The Novel's Extra

Chapter 369

Three people sat face-to-face in a dark forest. As there were three chair-sized rocks conveniently placed there, they each took one rock.

Jin Seyeon explained her plan to the confused Chae Nayun.

Chae Nayun asked several questions before finally coming to an understanding.

Jin Seyeon’s plan was to ‘oust the corrupt political figures of the a.s.sociation’. Returning emotions to Chae Joochul was only a part of that plan.

“The a.s.sociation’s executives have even cooperated with Djinns for their safety and wealth. Even knowing the dangers of the ‘side-effects’ of Gifts, they used children as a means of delaying their aging or as weapons of ma.s.s destruction. They threatened powerless countries while using us Heroes and caused wars to monopolize dungeons and artifacts.”


“Nayun-ssi, they are no longer an a.s.sociation of ‘Heroes’. Now is the time to correct everything. Although the world is troubled by Baal and the New Evils, that only makes this the perfect moment. If we let the a.s.sociation be, they might begin to collude with the New Evils. After all, a clear enemy is needed for the a.s.sociation to maintain their strength.”

Chae Nayun dropped her head. Her shadow wasn’t visible in the dark forest.

While she was maintaining her silence, Cheok Jungyeong furrowed his brows and stepped up.

“Wait, then you’re not going to fight with Chae Joochul?”

“Yes. We need to join hands with him instead.”

It was impossible to pa.s.s justice on the a.s.sociation with just the power of the Chameleon Troupe. Although the members of the Chameleon Troupe had incredible strength, their political power was nonexistent. Of course, Jain’s Gift would become a huge help in that regard, but that alone wasn’t enough.

“…Join hands with Grandfather?”

Chae Nayun asked with a depressed voice.

“Yes. Chae Joochul does not have emotions. So he had to have had a calculative reason for helping Kim Sukho and Yi Yukho at that time. You can see from the records that ‘Daehyun’ was able to rise higher thanks to that incident. But their relations.h.i.+p can’t continue forever. And that’s because Chae Joochul’s emotions are faint.”

Using emotionlessness to break the pact formed with emotionlessness.

That was Jin Seyeon’s plan.

Until now, Chae Joochul had maintained a mutually beneficial relations.h.i.+p with the a.s.sociation’s executives. If they became useless and clear evidence was provided to support this, Chae Joochul would undoubtedly push them away.

However, Chae Nayun hesitated.

“…Even if that happens, Grandfather will not regret his past actions.”

That was the reason.

Chae Joochul played a huge role in the tragedy known as the Kw.a.n.g-Oh Incident. But Chae Joochul has never and will never feel sadness or guilt. Because the antidote known as ‘emotions’ didn’t exist for him.

Hearing Chae Nayun, Jin Seyeon shook her head.

“You’re wrong, Nayun-ssi. Essential Pharmacy is developing medicine to counter the side-effects of Gifts.”

“W-What? A medicine to counter side-effects?”


Jain had obtained this information after infiltrating Essential Pharmacy. Jin Seyeon continued in a low, serious tone.

“The Nine Stars’ Heynckes and Oh Jaejin. Heynckes possessed a few of the prototype medication that cured them of their side-effects. Heynckes donated them to Essential Pharmacy, and Essential Pharmacy is properly doing research on this subject.”

Chae Nayun’s eyes widened.

“T-Then when the medicine is done….”

“Yes, Chae Joochul will regain his emotions.”


Chae Nayun dropped her jaw in shock but closed it in the next moment.

She suddenly became worried.

In truth, even she didn’t know how Chae Joochul was originally.

If her grandfather was a merciless villain from the start, what should she do? What if his emotionless state made him less of a threat to society? If he killed humans as he pleased and treated love, sympathy, and compa.s.sion as trash, then….

This possibility crossed her mind. However, Chae Nayun steeled her heart and clenched her fists.

She decided to believe in the kind side Chae Joochul showed her as her grandfather.

She had to.

To pay the debt she had to that person.

“Okay, I’ll help.”

“…Thank you.”

Jin Seyeon bowed and thanked her from the bottom of her heart.

“Sorry for making such an unreasonable demand. Even though you aren’t related to this incident….”

“Huh? No, I’m also…?”

