, it was said that he was active as an adventurer based in here.

“Then, what is this shop?”

“Besides being active as an adventurer, this is matched with my character.”

‘Nyan Da Land’ bar was the name of the shop which Hibineko opened during the game era.

Half of the menu being cat food hadn’t changed either.

“And, I became the mark when other players also came.”

“Besides you, there are others?!”

Apparently, the situation was on a larger scale than Shin thought.

The players who should have died in the death game or something; it was much more than expected.

“As far as I know it, Shadow-nyaa, Ho-nyaa, Masa-nyaa, Hira-nyaa have certainly come into this world. But…”


“There are PK among the people that come as well.”


The players have come. Hearing that, Shin thought even if they died in the original world, they could at least live in this world, but his expression changed when he heard the following words by Hibineko.

PK or abbreviated of Player Killer; it referred to the act where a player killed another player, or the player who did such an act. This time, it was the latter meaning.

Also, speaking of the PK in the death game era, the majority prefered to kill the villainous people.

“Do you know who has come?”

“I still cannot grasp everything. But it’s no doubt that Hameln has come.”

“That guy has come? It’s going to be troublesome…”

Hameln, Shin who heard that name had his expression stiffen.

The player who was known as a habitual offender of PK-MPK(Monster Player Kill) in the death game era, that’s Hameln.

As a High Pixie, he had more combat power than any upper cla.s.s Chosen One in this world, though not as much as Schnee.

“Even in this world, he has already been placed on the wanted list in many countries.”

“What did he do?”

Though he was able to expect it without hearing, Shin still asked.

“He brought a large amount of monsters, and attacked a town. It doesn’t seem to be a big town, but it was said that it was a total destruction.”

“That b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Even here, he’s doing the same things, huh?”

As Shin, who had a connection as he put an end to Hameln during the death game, he wondered why there was such a player in this world.

“Well, it’s useless even if we think now. Anyway, why did you come to this shop, Shin?”

“Ah, though I think you will be contacted soon, the ‘Flood’ happened. So, it would be nice if you have meeting together with the other Chosen Ones, was what the guild master said.”

“So that’s the case, huh? Then, I’ll call out Shadow-nyaa and the others too.”

Hibineko paused for a short while, and fell silent.

Partly because he was a player too, Shin understood that Hibineko used Mind Chat.

“When I spoke about you, Shin, he said he would come at once.”

“Are they nearby?”

“They are my next-door neighbours. Didn’t you see the signboard?”

“That is, I was paying more attention to the paw signboard..”

“To miss the cafe ‘B&W’, you still have a long way to go, Shin.”

“‘B&W’? That’s the Shadow-san and Holly-san’s shop?”

“That’s right. By the way, they have a daughter too.”


“They have a daughter”, Shin was surprised at that clause.

Even a former player seemed to able to make a child in this world. Just when he tried to ask for a detailed story, the shop’s door was opened forcefully.


“Is it true that Shin-chan is here?!”

“Hey Holly, calm down a bit.”

Entering by kicking the door open were two people, a High Elf and a High Lord.

Having raised a loud yell was the High Elf woman, her white hair waved loosely and her blue transparent eyes were impressive.

What reprimanded her was a High Lord man, having the same black hair and iris as Shin.

The words handsome man and beautiful woman, matched the two people really well.

“Um…Holly-san…if possible, please stop attaching -chan to my name.”

It was Holly’s habit to put up “-chan” to someone, because Shin had the same nickname to a certain kindergartener, he requested her to correct it whenever being called.

Though she attached “-kun” to his name during their last meeting, she seemed to have completely forgotten it, probably because she was being surprised.

“…Hibineko-san. They look like they’re somewhat misunderstanding though..”

“U-Umu, they should hear the story in general about you, Shin.”

They seemed to think that Shin probably died and had come to this world. From the tears acc.u.mulating in their eyes, there’s no mistake about it.

“Hey Holly, Shin has not died. You’ve heard Hibineko’s chat.”

“Eh? Is that so?”

To begin with, she had a character that was quickly jumping to wrong conclusions, and that didn’t seem to have changed even after she came here.

