The Ninth Reincarnation

Chapter 3

"Sign Out!"

He finally took a breath of air as muttered something under his breath and also disappeared from the cla.s.sroom while another white halo of light revolved around him.

Leaving behind a group of dumbfounded students and a gasping beautiful teacher.

"Alright then! Cla.s.s dismissed everyone and do not forget to do the homework I will send you via the Imperial Bracelet!"

Ye Wan who found herself in a difficult situation suddenly decided to end the cla.s.s as she was almost finished anyway as she also muttered something as a white halo of light appeared and revolved around her as she disappeared as well.


On top of a sandalwood bed that held an antique style to it, laid a white-clothed youth who was wearing a virtual headgear, which he suddenly started trembling violently.

It looked as if he was experiencing some upheaval in his emotions as he suddenly took off his virtual headgear revealing a face which was considered fairly average looking face from underneath it.

He had a long black hair that fell all over his shoulders, deep black eyes which looked like the deep abyss which may drown a person in it with some blue lights flickering nonstop in his eyes from time to time

This young man was w.a.n.g Chen, who was just having a cla.s.s in the virtual reality high school and got interrupted while doing some genetic modifications mid cla.s.s.

w.a.n.g Chen was still sullen from what had just happened, he really hated being interrupted while doing something important, especially if it was something concerning his cultivation progress.

He really wanted to rip someone off right here and now, he originally finished studying every subject that could be studied from first grade to even after college, he had even finished memorizing and studying the academic subjects, but still, his father wanted him to attend the school like normal people as he said.

"o h.e.l.l with normal humans! In what way we are normal?!"

His father wanted him to remain low-key, and still that same d.a.m.n reason of "like normal humans do".

He wanted to curse but could not as his father and mother or even his elder sister or the other "refugees" would hear him.

He got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom wanting to take a cold shower and calm himself down, but suddenly he found a breathtaking lady breathing heavily while panting as she crushed into his door open and kept looking at him with a puppy"s eyes.

w.a.n.g Chen felt annoyed just by looking at her, as he rolled his eyes at her and then he entered the bathroom and shut the door without even looking at her again, actually he felt helpless from her troubles that kept going around and around until it always struck him hard on the as*

Yep! That lady was Ye Wan! The stunning devilish teacher.

And she was actually living with w.a.n.g Chen"s family from a long long time ago but do not misunderstand as she is not his wife or something no! he could not bear it, she is actually his elder sister"s childhood friend.

And if not for his elder sister, he really would love to stay far far away from this troublemaker, and another reason for his annoyance is that besides her troubles that she always causes and that gets hin headaches, there is that she was actually the sole reason he had to attend even though he had already learned everything that could be learned in any d.a.m.n school.

"You!. w.a.n.g Chen! Do you dare to shut the door in my face??"

Ye Wan"s eyes widened in fury as her previous puppy look vanished completely as if it was not even there in the first place as she roared in fury at a certain somebody as her tender body trembled like a falling leaf which made her more stunning and cute.

"You should just go back to your room, do whatever you want woman but just do not bother me, d.a.m.n! that was just the last gene structure to the Specter Bug and it got ruined just like that!.

However, sadly all that answered her were the sounds of the doors locks and the sound of the water rushing down in the bathroom, as well as a lazy voice which made some crystalline tears to gather around the corners of her eyes threatening to fall down.

"b.a.s.t.a.r.d! w.a.n.g Chen You b.a.s.t.a.r.d!"

She stared at the shut door bitterly before stamping her foot angrily as her two giant mountains giggled stunning the air around it before storming out of the room while two crystal clear pearls slid across her beautiful face, it is sure that if anyone was here and saw this sight they would get a nose bleed as it was really well reasoned that she is called the Devilish Ye with her devilish body and that S shape and her perfect body curves that were full in the right places and slim in the right places, she was a real living stunner.

"Wuu.. w.a.n.g! Chen! You! b.a.s.t.a.r.d! They dropped me from the academy just to take care of you and this is what i got Hic! Also is it my fault that your eyes always mesmerizes me huh? Is it my fault? You dirty dirty b.a.s.t.a.r.d little pig. ?"

She flew to her room and yup she literally flew to her room as surprisingly she also was a cultivator, she crushed into her bed and hugged her bellows close to her face as she sopped loudly until her voice kept getting softer and softer as she suddenly felt herself feeling guilty out of nowhere.

If any of the students in the cla.s.s found out that their dream girl was being treated like that, well they might go ballistic for sure and beat the h.e.l.l out of that b.a.s.t.a.r.d.


