The Peculiars’ Tale

Chapter 19


Translated by: whosays25
Edited by: seiji96

/18/ Unknown


Music Cla.s.s.

One of the subjects that I hate, particularly when there’s a practical test, like today. Bad trip. I’m very sure that those trying hard singers are going to compete with each other.

“Okay, cla.s.s. There will be an individual practical test today, unlike before which were  always done by group.” announced by the teacher. I frowned. No, the whole cla.s.s frowned.

Like, seriously? The whole cla.s.s was shocked, including me. As in each of us will sing in the front? The heck.

We can’t do anything about our teacher’s decision so in the end, we sung in the front in alphabetical order. The students could either sing in acapella or with musical accompaniment.

“SINCE YOU’VE BEEN GONE! I CAN’T BREATHE FOR THE LAST TIME. YEAHEEYEEEE!” a little more and the gla.s.s window will be broken by Aya’s voice. Nothing, those who don’t know how to sing became the cla.s.s’ laughing stock. It was both painful for the ears and head.

Aya finished her song while the whole cla.s.s laughed to the point that their stomach hurts. Well, her singing craze in front of the cla.s.s was really funny and it was nothing to her. That’s Aya, she’s crazy and funny.

“Okay, thank you Ms. Martinez.” It was obvious that even our music teacher had a headache. “Next please.”

“OMG, A’ym so great! Bwahaha! Morie girl, your turn! Go go go!” She cheered for me excitedly.

So the next one is me? Everyone became silent when I stepped forward. I know, when it comes to me, they are still awkward. I saw a guitar leaning beside the room’s wall so I picked  it up and faced them.

There’s no one speaking. All were staring, waiting for what I will do. But I was still thinking about the song I will sing.

Well, whatever.


“How are you…

Are you still there…

It seems there’s nothing that could be done,

Except but laugh.

Are you still there… Our memories…

Were the only thing left to us…

Let us no longer deceive each other

Everything has already been made clear.

There’s no need to force things

You no longer have to speak

I already saw this all

Shown by your eyes

I’m already grateful for that.

I already saw it all

Shown by your eyes

I’m already grateful for that.”


I prematurely ended the song. It was a good thing that I’ve yet to forget the chords of the song even though I haven’t touch a guitar for a long time. If not for this practical test. Tss.

I didn’t expect that everyone will be clapping. For real? Some were amazed while the rest knew I could sing. I went back to my seat and Aya welcomed me.

“Whoaa! Morie, you actually have a hidden talent. How great! But what was that song?” She asked.

Right. I know that song was unfamiliar and unpopular.

“Eyes.” I answered. No reason, that was the first that came to mind.

“Haha, obviously, you’re dedicating that to someone.” I only replied her with a smile.

Eyes. That song means a lot to me, especially the ‘eyes’ part. I already saw it all.

“Mr. Morris, it’s your turn.”

Aya and I looked up front when we heard the familiar tune of the piano. The song is familiar to me…


“You’re the one that never lets me sleep.

To my mind, down to soul, you touch my lips

You’re the one that I can’t wait to see
With you here by my side I’m in ecstasy


Of all the songs, why this? Why this, Morris?


I am all alone without you
My days are dark without a glimpse of you

But now that you came into my life I feel complete

The flowers bloom, my morning shines and I can see


“Hey, Morrie. Morris is looking at you.” Aya whispered. Everyone was silently listening to Morris while he’s playing the song. Because of what Aya had said, I felt my knees going soft. I couldn’t look straight at that direction. I couldn’t.


Your love is like the sun

That lights up my whole world

I feel the warmth inside


My heart still couldn’t take this.


Your love is like the river

That flows down through my veins

I feel the chill…inside.”


Especially now that Morris was singing that song. It reminds me so much of the past I wanted to forget.

I tightly shut my eyes.

“Hey, are you still fine? Are you dizzy? I’ll send you to the clinic.”

“N-no, I’m alright. Thanks.” I responded while forcing my eyes to open. But I’m still bowing my head.