It was also a common thing for Shadow to rebuke her.

“It’s true. At least, I’m certain that my HP didn’t become 0 when I came here.”

“I’m glad. I certainly thought…but, then why are you here?”

“He’ve said he doesn’t know. Anyway, it’s been a long time, Shin. I’m happy to see you again, but I don’t know whether it’s nice to say..”

While answering Holly’s question, Shadow called out to Shin.

“No, I’m glad to meet you too…Meeting again, it was possible, wasn’t it?”

“I didn’t expect it after I died..”

Shin and Shadow, they had known each other for the longest inside that group. At one time, they made a party together.

Shin was glad to see Shadow and Holly together, and became jealous at the same time.

Even in the real world, Shadow and Holly were a married couple, their good relationship was famous among companions. Despite dying and ending up in a another world, they could still be here together, Shin was a little jealous.

(Well, his circ.u.mstances are slightly different than mine.)

Shin almost hoped for a reunion like those two, and shrugged his shoulders a little to restrain himself.

“First of all, I am delighted with our reunion here, but the situation at the moment is a little..”

“That’s right. When I heard the ‘Flood’ took place, I couldn’t calm down either.”

Shadow also changed his expression.

“Has the adventurer’s guild made their move?”

“Yes, my companion has also told the feudal lord, too. Each guild should be contacted soon.”

“As expected, you’re quick to respond. But Shin-kun, did Guild Master believe in your story?”

“As for that, I showed him this.”

Shin took out the letter of introduction of Tsuki no Hokora in front of Holly.

When that was seen, everyone nodded as having consented.

“I see. You already went to your ‘home’.”

“It was near the place where I woke up, so I went there first. I also have met Schnee already.”

All three of them seemed to know the situation of Tsuki no Hokora; Holly and the others wanted to hear the detailed story from Shin.

However, because it was not a time to be carefree, Shin ignored Holly’s gaze and returned to the conversation.

“I’ve already told this to the guild master, but the majority of the monsters were humanoids such as Goblins and Ogres. Anyway, you should be careful of their number. It was a number that wasn’t seen even in an event of the game.”

“That’s the feature of the ‘Flood’ which breeds a large amount of low-level monsters. Though we, the melee-type, would have a difficult time corresponding to the attack, it seems we don’t have to worry with Shin here.”

“Shouldn’t you destroyed them when you came across them?”

Shadow said in neither joking nor in a serious tone.

“No, actually, my companion in question is the second princess of Bayreuth Kingdom. To use my power in front of such person is still..”

“Will she be afraid or praise it? Either way, it will be mayhem. High Humans here seem to be treated like half G.o.ds. Shin-kun’s support character, Schnee-chan, is very famous, you know?”

“Yeah, besides, even now she still held full interest toward me. As Shadow-san says, I intend to prevent war sacrifices too, but I don’t want to be discovered.”

It was said, no matter how much the number were, most of them were small fry which didn’t reach level 100. He could burn them down using a wide range magic skill.

As why that wasn’t done earlier, it was because Rionne was nearby.

“A man with power, is difficult in every ages. For the matter of the second princess, I heard she isn’t that corrupted to that extent though..”

Following Shadow, Hibineko began to talk.

“Well, the placement probably will be different from us when it comes to a royal family. I dare say, we ought to be together as the dispatch group.”

The group of dispatch were the Chosen Ones a.s.signed to various places by turns. The mage and the magic swordsman which Rionne mentioned before fell under that.

“That’s good then.”

“If I say that we’re acquaintances, it’s almost settled with the princess becoming separated. A hastily made party and a party with cooperation, the battle results are greatly different. The guild master also understands that situation.”

“I wonder if we would become a hindrance instead…Didn’t Schnee-chan come?”

“She is in Bayreuth now. It’s also why I’m here, it seems like a demon was in the royal palace.”


Shadow reacted to Shin’s remark.

Neither Hibineko nor Holly spoke, but they seemed to be surprised similarly.

“I heard in Schnee’s story, 500 years from the natural disaster, she didn’t come across it at all.”

“Hm, we haven’t heard of it either.”

