The Novel's Extra

Chapter 265

Schupert came fully prepared for battle. His army numbered at least a 5000 even at a glance.


Prihi looked down at Count Schupert and Raylen, the two traitors, from above the castle walls. Schupert glared back at his former king with a cold gaze.

“King, I heard that you accepted the Vigilante into your ranks.”

He brought up s.h.i.+n Jonghak. Aileen and Jin Sahyuk, who were standing next to me, both frowned.

“You seem to have gotten some resources from the Vigilante group….”

Count Schupert looked displeased. He could tell that Plerion’s dilapidated castle walls were reinforced with a powerful, tough material.

“If you don’t hand over the man behind this, a declaration of war will be unavoidable.”


Prihi didn’t answer. Declaration of war. Those three words fell heavily on the young king’s shoulders. Schupert also noticed her fear, as he sneered.

“Hand him over now. Nothing bad will happen to Plerion if you do. I will guarantee what little authority you have left.”

He was full of arrogance. Prihi clenched her fists at the count’s att.i.tude.

“f.u.c.k off, you piece of s.h.i.+t—!”

At that moment, someone cursed out loud. The improper language reverberated through the entire castle. Everyone stared at the person who cursed in a daze.

Jin Sahyuk.

She was glaring at the count with a look of fury. The count stared at Jin Sahyuk, wondering if he heard right. As soon as his eyes met Jin Sahyuk’s, Jin Sahyuk gave a twisted smile.

“I’ve been wanting to say that to you for so long.”

“…Your servant lacks decorum. Or perhaps I should say she takes after—”


Before Schupert could finish his sentence, Jin Sahyuk’s spear struck the ground next to him. Pzzzt… The ground cracked and pieces of dirt and stone shot up into the air. The crackling magic power carried astounding destructive power that made Schupert swallow his saliva.

“It won’t miss next time. f.u.c.k off if you don’t want to die.”

Jin Sahyuk had shown more patience just now than ever before.

Schupert looked at her with eyes full of anger.

“…Two months later, we will come to claim your heads.”

“Screw off. We were going to attack you first anyway, dirty traitors.”


Schupert didn’t say anything in response. He shook his head as though he would be wasting his time by talking to her.

“You heard what he said, right? That he’s declaring war.”

Seeing Schupert’s army retreat, Jin Sahyuk spoke.

“We’re entering h.e.l.l-training starting from today. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a knight or an ordinary soldier. If you don’t show up, I will—”


A snort interrupted Jin Sahyuk. Jin Sahyuk’s eyes shot open as she turned around. There, s.h.i.+n Jonghak was standing arrogantly with his arms crossed.

“Mind your own business.”


Jin Sahyuk’s face stiffened. Sparks flew between their eyes… The surrounding knights and soldiers stealthily backed away, while Aileen ordered with Spirit Speech.

“If you’re going to fight, do it down there. Don’t damage the walls.”

Jin Sahyuk and s.h.i.+n Jonghak obediently went down the castle walls. As soon as they reached the ground, they began a fierce fight.

Kw.a.n.g— Koong—!

Magic power exploded and flames erupted. The fight was just as heated as their personalities.


[Tower of Wish, Final Floor – Constellation of Decision]

Kim Suho followed the saint to the 31st floor, an empty s.p.a.ce surrounded by gla.s.s panes in all directions. Sceneries of the Tower of Wish were being shown on the gla.s.s panes.

“I’m glad that you’re the one who arrived here.”

The saint spoke. Kim Suho stood still and stared at the gla.s.s panes. 2nd floor, 3rd floor, 8th floor, 16th floor, 21st floor… He could see many Players and residents of the Tower.

“This is what you have achieved.”

The saint said with a smile. However, his voice had split into multiple voices. Feeling strange, Kim Suho turned around.

There, he saw many existences in the form of spirits. They were all exalted beings at the forefront of human religion: Buddha, Muhammad, etc.

“…Then can I know now?”

Kim Suho asked them what he wanted to know.

