The Novel's Extra

Chapter 374

The swallow-tail coated Kim Suho looked at the party venue. Most distinguished guests were busy talking with each other, but because he was 40 minutes late, he couldn’t join in on any conversation.

Kim Suho walked through the grand hall and watched Yoo Sihyuk, Yoo Jinwoong, Nicholas, and other famous Heroes. He found it rather intriguing that the Heroes he had seen on TV when he was young were all gathered here.

“Aigo, if it isn’t our future Hero~!”

At that moment, someone approached him, pretending to be friendly. Kim Suho flinched slightly as he turned to the side.

It was the former president of Korea, Kim Sukho.

“…h.e.l.lo, Professor Kim Sukho.”

He’d heard from Yun Seung-Ah that Kim Sukho enjoyed being addressed as Professor. Kim Suho followed her advice, and it seemed it worked, as a smile bloomed on Kim Sukho’s face.

“Hahaha, nice to meet you. I heard you were late because of a mission.”

“Yes, my apologies.”

“No need. I was slightly late myself.”

When Kim Sukho let out a peal of hearty laughter, other distinguished guests gathered around him. Kim Suho knew and recognized their faces. Of the list of people Yun Seung-Ah sent, they were part of the so-called ‘Kim Sukho Faction’.

“Aigo, where are my manners? Suho, let me introduce you to them. This here is the chief of the a.s.sociation’s Evaluation Department, Kim On.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Kim On. I heard a lot of you, High-rank Hero Kim Suho-nim.”

Kim On reached his hand out with a strange smile.

For the record, the Evaluation Department was the division of the a.s.sociation that ranked and evaluated Heroes. As Heroes’ fame and salary were dependent on their ‘rank’, the Evaluation Department had quite a powerful authority.

“…Nice to meet you. I’m Kim Suho.”

Kim Suho shook his hand awkwardly.

Next, he met the chiefs of the Administrative Department, the State Affairs Department, the International Aid Department, etc…. After Kim Suho shook hands with everyone, Kim Sukho laughed joyously.

“Hahaha. Oh right, Chief Kim, aren’t there a few empty slots for the Master-rank Hero position?”

“Yes, a few died during the war, and a few were expelled from not answering summons during the war.”

“Tsk, draft dodgers…. Such shameless Heroes. Too many of them are blinded by money and fame. When I was their age, people became Heroes to save one another. n.o.body cared about money and fame.”

Kim Sukho muttered unhappily before turning to Kim Suho and smiling.

“We need more Heroes like Suho.”

“…Thank you for the compliment.”

Kim Suho nodded his head wryly.

It was then.

With a click, the lights illuminating the room turned off.

Was it an event or an attack?

While everyone stood wary, a small spotlight shone on the south side of the party hall.


Kim Sukho and the other distinguished guests turned their attention to that direction.

The curtains lifted on the empty stage, revealing the host of the party - Yoo Yeonha. She acted with decorum befitting her position and greeted the guests.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Yoo Yeonha. I’d like to thank all the distinguished guests who are gathered here today. Of course, I will be paying each guest a visit to thank them.”

She thanked the guests for coming before cutting straight to the chase. Yoo Yeonha didn’t want to damage the scenario she scripted.

“First, Temple of Justice’s chairman, Aileen-ssi. Your courage became a powerful beacon of light against humanity’s war against Baal. We admire you from the bottom of our hearts.”

Yoo Yeonha spoke with a gentle voice. At the same time, the spotlight moved and shone on Aileen. Caught in the middle of munching on chocolates, Aileen flinched before quickly wiping her mouth and making a superficial smile.

Clap, clap, clap—

Yoo Yeonha clapped her hands first, which eventually spread and filled the entire room with applause. Aileen was at a loss for what to do and bowed her flushed head repeatedly.

“Next is Rachel, whose elementals saved countless people through their clear and pure powers. There must be hundreds of thousands of people who had their lives saved by you.”

Clap, clap, clap—

It seemed now was the time for pleasantries. Kim Suho clapped his hands as he watched Yoo Yeonha give her speech.

“…Thank you.”

