The Overspace Magus Emperor

Chapter 12

The sun was high up in the sky, brightening the green land below. The greenery in the forest was giving a fresh feeling to anyone that was resting here. Sounds of birds chirping and tree leaves rustling could be heard from the side, making a rhythm that warms the heart.

From anyone"s perspective, there isn"t any suspicious in this perfect scenery. Unknown to anyone, there were tons of bugs, small animals, and birds in the sky, seemingly observing something in the distance.

Behind all of this is me, standing in a room with a table and a 3D hologram in front of me. My hand was playing with the hologram as if it was a game.

"Interesting, just as expected of the Count, he decided to attack my territory and not thinking of the repercussion," I said in an expected att.i.tude.

From the map shown on the 3D hologram, an army of 5000 strong were located around 50 or so kilometers away from the town of Moonmoor. The army will definitely cross a village or two before it reaches the town.

The first village that it will come across is Penrith village. A village governs under Xendra"s Viscounty and headed by a knight family. It was one of the five main villages in Xendra"s Viscounty.

Penrith village, situated at the west boundary of the territory, making it quite prosperous as it became the gateway of trade from the west to the center of the territory.

"It will be such a waste if the Count"s army were to raid and burn the village of this size. I should prepare an ambush just before the army reaches the village or in the village itself." I stated while pondering the strategy I need to use here.

"Vonix, calculate the amount of time needed for the army to reach the village and our response unit in coping with the situation!" While I was cramming the 3D hologram for further information, suddenly a monotone voice answered,

["From the data gathered, the Count"s army will reach the Penrith village this evening, just when the sun fully set. If we were to send our army immediately, 45 minutes is needed to reach the destination with advanced helicopter troop transport and if we were to include tank and the siege beast, two hours or more might be needed, as we need to clear a way to the village"]

As the robots were already gathering enough metal. I decided to make a helicopter and tank. Of course, the model is way more advanced than the earth does, utilizing electromagnetic technology.

"I see, as time were on our side. Then prepare the tank as well the siege beast, just in case the robots alone aren"t enough." I dictated firmly.



The sun was just set to the west, indicating that this world is a planet. Darkness starting prevail over the earth as the brightness of the sun is gone. No moon could be seen above in the sky, indicating that it was a new moon phase.

A big army consisting of 5000 men were marching amid a forest. Brightening the surrounding with the lantern and torch they bring along.

As the nearest village is just 10 minutes away, they decided not to set up camp and come straight to the village.

In the midst of the army is a luxurious carriage, with a shrewd looking n.o.ble inside. The shrewd n.o.ble was very displeased right now,

"Why is it taking so long just to reach the nearest village? My b.u.t.t is already hurt like h.e.l.l!" The shrewd n.o.ble cursed with apprehension.

To begin with, the reason the march was so slow was because of him, using a big luxurious heavy carriage in a march is a stupid idea but no one dared to point it out to him, in case catching his ire.

Then the aide that report to him before, came and replied politely,

"Lord, rest a.s.sured, the Penrith village is already up ahead, there will be sure to be a beauty or two for Lord to enjoy." The aide was soothing the displease n.o.ble professionally.

Hearing this, the shrewd n.o.ble smiled with l.u.s.t and antic.i.p.ation,

"Good, if you manage to catch a good one, I will be sure to reward you greatly."

"Yes, I will do the job well, My Lord." Knowing that he will be rewarded if he presents the Lord with a good "goody", he was filled with determination.

"What a bootlicker." the other aids in the surrounding rolled their eyes, as they thought in disdain.

Just then, a strange scene immediately unfolds in the surrounding. A bright light suddenly appeared and were blinding the eyes of the soldiers in the army that were already accustomed to the night.

"What happened?" the shrewd n.o.ble asked from inside the carriage in confusion.

The general of the army was also confused by the immediate brightness in the surrounding before he commanded,

"Don"t panic, stay on guard, sent the scout to check the source of the brightness!"

Just as he finished commanded, two scouts were dispatch to check the source. As the leading scout was approaching the source of light, he sees a big beast around 6-8 meters tall enclose in metallic armor and having a strange long tube in its back, appeared encroaching them and making the scout and the soldiers in the front panic,

"Monster… Monsterrrr...!!!" One of the weak-willed scouts was squealing in panic before he turns and runs but it was too late, the big monster ate him in one gulp before he could do anything else.