Chae Nayun couldn’t finish her speech.

Kw.a.n.g-Oh Incident.

The evil deed committed by her grandfather. A tragedy that had to be made right.

But wasn’t there more to it?

There definitely should be….


A sharp pang of pain suddenly struck Chae Nayun’s head. She clutched her head and kneeled.


Startled, Jin Seyeon grabbed Chae Nayun’s body.

This brain-splitting pain didn’t disappear easily. And in this pain, Chae Nayun continued to think.

That she had forgotten about something important.

She didn’t know what it was, but her heart was naturally moving ‘for him’….

“Are you okay? Nayun-ssi? Nayun-ssi!”


The hammering pain disappeared, and Chae Nayun blankly looked up at Jin Seyeon. Jin Seyeon was staring at her with a worried look.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes? Ah, yes, I’m fine….”

Chae Nayun fiddled with her necklace as she met Jin Seyeon’s gaze.

Then, a question suddenly arose in her head.

This necklace… didn’t someone give it to me?

It wasn’t a present, so I have to return it….

But who was it?

Who am I supposed to return it to…?

Chae Nayun slowly closed her eyes.

This time, she didn’t faint.

She was meditating to remember something.


On the other hand, Kim Suho stood in front of the Guild Leader’s office for a meeting.

[Creator’s Sacred Grace, Leader - Yun Seung-Ah]

Her nameplate shone in with a green light.

Tok, tok-

When Kim Suho knocked on the door, Yun Seung-Ah opened it and greeted him with a smile.

“Come in.”

Kim Suho bowed with formality and walked into the office. He thought this every time he entered here, but the Guild Leader’s office really looked like a domed stadium. Not only were the walls in a circle, but the ceiling was also round and protruding up.

“Did you have a meeting?”

Kim Suho asked as he looked around the messy office. Creator’s Sacred Grace’s performance and ranking were recorded on the board.

“Yep. Look at that. Our guild ranking. We’re doing well, right?”

Yun Seung-Ah sat at the head of the table while laughing joyfully. Kim Suho sat down next to her and looked at the ranking too.

[Rank 1 - Essence of the Strait]

[Rank 2 - Desolate Moon]

[Rank 3 - Creator’s Sacred Grace]

[Rank 4 - Frost Sanctuary]

“…Essence of the Strait is practically impossible to overtake now, but we managed to take the rank 3 spot with the recent a.s.sault on Oedo Island Cave.”

She sounded proud and bitter at the same time.

Just like she said, although Creator’s Sacred Grace managed to reclaim some of its former glory, the gap between them and Essence of the Strait was no longer possible to cross.

“Even if they don’t work for 10 years, we won’t be able to catch up to them. Kind of unfair, don’t you think?”

Yun Seung-Ah grumbled as she brewed two cups of tea - one for herself and one for Kim Suho.

Kim Suho spoke with a faint smile.

“It’s something to be happy about if we think of them as our ally. Anyways, why did you call me?”

“Ah, you see…. The a.s.sociation made a request. It’s an order.”


Kim Suho furrowed his brows. He never expected to hear the words ‘’, especially from the a.s.sociation.

“Yep. The a.s.sociation Head personally made this request. You’ve heard of the Chameleon Troupe, right?”


“They want us to eliminate that group.”


Kim Suho was dumbstruck. Of course, the Chameleon Troupe had committed many crimes until now. But not only did they help humanity during the war against Orden and Baal, they were also granted a pardon because of it.

If the order was arresting the Chameleon Troupe members, Kim Suho would have agreed readily.

But ‘’ them?

Kim Suho asked sharply, “You agreed?”

“No, not yet. But… if we do, it will be greatly beneficial to us. Enough to make us rise to rank 2….”

Yun Seung-Ah stole a sideways glance as she sipped her tea. Kim Suho felt something from her eyes.

Kim Suho nodded his head.

“Rank 2. How specifically?”

“…Remember how many dungeons appeared recently? He said he would give us the right to monopolize the top ten dungeons.”

It was indeed a tempting offer. Kim Suho rubbed his chin, pretending to be in thought, before pus.h.i.+ng his hair up and getting up.

“That doesn’t sound bad. No, it sounds tempting. But I have something I need to do right now… so I’ll listen to the details later.”