In addition to Hibineko’s words, Shadow and Holly nodded too.

Though they didn’t understand what was happening, demons having begun to move again was not a good premonition. Just to make sure, he also informed them of what was in the royal palace.

“A Count cla.s.s, huh? If that’s the case, we should able to handle it.”

“Although anything higher than that, we’ve only ever fought in dungeons or for quests.”

“The terrain has changed now, we don’t know the reason. In all the dungeons that we have visited in this world, there never been something like this.”

Three people looked at each other and frowned.

“Well, I think it’s better than not knowing, but please put it in the corner of your mind for the time being. You may have to give priority even more soon.”

Since he couldn’t find solution even if he thought, the demon matter was put on hold for the time being.

“For now, let me take charge of strengthening your weapons and armor which you’re using now.”

“Is it fine?”

“I’m here this time, but I don’t know what will happen hereafter. I think there’s no loss to reinforce them. Of course, you can expect it to be good as I will do it seriously.”

Shin was there this time. Though the preparation made by the guild and the feudal lord were wasted, he didn’t intend to increase the victims and the like from the start.

Shin’s attention was already focused on the ‘Flood’ which would eventually happen again.

“F-Fumu…Shin is serious huh? A fearful weapons will probably be completed, although it’s reliable.”

“I’m afraid to hand over my weapon.”

Hibineko and Shadow said in a slightly restless voice.

Because they didn’t know Shin’s ability completely, what kind of magic remodeling would Shin subject their favorite weapons to? Such uneasiness flashed across their head.

“Please take care of my weapon! Even if Shin-kun is not here, we will defend this place!”

Unlike the men who were sweating from their foreheads, Holly with an expression full of motivation, handed over a weapon which was still in card state to Shin immediately.

There was not any trace of anxiety towards the magic remodeling seen.

“You can count on me.”

Shin also received the cards from Shadow and Hibineko, and put them away in his Item Box at once.

He intended to make Tsuki no Hokora appear, to work in the night as he sneaked out from Balmel.

“Ah, that’s right. I’ll introduce you my partner later.”

“Partner? If it’s Schnyaa-san, I know her.”

“Isn’t it possible for monster to be tamed if you have the job Tamer? It’s that.”

Shin told Hibineko, who heard ‘partner’ and imagined Schnee, that he tamed a monster.

“Hoho, I didn’t think there is a monster could catch Shin’s eyes.”

While playing with his mustache, Hibineko smiled with great interest.

“It wasn’t a very strong monster, right?.”

“Fumu, is it the Mist Garuda around here?”

They being immensely curious also didn’t change here, Holly and Shadow voiced their ideas too.

“Please wait a moment, I’ll call it now.”

Saying so, Shin connected via telepathy between partners to Yuzuha.

“(This is Shin. Yuzuha, can you hear me?)”

“(Ku? Wha?)”

“(I’ll introduce you to my acquaintances, and I want to summon you here, is it okay?)”

“(Wait a minute…*clonk*, Schnee-oneechan, Tiera-oneechan, see you later)”

For a short while, Yuzuha seemed to get confirmation from Schnee and Tiera.

“Then, here it comes. Contract beast summon!”

When Shin chanted the incantation, a summoning formation with a complicated pattern was drawn at his feet.

Normally, Yuzuha should have appear at Shin’s feet, but――



“Ha? ――Whoa!”

Just as Shin thought he heard a short scream, his face was wrapped in something soft, and his view became dark.

His posture broke and he fell onto the ground. Besides the sound of Shin falling, the sound of something dropping resounded inside the shop.

“Ouch…What…on earth…Master!! What happened?”

When Tiera looked up while her eyes moistened because of pain, there was the figure of Schnee whose b.r.e.a.s.t.s enveloped Shin’s head.


“Don’t “Tsui” me, ah, geez! Please release Shin, he seems to be in pain!”

He likely couldn’t breath. Shin tapped Schnee’s back repeatedly.

“Mm mmm! Mm mmm!” voice omitted from her chest, “Give up! I give up!” was also heard.

“T-This is, I only hear it from the rumor, is this heaven or h.e.l.l?”