“Why I was reborn in this world.”

It was foolish to ask the reason for one"s existence. The saint smiled gently and shook his head.

“You will realize your value and fate in the near future… Rather than that, I want to ask, how do you view this Tower?”

Hearing this question, Kim Suho looked back at the window panes. He saw Prestige, Crevon, the Demon Realm and the demons who were crying at the news of their lord’s death.

“You have to make a decision.”

Kim Suho looked back at the saint.

“…A decision, you say?”

The saint nodded.

“Whether to maintain this world or destroy it.”

Tower of Wish. It was called as such because it was said to contain the wishes of all of humanity.

Many residents lived here, and many from Earth became Players to challenge and change themselves in this place. Players carried hope, greed, and expectation. Residents welcomed them while being jealous of their freedom.

However, neither of them resented their birth. Residents of the Tower found happiness in their own way. Some smiled while watching their children grow up and some found new love with the Players from Earth.


The Tower of Wish had become a world of its own, just like Akatrina and Earth, the blue planet inhabited by humanity.

So… no one had the authority to destroy it.

“I wish to maintain this world.”

The saint smiled at Kim Suho’s words.

“I see. But for that to happen, you have to destroy the Tower with your own hands.”


Seeing Kim Suho’s bewilderment, the saint pointed at the holy sword Misteltein.

“Cut the ‘sh.e.l.l’ that limits this place as a ‘Tower’ rather than a ‘world’. Only then will this place remain as a proper world.”

Kim Suho’s eyes widened.

“…The Tower of Wish will become one with Earth?”

He asked with genuine curiosity. The saint shook his head and continued his explanation.

“No, they will remain separate. Residents of the Tower still won’t be able to leave, while Players will be free to enter and leave as they please. The only difference will be that the boundary between this world and the Phenomenon Realm will become thinner and that this world will become everlasting.”

Kim Suho also knew of the words ‘Phenomenon Realm’. It was what some of the administrators were obsessed with.

“But this might cause the most heinous villain or the bravest hero in history to reappear.”

Kim Suho nodded. He didn’t need to think much about his decision. He had already made his decision when the saint first told him about it.

“Yes, I understand.”

The decision Kim Suho made wasn’t for the happiness of the Tower’s residents or the Players of Earth. There was no philosophical ideology nor emotional intent behind it either.

“I still wish to maintain this world.”

It was because this was the right decision.

Because Kim Suho was convinced that it was ‘right’.

“…Then cut the ‘Tower’ from this place.”

Kim Suho raised his sword. Magic power blazed up around him as he activated his ultimate skill. A brilliant golden light shot out, and Misteltein’s blade shone beautifully.

Kim Suho swung down his holy sword to cut the ‘sh.e.l.l’ that restricted this world to a Tower.


The holy sword descended as it dug into the origin of the Tower.


[Pandemonium, Chameleon Troupe’s Base]

“…Is it okay then?”

On the 6th bas.e.m.e.nt floor of the Chameleon Troupe’s base, Cheok Jungyeong scratched his neck awkwardly.

“Yes, it seems you overworked your body a bit while using this Energy Blast skill. You shouldn’t be too w.i.l.l.y nilly with it.”

Yi Yuri smacked Cheok Jungyeong’s shoulder. Thanks to her, Cheok Jungyeong had discovered an internal injury that he didn’t even know about.

“Th, tha, thank… kuhum, rest well.”

Cheok Jungyeong got up without being able to express his grat.i.tude. As he was about to leave, Yi Yuri’s mother grabbed him.

“Wait… um… when can we go back home?”


Cheok Jungyeong stopped and turned around. His intimidating face made Yi Yuri’s parents flinch.

“I told you, you can’t go back.”


“If you do, you won’t be able to see your daughter ever again. She won’t be able to see you either. You have to stay here for at least 5 years. It’s not that bad since you’ll all be together, right?”