This time I tried raising my head and my eyes met his. It’s here again, his eyes which only showed me the past which I no longer want to recall but couldn’t forget.


If you were thinking that I already forgot all.

You’re wrong.

You used to sing that song before.

For me.

I wasn’t immediately able to eat lunch together Aya and the rest. I let them go first because my music teacher requested to have a talk with me. She wanted me to partic.i.p.ate in the festival which will be held next month and to join the concert production of the night out team.

Like duh, I refused of course. However, it seems the teacher is also refusing my refusal so I’m expecting that she will bother me next time.

I was on my way up for the rooftop, hoping to catch up with them. When I get there though, I didn’t see them, no one was there. Wait, I was actually wrong. I was almost leaving when I heard the familiar voice of someone, a voice I very much disliked.

“Are you still not stopping?!” That was my dear sister’s voice. Lily Cortez Morie.

Lily was actually hiding at one corner so I wasn’t able to notice her. She was facing the other way so she couldn’t see me. It seems, she was conversing with someone over the phone and it was distinct that she was enraged.

“Yeah, I already placed those cameras there. Are you happy now?” Cameras? “I have followed your instructions so please, stop bothering me.” Her tone was mixed with pleading. I wonder what they were talking about.

“We have a deal! I finished what you ordered me to do, so I hope you’ll be fair enough.” So, it’s blackmailing? Wow, someone could actually blackmail Lily? Cool. Everything was obvious from Lily’s trembling and irritated voice. It seems she feared the person. Who and what was making her scared? The person? Or their deal? Maybe both.

Anyway, it’s her life,  I don’t care to what will happen to her.

After the call, she hung up her phone. Lily sighed then motion towards me. She was surprised when she saw me. I don’t know why but she didn’t meet my eyes and hurriedly made her way. Though I obstructed her.

“Why does it seem like you saw a ghost?” I taunted. “Who were you talking to?” She’s really not looking at me so it was I who was enjoying her almost flushed face.

“N-nothing! It’s none of your business. Excuse me.” Lily was pale. I made way and let her went down.

I smirked. It was the first I saw Lily like that. It was funny.


From: +63975478677

4:56 pm


I received twelve messages from an unknown number since a while ago. The contents were the same – my name. I ignored that because I decided not to entertain those who were trolling me. However, it certainly made me annoyed since the owner of the unknown number also barraged me with calls. He gave me six missed calls which I planned not to answer.

“Do you know,  I’m already p.i.s.sed off by your ring tone, Jill. Why don’t you answer the call?”Baldo frustratedly asked me while the five of us were walking towards the stop light, a street away from the academy. The cla.s.s had long been dismissed.

For the seventh time, the unknown number was calling me but I ignore it.

“Because the number was unknown.” I replied.

“Do you want me to answer that, hahaha?” Aya said. Nevertheless, the ringing had stopped when we reached the end of the street.

“See you tomorrow.”


They bid each farewell. Because we have different directions to take when going home. Aya boarded a jeep. Baldo still has to walk the right side of the high way while Penelope and Yue crossed the other side of the road.

I waved at them ‘til they vanished out of my sight. I was still standing in the front of the convenient store even though the traffic sign change to ‘Go’.

I glanced at my cellphone.


Calling… +63975478677


This time, I pressed the answer b.u.t.ton then brought it near my right ear.


“Jill.” I didn’t speak. The voice was big and deep. The same as the one from my dream.

“Who are you?” I slightly raised my tone.

“I know who you are.”

“Who are you?” I repeated. I was actually balling my fist already.

“I know who created the blog.”

My heart beat loudly.

“Who are you? And who was the one behind the blog?”

The one from the other line didn’t reply. d.a.m.n it. “Who?!” I couldn’t control my voice. The people next to me under the stop light was looking at me. They gave me looks as if I am a weirdo but I ignored them.

“If you want to know… go back to White Knights, now.”(*toot toot toot*)

The call ended. The traffic sign once again indicated a ‘Go’.

I only have two options; cross the street…or…go back.

Which will I choose?