Shin who was freed from Schnee’s embrace, murmured while gasping for breath.

Because it was the timing when he just breathed out, he was about to be suffocated seriously.

The beginning was heaven, and the end was h.e.l.l. As a matter of fact, if he had wanted to avoid it, he could have, but it was a secret only for Shin.

“…Um, what kind of situation is this?”

Shadow, Holly and Hibineko who had stiffened by Schnee and the other’s sudden appearance, among them, the first one to reboot was Holly.

“Oh, I don’t have a clue either.”

While fixing his disordered breathing, Shin answered.

Indeed, he didn’t expect Schnee and Tiera to appear together with Yuzuha.

“About that, I..”

Schnee started to explain as if nothing had happened.

According to her, Tiera and her seemed to have been pulled into the summoning formation around Yuzuha. Normally only the partner becomes the target for transition, and it appeared that the two people were recognized as existences similar to Yuzuha for some reason.

“It’s just a guess, but isn’t it because of them being inside the summoning formation?”

“They were swallowed by the summoning formation, huh?”

“The summoning formation had a one mel diameter, so Tiera and I were indeed inside the summoning formation.”

“…Come to think of it, Cashmere talked about such a thing.”

Shin recalled the words of the summoner and tamer of Rokuten, Cashmere.

“When calling your partner, if there are other partners in the summoning formation, they may appear together sometimes. Although it doesn’t seem to be a bug.”

The contents should be like this, and Shin confirmed that his memory was not mistaken.

Perhaps, it was meant to be in THE NEW GATE from the start.

“Oh dear! I’m not bored when Shin is around.”


Hibineko and Shadow who came to their senses, said in an amazed way.

“Everyone, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

“Schnyaa-san too, hasn’t changed a bit.”

“Next time, tell me about when you met with Shin-kun again, okay?”

To see Schnee exchange voice casually, Shin had a sudden thought.

“Hey Schnee, did you know that Hibineko and the others had come to this place?”

“Yes. Concerning Shin’s friend, I heard a lot of stories.”

“Then I wished you said it a little earlier. Well, it can’t be helped since there was Girard’s matter, too.”

If he knew that there were players other than himself, Shin would have taken a different course of actions.

However, because he had no choice but to meet Girard whose death was approaching, he didn’t intend to scold her.

“I am very sorry. I had no intention of covering it up, but I couldn’t get an opportunity to tell you…”

“Now now, a man shouldn’t worry about a trifling thing. Leaving that aside, I want you to introduce that little fox-chan and elf-chan quickly to me.”

Was she aware of what’s inside Schnee’s mind? Holly requested for Tiera’s and Yuzuha’s introduction.

“I get it. I a.s.sume you already know Schnee, so I will omit her, this young fox is Yuzuha, and this elf is Tiera.”


“I am Tiera Lucent.”

Yuzuha barked cheerfully, and Tiera bowed politely.

“Then next is this one. The one who looks like he has a crack on his head is Nekomata-san, we call him Hibineko-san. That is the High Elf Holly-san, and next to her is the High Lord Shadow-san.”

“I am Nekomata, I’m also called Hibineko by everyone.”

“I’m Holly, I hope to get along with you, Tiera-chan.”

“Shadow. Come to my house if you’re hungry.”

Then, Tiera dropped her sight, looking at her own feet.

“I’ll introduce my partner too. Kagerou, come out.”

Answering the call, Kagerou in puppy mode appeared from Tiera’s shadow.

“This puppy is Kagerou, although he’s small now. His original form is very enormous.”


Kagerou barked, and made sure it matched Tiera’s introduction.

“His monster name is Gruef.a.go.”




To the content which Shin told as an addition, the three former players raised a voice of astonishment.

Even the advanced players would be on their guard against the divine beast; it was a strange scene when it was being held by a beautiful elf girl like a puppy, but the three people’s 【a.n.a.lyze】 displayed Kagerou’s name and level without an error.

“Oh, oh dear my my, such a cute pup is that Gruef.a.go?”

“Yes, I think he can change his body size at will.”

“Tiera-san is a Chosen One too?”

“No, I’m just an ordinary elf unlike Shin.”