“Yeah, okay. If that’s what you think, I’ll think about it in a positive light. You seem busy. You can go now.”

“Yes, understood.”

Kim Suho left the Guild Leader’s office.


Then, he took deep breaths as he leaned against the door. At that moment, a loud voice rang out.

Glancing to the side, he saw Yi Yeonghan.

He was guiding a group of cadets from Cube while touring the guild.

“Look, it’s the future Vice Leader! Say h.e.l.lo, kids! He’s the Hero who saved the world, Kim Suho!”

“…Ah, hey guys.”

Kim Suho smiled bitterly.

“W-Wow! Kim, Kim Suho-nim!”

“S-Sword Saint Kim Suho! I’m your biggest fan!”


Teenagers who seemed to be in their first or second year of Cube hollered and ran up to him. Kim Suho smiled wryly and took hundreds of pictures with them.


Tik- tok- In a silent apartment room where only the sound of the clockhands could be heard, I was in the middle of drinking a 500,000 won red ginseng extract.

“So bitter.”

It tasted bitter. Its medicinal effect wasn’t anything special either.

If a 500,000 won red ginseng extract was only this much, the cheaper ones they sold in stores had to be more or less non-effective.

I wrote down the effects of the extract on a notebook in front of me.

[Low-rank Red Ginseng - Faint vitality recovering effect. No effect on raising physical ability.]

Because my ability to see the system and my stats disappeared, I developed a habit of writing down things I felt.

I currently had 14 medicines written in the notebook.

Most of them were things like this red ginseng extract.

“…As I thought, this isn’t enough.”

I threw the extract away and sprawled down on the couch.


A week had pa.s.sed since I regained the [Medicinal Memory Physique].

I’ve been living in a great sense of helplessness.

I would become motivated, then unmotivated several times every day. Emptiness filled the s.p.a.ce where motivation left, and even when motivation returned, it would quickly disappear.

Although I could memorize the effects of medicine, I had no method of making contact with any useful ones. The resume I submitted to Essential Pharmacy’s sales department had been rejected.

“Geez, I’m going to commit suicide at this rate.”

I even had a horrible case of insomnia.

Every time I tried to fall asleep, I would dream about the past and hate waking up. Because of it, I was afraid to fall asleep.


I clicked my tongue and turned on the TV.

—The portals connecting different countries have just been restored. Portals to America and Europe are fully functional, and….

News regarding portals came out.

“…Should I really leave this place?”

Recently, I’ve been thinking about leaving this apartment.

Just like how I left this place in the past to enter Cube, I felt like I had to leave to do what I needed to do.

After all, this place was only the ‘starting point’.

In truth, I had this idea the day after I obtained the [Medicinal Memory Physique]. After all, this Physique was predicated on the idea of consuming rare ‘herbs’ and memorizing its effects rather than consuming fully-made products sold on the market.

But the reason I waited was on the slight off-hand chance that someone might come here. That someone might regain their memories and come looking for me.

Of course, I knew it was an empty wish.

And now that almost ten days went by, I had no choice but to admit it.

That ‘I’ had disappeared from this world completely.


I raised my upper body and turned on my smart.w.a.tch.

Just like I saw on the news, the portal to Europe had been restored.

I looked at my bank account.

I had enough funds to travel around the mountains of different countries. I had the ‘Desert Eagle’, ‘Black Lotus Uniform’ and ‘Aether’ in case I needed to fend off danger.


I nodded my head resolutely as I looked at my smart.w.a.tch.

There was no way for me to enter Essential Pharmacy.

In that case, it would probably be better for me to consume different herbs from traveling and make my own medicine. Applying for a job once I had some experience would probably be more helpful.

“Let’s go. Right now.”

I murmured and got up.

Although it was an on-the-spot decision, there was no hesitation.

The time to leave the starting point had come.

“See you, Chundong… Heh, what am I saying. I should pack.”

…I almost forgot.

Since I didn’t have the Stigma anymore, I had to pack my bags before going anywhere.

Ssk- ssk-

I picked up a luggage bag and began to pack clothes, food, my identification card, a smart.w.a.tch, the Desert Eagle, etc.

I threw in anything useful I could find.