"It sure is relaxing to get a cold bath in this bad weather."

w.a.n.g Chen finished out taking a bath, as he walked out of the bathroom with a relaxing smile tagging along his lips displaying his carefree mood right now, as obviously he had already forgotten what happened earlier.

However, sadly enough his good mood did not last as he heard a faint sopping from the next room to his which was his elder sister"s room.

w.a.n.g Chen"s eye blazed with fury, as what he hated the most in his life was to see or hear someone dear to him crying and especially not his beloved ones.

He sprang out of the room and dashed into his sister"s door without even knocking on the door, as he then stood there stunned as he looked at the peerless beautiful face that was now stained with crystal tears faintly dripping onto the wooden floor.

His sister had an oval-shaped face that had a creamy jade-like skin as well as a pair of beautiful faint green eyes which looked just like the element of nature filled with pureness, along with a little cute nose and bright pink lips as well as her long green cascading hair which fell all over her shoulders down to the floor.

She had a long slim and well-proportioned body that seemed to be full of health and vigor alone with the faint green flowery dress she is wearing, she is almost like a fairy of nature.

His sister"s name is w.a.n.g Yue!.

w.a.n.g Chen looked at his sister"s tear-stained face and felt fl.u.s.tered and angry, he never once found his sister crying as this is the first time that this happened to him that his sister which was always smiling happily suddenly gently cry and he simply hated the one who caused this to the bones.

"Ok ok! come on Yue"r do not cry! do not cry

He coaxed her gently, while he took her in his embrace to calm down a little and tell him what happened as also his sister was almost one meter and seventy centimeters to him who was two meters tall she was just a shortie. But he figured out that she even cried harder and harder with each time he tried to coax her.

"I do not want to marry! I really do not want to marry that Lin..."

it was only after a long time had pa.s.sed did she finally stopped crying.

He Heard her faintly whispering something before falling asleep in his arms like a little baby while some glistening tears were still hanging from the corners of her eyes.

w.a.n.g Chen did not hear the rest of his sister"s words as he as soon as the word "Lin" fell into his ears, and his brain almost exploded in fury, he was not an idiot and as soon as he heard the word "Lin" he figured out everything.

It was also that d.a.m.n surname which made him lose her that day, he came to know of that cruel side of society which cost him his entire childhood to be spent dry. And now again that d.a.m.n surname came hunting at his family again and even made his sister cry.

"Those d.a.m.ned surnamed Lin, I will surely make them pay a hefty price for that for sure, a price they will never forget, all of this because of power..."

"I need more and more power just to protect my beloved ones from this dirty and dark society, more and more power to even change it, more and more power to vanquish those that built it."

"All i needed was time, I and the shadows cannot appear now right before becoming absolutely sure about doing that thing."

w.a.n.g Chen silently swore in his heart, as he felt a none before thirst for power, as he knows that even though the "Lin" and "w.a.n.g" had the same equal stand in the society, but the "w.a.n.g" was now declining while the "Lin" is now thriving and now he needs the power to change it all back to how it was and how it should be.

He sighed softly, he still has a long way from achieving his goals and now even a trifling Lin clan cannot be handled easily, then what about their background? Will i really be able to do it?.

He saw his sister"s brows furrow and he felt his heartache slightly, as it seems that his sister was having nightmares and the cause of this is that d.a.m.nable Lin"s dog.

He held her up in his embrace like a princess and put her in the bed while covering her with a blanket as he touched her furrowed brows with his forefinger while his black eyes seemed to turn even darker than the night, a blue ancient ring silently appeared in the middle of his pupils which kept revolving speedily while pulsing with what seems like heartbeat like rhythm.

And soon his sister brows relaxed, as her beautiful pink lips curved a gentle relaxed curve as it seemed that now her nightmare turned into a beautiful fairy tale.

w.a.n.g Chen took his finger back and stared at his sister for a moment while his brows furrowed for a second before relaxing again, he turned around and got out of the room slowly before closing the door behind him gently.

"It seems that i will need to take that offer, alas if my soul was complete non of this would have happened as i would have already broken through the golden core stage or higher, there is still the problem with my body as i still didn"t decode my genetic structure and found up that thing."

And then he headed for his father"s study room while thinking that there is a lot to discuss with his father.

However two things he did not take notice of because he was extremely worried about his sister that he did not spread his spiritual sense around, he did not notice Ye Wan who was silently looking at his action from her room with her eyes puffed red.

He did not also notice that a strange golden rune appeared for a moment on his forehead while growing exceedingly clear when his feelings got agitated before calming again when his feelings calmed down.