“She is not a Chosen One, so how could she tame a Gruef.a.go?”

“Okay okay, that’s it! Please ask the questions afterwards!”

Shin forced his way through in front of Holly, Hibineko and Shadow who were pressing for answers.

He was certain that Tiera would be barraged with questions if he left them alone. It was only natural that only Holly kept shifting the contents of the questions.

“The number of people increased somehow, let’s sit down and talk at least.”

When Shin said that, Shadow and Holly nodded.

“Then come to my shop. It’s a special reunion, so I will show my skill.”

“That’s right, since the shop is closed today, we can talk a little bit. There’s still time until the monsters come, right?”

“…If you said there is still time, then I will accept your offer here.”

There was a delay of at least four or five days before the group of monsters arrived at Balmel.

Before one knew it, Rionne’s impatience seemed have moved to Shin, too.

“The summon of the adventurers, the formation of the armies, the accommodation of the supplies, all of this takes time to deal with, but it probably will be all right today at least.”

“Then, let’s go.”

Following Shadow and Holly, the party entered ‘B&W’ cafe. Different from the ‘Nyan Da Land’, it was a coffee shop with a relaxed atmosphere. The wall that faced the street was gla.s.s-sided, though the inside of the shop could be seen, the curtain was closed now.

A “Closed” sign was hung up when the door was opened and they entered the shop; it was also a scene which Shin knew very well. The shop had a clean impression with white as the base, and hadn’t changed at all since the game era.

Even if it was said that the shop was just brought as it was, there was almost no strange feeling.

“…You have reproduced it well here.”

“I think it was well-balanced even if I say so myself. But this is all in favor of Rokuten before Shin-kun arrived here.”


Shin had no idea at all, and couldn’t help but tilt his head for Holly’s words.

“The ‘Golden Company’ exist because Reed of Rokuten built it, right? These various accommodations were thanks to Shin and his acquaintances.”

“‘Golden Company’, huh?…That reminds me, what are the other guys’ support characters doing?”

Hearing the story from Shadow and Hibineko, Shin remembered the other support characters of Rokuten now.

“Schnee, do you know something?”

He asked Schnee while sitting down on a chair.

“Reed-sama’s follower, Berett, remain with ‘Golden Company’, Cook-sama’s follower, Keritori and Zaji run a restaurant ‘Shigure Shop’. The others, Cashmere-sama’s follower, Busy and Cain-sama’s follower, Raster, were maintaining the monsters’ nurture at Rashugum. That is all I know. As for the information about Shin, I think Berett knows the whole content, since we had an arrangement to share through the ‘Golden Company’.”

“…Hey, I heard Rashugum just now, does that place remain too?”

In the middle of the talk, Shin voiced his question.

“Yes, because it was originally floating in the sky, it didn’t receive the influence of the crustal movement. It has a wide area, so Busy evacuated the monsters that lost their breeding ranch there. As a result, it is called a Dragon Nest now.”

“Oi oi… well, it’s a fitting name for the place.”

The Rashugum Schnee talked about, was one of the guild houses of Rokuten.

In the game era, there was no limit on the number of guild houses. So, having multiple guild houses to certain scale, one guild house could be expanded endlessly and was divided up into the guild which continued to be strengthened.

In Rokuten, six bases were especially arranged, it became one person would manage one base.

And, the Rashugum, the sixth guild house, was ‘Silver Summoner’ Cashmere’s responsibility, the official name was “Type 6 Sky Castle Rashugum”. It was called “Castle” among companions, as it was literally a flying castle.

“Since half of the raised monsters are from the dragon species, saying it is a nest isn’t wrong either.”

“Indeed. Then Schnee, if that’s the case, is my ‘Studio’ somewhere, too?”

About the ‘Studio’, it was “Type 1 Mysterious Studio Demi Eden” which Shin being in charge of.

“I looked for it, but it has not been found yet. We cannot transition to the guild house alone.”

Originally, the guild house was exclusive for players’ use. If the support character was together with the player, transfer was possible, but it was not possible to be used by a single support character unlike a general transition point.

