The Peculiars’ Tale

Chapter 10


Translated by: whosays25

Edited by: seiji96

/9/ Her Eyes


“Jilliane Morie. Please come with me.”

Automatically, they looked at me. It’s because of this – whatever you call session – came suddenly. They hurriedly pulled themselves again to their own world though. They breathed a sigh of relief since they were not the lucky one who was first to be called.

We went out of the cla.s.sroom while I’m following her. Why did she call in random? And from my many cla.s.smates, why did Miss point me first?

That’s when I realized that I’m still holding on the black paper she gave earlier. The questions resurfaced again in my mind. I can’t understand what this is for. I glanced again to the person I’m following; we’re walking for the left wing of the building.

It’s like there’s a different aura enveloping her persona. I suddenly became curious. What she’ll do next?

She stopped in front of a building. We went inside and the room is cold. There’s a huge clear window, a table, and two chairs which were arranged to face each other.

“You can ask questions later.” She told me before sitting on her place. She said what? “I can see it on your face. Have a seat.” Maybe she guessed what’s on my mind base on my expression. But I just stood there. I didn’t move.

“Jilliane Morie.”

I came back to my senses, took my seat which was facing her’s without looking at her eyes. Miss Karen stared outside the window, “Good weather, isn’t it? I suddenly looked outside and she’s right, the skies were clear and the sun shines prettily.

I took a glimpse of her. Her expression is blank and is still looking far away.

“Why are you looking outside?” I asked.

“You’re comfortable this way.” She’s right. “How do you feel right now?” She asked, we’re still looking outside.

“I’m fine.” I’m really trying to. Even though I’m so tired of acting like I’m fine, and trying to forget the truth, I’m just not happy. I want someone to look in my eyes and see how I really feel.

“There are really some times when the things our mouth is saying didn’t match our feelings.” I suddenly glanced at her but I averted it again to the window.

So, she can sense it.

“My life is dreadfully boring.”

“Why did you say so?”

“Doing the same things every day sucks.”

“Then, why are you still here?”

“To study. You said life is not fair enough for those lazy and stupid.”

“You think so.”

“Can we make it short? It’s pointless.” It’s funny, since we’re conversing without looking at each other. We’re talking to one another while gazing at the beauty of the outside view.


“Students hate counselling like this, talking about senseless things.”

“Is that so? You call it senseless?”

“What do you want to know?”

“Can you tell me, what do you want to be?”

I’ve heard that question many times before. What do I want to be? When I was five, I have been told to become a doctor like my father. When I turned twelve, they want me to be the heir of their company. But now, it seems like everyone is waiting for my final answer, but h.e.l.l, I don’t really know.

“I don’t know.” It’s hard growing up while there’s someone dictating your life, on what you should do, what should be worn, what you should be.

“We’re talking about your future, lady.”

Future, that word makes me sick.

“Why do people want to know the future?” I suddenly questioned.

“Life is full of ‘what-if’, so people became worried.”  I confirmed in my peripheral vision that she looked at me. “…and scared. But the truth is,” she stated, “there’s nothing to be afraid of. On that paper, lies the answer on the true meaning of future.” Miss Karen pointed on the black paper that I’ve placed on the table. I want to laugh on what she said. Really? The answer? How come the black paper became the answer? “There is hope in every future, Jill.” She called me ‘Jill’. That’s unusual.

I watched her. This person is covered in mystery; she’s like… a mind reader? Could it be…that she’s different… that she has another personality? Like me?

“Who are you?” I asked.

“Who am I?” She chuckled. “I’m the one who supposed to ask that, Morie…  who are you?”What’s the purpose of that inquiry? However, at this moment, I pondered. Who am I?

“I’m Jillianne Morie… and I can see the future.” For the first time I told my secret to someone. I directly looked at her eyes. Then I was very surprised.

Because for the first time I met her eyes, I saw…


I purposely stayed at the cla.s.sroom. I sat there looking at nowhere. It’s been long since the dismissal but I don’t want to leave yet.

I’m still remembering about what happened earlier on the counselling room. Miss Karen didn’t even feel astonish about what I said. She made no reaction. Well, who would believe my words? No matter who, they will think I’m crazy because of what I’m saying. Since I don’t want to feel like an idiot, I didn’t insist that it’s true. While she only told me, “Really? So…can you tell what’s mine?”

I remained silent. Because I have nothing to say. I can’t believe it. I saw no future in her eyes. Why? How?

Every day, to every individual I encountered, whether intentional or coincidental, I saw their future. Now I want to think that the curse is no longer in me. It’s possible it has disappeared, right?

My solitude was disturbed when the door opened and someone came in.

He’s Stephen Yue, one of the outcasts in this cla.s.s. He’s also a representative. Yeah, our cla.s.s has two representatives. He was bowing his head when he entered. Then I noticed that he was holding a mop and pail. Like what I guessed, he started cleaning up.

When he pa.s.sed by my place, he tripped.

“Sorry, Morie.” He weakly said, and then he gets up. Something urges me to look at his eyes, to see if…

“I’m really sorry, Morie. Can you p-please leave already? S-so that I can f-finish what I’m doing.”

But I was actually wrong. I stood up. I shove him and hurriedly exited that room. I saw in his eyes…a cruel fate lying ahead, waiting for him. Is it a big mistake? It seems Yue’s fate is in my hands.

Translator’s Note: Miss Italia is awesome. But what a weird eyes she has there.