With great power came great side-effects. Because of this, Yi Yuri had to receive thorough systematic training for 5 years. Before she could properly utilize her ‘Authority’, her body had to become capable of handling it.

“B-But we can’t. We have work to do and—“


Cheok Jungyeong threw them a gold bar. Thinking that perhaps one wasn’t enough, he rummaged through his pocket and threw them a few more, totaling 10kg which was worth about 500 million won.

“We’ll give you as much money as you need. We have a blood diamond for training too. We’ll let you go on walks after a little while, so what’s the problem?”

Yi Yuri’s parents were more concerned about being trapped underground for five years, but Cheok Jungyeong failed to see this.

“Plus, leaving this place is too dangerous. Don’t you understand? We’ll give you more money than you can ever imagine if you just stay here for 5 years? That’s not too much to ask, is it?”


‘We can’t get through to him at all.’ Yi Yuri’s parents sighed inwardly and nodded.

Yi Yuri consoled her parents. In truth, it was the same for her whether she was trapped here or in the Tower of Heroes. The only difference was that she had a boy her age here named Droon.

Yi Yuri blushed faintly as she thought about him. It was then.


A small earthquake rippled. Cheok Jungyeong sensed that it wasn’t natural and quickly ran out. He only needed three seconds to get to Boss’ office on the 3rd underground floor.

“Boss—! Did you feel that just now?”

Cheok Jungyeong called Boss as soon as he arrived. Then, he tilted his head. He even doubted his eyes for a moment.

Boss was wearing a bear head of some sort.

“Mm, you’re here, Gyeong.”

“…Boss, what’s that?”

“Oh, this? I got an Effective Good Selector that only worked on items Lv.4 and under, so I brought this one.”

It was the first gift she had received from Kim Hajin.

Boss played with the bear’s cheeks with a satisfied smile.

“This thing surprisingly has a high magic affinity. I want to get it enchanted.”

“Uh… right, anyway, did you feel that earthquake?”

“Oh, that?”

Boss leisurely looked outside the window. Golden light was flickering in the sky.

“It looks like the Tower of Wish is ending.”

“The Tower of Wish is… ending?”

“Yes, Kim Suho must have done it.”

Chwaaa…. At that moment, a brilliant golden light spread out across the entire sky. The wave of light signaling the end of the Tower was seen by all of humanity.

[Player MasterHolySword has conquered the Tower of Wish]



Prihi prepared for war against Schupert. She had many soldiers at her disposal. After hearing that Plerion had been restored and that the Vigilante had joined her, 4000 people decided to come to the capital from all over Akatrina. Now, the population of Plerion reached 13000.

Jin Sahyuk, who was appointed as Commander, selected the 3000 most talented individuals to form her army.

Thankfully, there was more than enough food to go around. The three crystal shards they collected provided ample livestock, and their fertile farmland could be harvested once every 2~3 weeks.

Plerion’s northeast mines went back into operation; the King gathered miners with food as wages, and 100 or so volunteered for the position. Aileen was the one who became their supervisor. Her Spirit Speech greatly improved their efficiency.

Once ores were mined, smithies went back into operation. Yi Yonghwa used his h.e.l.lfire to melt the ores, and I utilized Young Dwarf’s Dexterity to craft armor and weapons.

[Young Dwarf’s Dexterity improves to grade-3!]

After about of month of making 20 armors and swords per day, Young Dwarf’s Dexterity finally rose to grade-3.

“…The capital changed a lot thanks to you all.”

Currently, we were in the King’s bedroom.

Prihi smiled happily as she laid in her bed.

“We still have several obstacles to pave through.”

“Haha, what do I have to fear? Reconstruction of Plerion is only a matter of time now.”

“…You should sleep. It is late.”


However, Prihi refused to go to sleep. She seemed to be hoping for something.

I grinned and took out a book I brought. It was Romeo and Juliet, which I copied down by accessing my laptop through my eyes.

Prihi’s eyes sparkled.

“Do you want to read before going to bed again?”

“Y-Yes. What genre is it this time?”