Anyway, if it was a game, one could be deployed to some places, just by operating menu.

“If it’s the ‘Shrine’, it should have become the headquarter of the church now.”

“The church!?”

Shin’s expression changed from the Hibineko’s remark.

From the priest who was running from the Golems they encountered the other day or Rashia who he got to know through a request and so on, Shin was strangely connected to the church people, he was not quite convinced that one of their guild houses was being used without permission.

‘Shrine’ was an alias, the official name was “Type 4 Forest Palace Palm Luck”. It was the fourth guild house, and a shrine type. It was the facility which the “Blue Magician” Cain was in charge of.

“Hibineko-san, do you know to what extent the facilities are being used?”

“They haven’t grasped control of the central area at least. I heard most of the rooms are sealed.”

“Do you know anything, Schnee?”

“No, because I kept my distance from the church, so..”

Though it was heard that they had trouble in the past, it seemed she hadn’t gone to their headquarters yet.

“About that, I know it.”

Holly raised her small hand in place of Hibineko and Schnee.

“When I came to this world, what was the closest to me was the church headquarter city, Sigurd. Since I lived there for a while, I had the chance to go to the Shrine.”

When she helped with the distribution of food after an emergency that the church performed, she seemed to have been invited by a priest she knew.

The invitation was also due to Holly’s race as a High Elf, which was known to be a good-natured race, and also served as a variety of solicitation, she explained.

“In a story I heard, and when I think about matching what I saw from a visit, the building itself was seen as important. Looks likes only parts of the gate and hall seem to be useable for everyone.”

“That wouldn’t be entire building”, Holly added and sipped the coffee prepared by Shadow.

“I don’t know how much that building was influenced by the natural disaster, but as far as I can tell after hearing Holly’s story, I think the Shrine’s functions haven’t stopped even if it isn’t complete.”

“May I ask why?”

“It was famous among some players, so I don’t mind. The building that Cain built maintains the functions in the facilities using a core, and when the core is destroyed or breaks down, the building would start self-destructing.”

To Hibineko’s question, Shin answered without pausing in between lines.

Cain’s reason was, “Such things cannot be made in reality, so I decided to build in THE NEW GATE!” was what he said.

His real life architect’s blood seemed to tingle with excitement to a strange direction. In case of an invasion, the Shrine together with the enemy would collapse, was what he seemed to have wanted to try.

In the end, there was no opportunity for that to happen.

“That’s why, the core of the building is safe for now. Only the members of Rokuten or their support characters should be able to use the important facilities, so I think it is locked. Perhaps, as Holly says, only parts of it can be used, huh?…Were the unique items sold?”

If the whole facilities were available, it would be unimaginable according to this world’s common sense when various stuff revealed.

“Yes, I have investigated it a little, but there wasn’t anything strange was sold. Only things such as the standard potion of this world and also antidotes.”

“I think my guess is correct if that’s the case then.”

“In the first place, I don’t think the dwellers of this world able to do anything to the Rokuten’s guild houses.”

Shadow who brought foods suddenly spoke a few words, and everyone in that place gave a bitter smile.

It might be possible that the residents of this world were able to operate it by accident, but there’s no way such a thing would happen. Even that was difficult for former players, but even more for the residents of this world.

“Dishes have arrived, shall we eat?”

“Though it couldn’t be compared to Schnee-san’s, it’s my best ability.”

The dishes were arranged on a table, and Shin gulped his saliva.

During the three days leaving Kalkia, he only had simple meals like an ordinary traveler. Though dishes could be made into a card too, he couldn’t put it out because Rionne was there.

“Well then, itadaki―”

“I’m home!”

Just when he about to eat the dishes, the shop’s door was flunged open in a big way.

It was an elf girl around 15 years old that raised a cheerful voice. White hair, black pupils, and pointed ears, and not one freckle on that fair skin; she had the features of a general elf in THE NEW GATE.

“Oh? Customer-san?”

The elf girl looked puzzled at Shin who was going to clasp his hands for prayer.

Her white hair which was tied behind her head swayed like a puppy’s tail.

“Ara, you’re early.”

“Mother, is the shop closed today?”