"Arrrghhh…. Roni"s dead!!" Another scout not far from the one that just been eaten was shivering in fear and wet himself.

Just as the scout was screaming that another four big monsters appear encroaching the soldier in front and making them even more scared of the unknown monster.

The unknown giant beast immediately launches and starts munching the soldiers in front. This action makes the remaining soldier in the army even more scared and restless.

"I said don"t panic! Anyone that breaks the formation and runs to the back will be executed!" shout the general of the army.

"Is that a giant beast? What kind of beast is that? And what"s with the metallic armor? Someone"s definitely behind all of this!" Deemed the general in dread.

As the army wasn"t completely a riff-raff, discipline immediately coming back to the soldiers.

"Spearman, take position in front to block the beast! Archers, prepare the arrow! Then shoot together when I gave the command!"

As the beast becoming closer and closer to the army, and the general was about to issue a command to shoot.

Then a lot of strange flying iron roaring beast appeared in the sky, becoming the focus of the soldier in the army.

The strange flying iron beast has a blade-like thingy above it, rotating as if there is no tomorrow.

"A strange flying beast appeared in the sky! Everyone take cover!" fearful that the flying beast was a magical beast that could shot magic, the general ordered for the soldier to be ready.

Just as that were said, a lot… lots of black silhouettes possibly hundreds of them, dropping off from inside the iron beast.

Then, as the army was confused to cope with the situation. The black silhouettes were coming closer and closer to the ground.


A blue streak of electricity suddenly appeared from the strange tube that the black silhouettes were holding in its hand.

"""Arrkhhhh!""" hundreds possibly thousands of the soldiers below scream and were convulsing in a static-like thing.

The general that was commanding the army was in desperation from what he just saw,

"Is this the power of a Magus? No... that couldn"t be…." A despair and bewildered expression could be seen from his face.

Then, suddenly a cannon or some sort from a distance, blasting into the side of the troop. Killing dozens of soldiers and broke their morale completely.

"Arghhhh!!! Run… run… I don"t care anymore about military law; I just want to live!" one of the corporals in the side of the troop shrieked with his mentality completely broken in despair.

The yell of the corporal becomes a s...o...b..ll effect, larger and larger parts of the troops began deserting the place.

They were pushing and trampling each other in desperation for their life. Not minding their fallen comrade that they trample upon. When suddenly the black silhouettes that appeared from the sky, emerge in front of them and blocking their path.

They wield a strange tube like weapon in their hand and start firing an electric-like thingy from the tube and incapacitate the troop that was running in front.

Suddenly a strange monotone voice came from the black silhouettes,

"Drop your weapon and surrender, and you will be spared… Drop your weapon and surrender, and you will be spared…" The black silhouettes were shouting this, again and again.

Overhearing what the thing said, the soldiers that were on despair immediately drop their weapon and hold their heads in the ground in fear for their miserable life.

In the midst of the formation, a luxurious carriage could be seen. There was a shrewd n.o.bleman inside confused and doesn"t know what to do.

"What is happening out there? Why there is chaos in the formation? Someone report to me!" The shrewd n.o.ble angrily shout outside, as there is no one that replied.

Then the aide that has been with him before report fearfully,

"Lord, I suggest we run and escape from this place! An army of unknown force was attacking us from almost all sides!"

"What? You must be lying to me! How can an army of five thousand strong incapable of handling this thing?" the shrewd n.o.ble gaze murderously to the aide.

"Lord, please look outside." The aide nervously showing the scenery outside.

"What? What is happening? How could this be? Is that black silhouettes a golem?" Then, as he realizes what happened around him, a group of golems surrounded his carriage and pointing their tube like weapon. Immediately incapacitating the n.o.ble and his aide.

"Why… why couldn"t I move my limb?" This was the last thing the shrewd n.o.ble think before he collapses in his carriage, unconscious.


Above in the dark sky, inside a bigger helicopter. I was seeing the scenery below with shock and disbelief plastered over my face and contemplate in thought,

"This… is more effective than I thought it was!"

This night sure wasn"t a quiet one.