Rachel smiled bashfully at Yoo Yeonha’s praise, and several men blushed as they looked at her.

Yoo Yeonha continued to praise the distinguished guests with her silver tongue. Yun Seung-Ah, Yoo Sihyuk, Chae Nayun, Yi Yongha, Kim Suho, and even s.h.i.+n Jonghak who wasn’t present….

Kim Suho felt his heart becoming warmer as time went on.

“What bulls.h.i.+t.”

However, Jin Sahyuk seemed to think otherwise. Kim Suho was surprised by her sudden appearance, but he calmed down and whispered into her ear.

“Be quiet.”

“Who are you to tell me what to do?”


“You shut up.”


The corner of Kim Suho’s mouth twisted up. Meanwhile, the wholesome relay of praises was coming to an end.

“There are two people left.”

The final two people.

Kim Sukho and Yi Yukho knew who these two were.

The two people who would be the finale for this ceremony laughed quietly and drowned themselves in the moment. For a second, they even thought it might be okay to leave Essence of the Strait be.

“Professor Kim Sukho.”

A grand spotlight shone down on Kim Sukho. When everyone’s gazes turned to him, Kim Sukho waved his hand and shook his head.

“And the current chairman, Yi Yukho.”

A second spotlight shone down on Yi Yukho, one of the founding members of the a.s.sociation and its current chairman. Yi Yukho showed the same reaction as Kim Sukho.

The distinguished guests gathered at the party thought this was the end and waited for Yoo Yeonha’s final tribute.


“…And finally.”

Yoo Yeonha announced that there was one person remaining.

While everyone stood in a fl.u.s.ter, Yoo Yeonha gestured at the main door of the party hall.

A spotlight shone down on the door, and everyone’s attention turned in that direction.


A clear sound rang out amidst the silence.

Soon, the door opened— and the Immortal, Chae Joochul, appeared.

No, it wasn’t just Chae Jooochul.

Dozens of Heroes followed Chae Joochul and surrounded the party hall. The waltz playing in the background vanished, replaced by the sound of numerous footsteps.

“Let me introduce you all.”

Ignoring the atmosphere that had suddenly turned cold, Yoo Yeonha continued her speech.

“This is the Four-colored Immortal, Sir Chae Joochul.”

Chae Joochul slowly walked up the stage.

“Thank you.”

He received the microphone from Yoo Yeonha. Then, he looked down at Kim Sukho and Yi Yukho with an aged gaze. He then s.h.i.+fted his gaze at those surrounding them.

The executives of the a.s.sociation’s departments were present.

The Evaluation Department, the Administrative Department, the Peacekeeping Department, the State Affairs Department, the General Affairs Department…. Not a single one of them was clean from corruption.

Without even the slightest change in his expression, Chae Joochul began to read the doc.u.ment he brought.

“Kim Sukho, Yi Yukho, Kim On, Yi Wanho, Jin Jaesoon, Jee Yonggu, Gospel, Meizarn….”

He read the names of 27 people, who were all executives of the a.s.sociation. Yoo Yeonha had come up with the list after long, tireless hours of investigation.

“…The above 27 people gathered here today.”

Chae Joochul finished calling them out. He paused for a moment and looked at the party hall. The light in his eyes seemed to pierce through one’s mind.

While everyone stood confused, Chae Joochul spat out a sentence that instantly shattered the frozen atmosphere.

“You are under arrest for attempted, conspiracy to commit murder, ma.s.sacring of civilians, collusion with Djinns, and other crimes.”


“You will be relieved of your duties as of this moment. You have the right to remain silent, and….”

Chae Joochul gave the Miranda Warning through the silent atmosphere.

The distinguished guests at the hall listened to Chae Joochul’s dry voice as if they had been entranced.

“W-What the h.e.l.l does that mean!?”

Kim Sukho was the first one to shout.

His blood-shot eyes were glaring at Chae Joochul.

“Chae Joochul, what authority do you have to—”

“It is one of the authorities you gave to play up the Nine Stars.”

A deep voice cut off Kim Sukho’s frantic shouting.

Soon, another person walked up to the stage.

It was an old man whose left arm and right leg had turned into steel and could not even walk without a cane - Heynckes.