“They are my friends. We would eat together because we haven’t met for a long time. This is Shin. And the young elven woman is Tiera.”

There was no introduction of Schnee. It seemed they already knew each other.

“This child is our daughter, Kaede”

“I am Kaede Kurosawa. Nice to meet you!”

Kaede introduced herself in a lively tone.

What could be called a positive mood seemed to overflow from her whole body.

“I’m Shin. I’m a close friend to Holly-san and the others.”

“I’m Tiera Lucent. Hope to get along with you.”

To the Kaede who was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with energy, Shin and Tiera naturally smiled.

She appeared to be the type that lightened the surroundings in a sense unlike Holly.

“Schnee-san too, long time no see.”

“Yes, you have grown taller again.”

“No, I haven’t grown that much taller. I envy Schnee-san.”

Said Kaede as she look at Schnee’s chest.

As expected, it probably caught her eyes even as a member of the same s.e.x. Therefore, it shouldn’t because Kaede’s chest size was below standard.

“You are still in your growing period, it will be in the future.”

“If that’s the case, then it’s good.”

After such an exchange, Kaede also joined them for meal.

“That reminds me, her last name is Kurosawa, right?”

“Using only character names is dull, isn’t it?”

“Mitomi was also fine though.”


Holly instantly rejected Shadow’s opinion.

Kurosawa was Shadow’s and Mitomi was Holly’s last name in the real world.

Though it was possible to give one’s name as the real name, since the character name appeared by 【a.n.a.lyze】 in this world, it seemed to attach Kurosawa when the name was spoken.

When the meal was over, Kaede went to her room, and Shin and the others also began to prepare for the ‘Flood’.

He planned to upgrade the weapons at night, so he decided to do something other than that.

“For now, I think I’ll go to the ‘Golden Company’. Schnee, please tell the feudal lord and the guild master that you will be partic.i.p.ates in the war. If Schnee is here, the soldiers’ morale would be raised too and the residents should feel relieved.”

“Understood. What would you do afterwards?”

“How should an adventurer like me move? I’ll ask in the guild. If there is a past doc.u.ment incidentally, I’ll go check it.”

What role did an adventurer play in the ‘Flood’, Shin didn’t know it.

Was it reserve force in the case of an emergency or search and destroy missions? Because he couldn’t expect an organized movement like from the army, it shouldn’t be so far off the mark.

Chosen Ones may have a different possibility, but there’s no loss in knowing it.

“What will Hibineko-san do?”

“We will work on converting materials into cards. I wish the opportunity to use them never arises though.”

Shadow added.

“If you say materials, they’re boulders and oil to drop from the top of the rampart, right?”

“Ah, indeed.”

At the time of the attack to drop something from the top of the wall, if they were defeated in the war at the plain, and had to retreat to the castle due to an unfavorable situation.

Therefore, when there was an opportunity to use it, they would be in trouble. However, because any measures had been taken care of, the preparations seemed solid.

Also, because of they were already considerably stocked up, it didn’t take much time.

“Has it been attacked to the point of using it so far?”

“One time in the past, I heard it was a battle to the very limit. The story goes that they could not cope with the numerous groups.”

“Is is a pattern like that this time too?”

“Looks like it. Well, we won’t be cornered this time probably.”

The others were also in agreement with Hibineko who smiled wryly.

Shin, Hibineko and the others were former players. In addition to Schnee, there was Gruef.a.go, a divine beast. They wouldn’t lose.

“By the way, should we decide the next meeting time?”

“No, there will be no problem to act respectively. When there is a special summon from the guild, the guild card will emit a magic power. At that time, you should go to the guild.”

What Hibineko was saying was that it was the call function which informed of the state of emergency.

“When there is an urgent business, I’ll use the message card. You have some of them left, right?”

“Yes, certainly.”

Shadow and the others were players after all, they seemed to notice the usefulness of the message card as well as Shin.

“What will Tiera do?”

“I would like to do something if possible. I wonder if I should tend to my weapon afterward.”

“May I ask you to pick an inn?”

“I don’t mind since I’m the most free here.”

When they confirmed what to do, their own course of action started.