Prihi quickly took the book.

“It’s a romance story. A tragedy, to be exact.”

“A tragedy….”

Prihi already put on a sad expression as she opened the book. I let her be and slowly exited the room.


I sighed and walked down the stairs.

Suddenly, I thought of the crystal shards.

I already had three in my possession and knew where two of the others were. One was carried by Count Schupert while the other was carried by his knight, Raylen.

As for the sixth crystal shard… I didn’t need to look for it.

It was hidden deep inside Prihi’s bedroom.

She must have hidden it to prevent us from going back.

“What are you sighing for?”

While I was walking down the stairs, Jin Sahyuk’s sharp voice rang out.


She was standing on the other side of the staircase. Judging by her slightly charred hair, she must have fought with s.h.i.+n Jonghak not too long ago.

She spoke, “You don’t want to go back either?”

I shook my head and retorted, “Of course not. What about you? Don’t you want to stay here forever?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Puharen isn’t in this world.”

Kim Suho wasn’t in the materialized past. Puharen who became a devil and destroyed the kingdom wasn’t here for the same reason. This world should continue on for a long time.

But to my surprise, Jin Sahyuk refused strongly.

“I’m not interested in the fake.”

“…Is that so?”

“But you seem to be.”


The reason I was staying close to Prihi was to receive the ‘rewards’ the co-author planned for me. But Jin Sahyuk, who didn’t know this, sent me a sharp look.

“The Prihi you’re talking to is fake.”

“…I know that.’

“Do you?”

Jin Sahyuk was serious. She had been too forward recently. Should I tell her that I’m not Kim Chundong?

Well, even if wanted to….

[Synchronization – 8%]

The synchronization rate was too high. 8% meant that at least my foot was Kim Chundong’s. It was probably for the best to just maintain silence while talking to Jin Sahyuk.

“Go to sleep.”

I walked past Jin Sahyuk who was blocking the way. As I got farther and farther away, Jin Sahyuk’s voice rang out.

“…Your King isn’t her but me.”

I ignored her and continued walking.

“I’m the real one!”

‘Can she shut her mouth for one second?’ Just as I was thinking that she screamed at the top of her lungs.

“Kim Hajin—! It’s me—!”

She was filming a drama by herself. I didn’t say a single word and went back downstairs to the 1st floor. But Aileen and Seo Youngji were in the first-floor reception room.



Did they overhear our conversation?

I was thinking about how to find out when their hands trembled slightly.

“L-Lady Aileen, how have things been recently?”

“M-Me? W-Well, it’s been fun. I’m eating chocolates. Nom, nom.”

Awkward didn’t even begin to describe the current situation.

There was no way they didn’t hear us… I let out a sigh.

At that moment, an even louder scream than Jin Sahyuk’s rang out through the royal palace’s crystal ball.

—It’s an emergency! Schupert’s army is making a move!

Everyone in the reception room jumped in surprise. They were making a move already?

We quickly ran to the castle walls.

Many soldiers and knights were already waiting on standby.

“Priest Kim!”

A knight called me. I jumped up and landed on top of the castle wall.

“What happened?”

“Look over there.”

The knight pointed at the horizon. I could certainly see something moving en I opened my eyes widely and stared at it closely.


“…The heck?”

“Can you see them?”

“Yes, but they are….”

The ones running here weren’t enemies.

They were citizens.

Refugees, to be exact.


—Mommy, I left my toy behind….

—Haaargh, I can’t walk anymore.

I focused Stigma’s magic power on my eyes. My vision stretched out past the marching refugees, mountains, and rivers until it reached Schupert’s castle.


A giant existence about 5 meters in size covered in a mist of demonic energy was destroying everything in sight.

The moment I saw it, a new alert popped up in front of me.

[Third Goal – Stop the devil or escape from the Recorded Past.]

Jin Sahyuk’s step-brother, Puharen, who would later become a devil, was actually materialized in this world.

“Well, s.h.i.+t….”

Schupert was just suppressing it.