“The Authorities of the Nine Stars. I’m sure you’ve heard of it.”

Heynckes grinned and looked back and forth between Yi Yukho and Kim Sukho.

“Each member of the Nine Stars has authority equivalent to an international investigative agency…. Isn’t that the clause you personally wrote? Joochul here is an investigator I hired.”

Immediately, Kim Sukho and Yi Yukho roared in fury.

“Chae, Chae Joochul—! Do you think you can get away with this!?”

Kim Sukho shouted desperately. Heynckes might be difficult, but he planned to bring Chae Joochul down with him. Given their history together, Kim Sukho had a lot to reveal.

However, in the next moment, Kim Sukho and Yi Yukho had no choice but to shut their mouths.

Tap, tap—

The man who followed Chae Joochul up the stage had stopped their shouting.

“This is proof.”

The man who said this… was one of the three authority-holders of the a.s.sociation, ‘Yoo Jangwon’.

Yoo Jangwon handed Chae Joochul an envelope filled with evidence.

“Everything is inside this envelope.”

“…You, you…!”

As expected of a seasoned politician, Kim Sukho quickly realized what was going on.

Yoo Jangwon and Chae Joochul had betrayed him.

Kim Sukho and Yi Yukho shook. However, Yoo Jangwon ignored them like dogs on the street and continued.

“The Kw.a.n.g-Oh Incident, Leork Incident, Augsburg Collapse Incident, and other big and small incidents caused by Djinns… all of them are incidents masterminded by those two to keep their authority. The evidence is already being broadcasted all over the world.”

Yoo Jangwon clapped. Immediately, a huge hologram screen shot up on the stage.

—I am here today, not as the Hero Yoo Jinwoong, but as a fellow human being. I am here to confess the evil deeds I have committed.

Yoo Jinwoong was standing in front of the media - YTV, MBN, KSB…. Yoo Jinwoong was confessing live in front of the whole world.

Kim Sukho’s jaw dropped.

‘When did Yoo Jinwoong get there? Wasn’t he here just a moment ago…?’

After watching the screen for some time, Kim Sukho turned to Yi Yukho. It was clear what message their eyes were exchanging. Now that they were pushed to a corner, they would struggle until the end.

“Don’t move!”


A gleaming greatsword formed with magic power separated them. Intense heat rose from the crack formed on the ground, preventing the two from joining hands.

This was Chae Nayun’s doing. Kim Sukho and Yi Yukho gulped at the power that far surpa.s.sed the rumors.

“This is Essence of the Strait’s Chae Nayun. I have been given the authority to arrest the a.s.sociation’s law-breakers by the government, as well as the authority to punish and judge them in the process. Resisting will not be allowed.”

“…I’m sorry to tell you, but I haven’t even been convicted yet. I’m no law-breaker.”

Chae Nayun didn’t even pretend to hear Kim Sukho. She looked ready to behead him if he made one wrong move.

‘…As expected of Chae Joochul’s granddaughter. She’s mad.’ Kim Sukho shrugged and got on his knees.

“Then excuse me.”

Yoo Jangwon got down from the stage using this chaos.

“Wait! Stop him! Stop him too! We didn’t commit any crimes! He controlled us, and now he’s controlling you!”

Kim Sukho shouted loudly and pointed at Yoo Jangwon. However, Yoo Jangwon quickly escaped the party hall. Then, he prepared himself to ‘disguise’ himself again.


However, cold steel touched her neck.


Jain raised her hand.

A woman appeared from behind a pillar.

“It’s been a while, Jain. Do you have time today? I’d like for us to have a little chat.”

It was Yun Seung-Ah.

She slowly moved her sword and made a cut on Jain’s neck.

“Uh… well… can we chat later~? I’m a bit busy right now. I have to make them give up quickly….”

“I can’t do that. There’s something I need to hear too.”

“Hear? Hear what?”

“Oh? You’re pretending you don’t know? I want to cut you up the more you do this… you b.i.t.c.h.”

Blood flowed down Yun Seung-Ah’s sword. A sharp pain spread through Jain’s body.

Jain grit her teeth and pondered, ‘Should I push her sword away and escape? Or should I hear out this woman…?’

Unfortunately, she didn’t have time to weigh her options.


The roof of the mansion suddenly collapsed, and countless flying monsters and members of the New Evils appeared.

Kieeek!— Kieeeek—!

Ferocious cries rang out as the scent of demonic energy flowed out. Everyone was taken aback by the sudden attack.

Jain glanced at Yun Seung-Ah and spoke.

“Why don’t we chat after everything ends~? I’ll keep my promise this time~ This is my retirement mission, you see~”

Yun Seung-Ah fell silent. Soon, the sound of something breaking rang out, and the clas.h.i.+ng of magic power and demonic energy created a huge sonic boom.

There was no time to wait.


With a sigh, Yun Seung-Ah let go of Jain.

“If you don’t keep this promise, I won’t give you a chance to talk next time.”

“Okay~ Okay~ I already know your phone number. So just wait, okay~?”

“…Shut up and call me when you’re done.”

With that, Yun Seung-Ah ran towards the party hall, and Jain changed her disguise to ‘that person’ to finish the job.

The person Kim Sukho feared and wanted to kill so much. The reason he caused the Kw.a.n.g-Oh Incident.

The person Jain changed into was Jin Seyeon’s father, Jin Younghwan.


[Underground Bunker of the Mansion]

Yoo Yeonha evacuated to the underground bunker. As she would be useless in battle and as the New Evils would surely make her their primary target, she decided to leave the rest to Chae Joochul and Heynckes.


She sighed and turned on the TV.

Her father’s press conference was coming to an end.

—I will spend the rest of my life atoning for my sins.

He reached out his hand proudly. Police ran up and restrained him with handcuffs that blocked magic power. It was the equipment her corporation, Essential Dynamics, invented.


Yoo Yeonha couldn’t watch her father be taken into custody.

She turned off the TV, with bitterness welling up inside her.

She felt like she was going to vomit.

Her heart was filled with unsatisfiable bitterness and emptiness.

She felt empty.

Was all this really necessary?

Was it worth abandoning her father to do this?

Fish couldn’t live in waters that were too pure. Perhaps it might have been okay to compromise….


Yoo Yeonha let out a helpless breath and picked up her smart.w.a.tch. Then, she checked her messages to look at her past conversations with her father.

[What are you up to, Yeonha?]

[Daughter~ Father had a little drink~]

[I want to see you.]

Her father had sent numerous messages, but there weren’t many she had replied to. Yoo Yeonha began to hate her past self for not answering.

“Stupid, stupid, stupid…?”

Yoo Yeonha was smacking her head and blaming herself when she suddenly found a message log.

It was a long message, but there was no record on who the recipient was. The sender was ‘Yoo Yeonha’ without a doubt, but she had no memory of sending such a message.

Curious, Yoo Yeonha tilted her head and clicked on the message.


Her face became redder than an apple, and she exploded from embarra.s.sment.

[h.e.l.lo, Kim Hajin-ssi. This is Yoo Yeonha. Today has been a difficult day. Well, maybe not for you, but it sure has been for me.

Maybe that’s why. The days I spent with you as my trusty ally are popping up in my head. I was embarra.s.sed, tired, and a little annoyed, but now that I think about it, they were precious memories.

Right, I’m thinking about you right now…]

“…W-W-What the h.e.l.l is this?”

Yoo Yeonha clutched her head. ‘I’m thinking about you right now’? What kind of a third-grader confession was this?

The unimaginable embarra.s.sment caused her head to boil and her brain to melt.

But in this state of utter embarra.s.sment, she faintly remembered the ‘emptiness’ that had been formed from her forgetting.


The reason she had cast light upon the Kw.a.n.g-Oh Incident, going so far as to abandon her father.


Yoo Yeonha pressed her temples.

“Ah, ah, ah.” Short mutters escaped her mouth.

Someone’s face faintly surfaced in her mind.

Someone she shouldn’t forget.

Someone she couldn’t forget.

That someone’s face overlapped with the most embarra.s.sing string of text she had ever read and faintly filled up her empty head.