The Peculiars’ Tale

Chapter 37

36/ The Newcomer



I don’t know what kind of a.s.sociation it is. However, it seems all the mystery pieces in my head are starting to form together because of the things that I discovered. I’m still holding on Miss Karen’s faded, old photograph and I’m thinking… Does it all mean that she’s part of this a.s.sociation? Is she one of those people who ordered to kidnap me? Does it mean she’s the unknown caller? I recalled the moment when we found her at the cla.s.sroom after that call. Is she the one behind all of this? But… the pictures sent to me yesterday showed I was the blogger. What’s the purpose of this all? For what? It’s confusing. It’s making me mad.

I have to get out of here first. I put all the doc.u.ments inside the envelope which I slid inside my bag. I have this feeling that these stuffs will help me in my investigation. For now, I have to leave while it’s still not late.

I failed in finding ropes so I have no choice but tied down the bed sheet and blanket. Hopefully, this will be long enough for me to climb down. Even the windows were locked that’s why I need to break it. When I did that by smashing the chair to the window gla.s.s, I was also praying that those people won’t hear anything or else I will be dead. After that, I swiftly removed some of the shards and then without wasting time, I used the fabrics to get down.

Unfortunately, when I was in the middle, it snapped. I fell on the ground and felt the pain and wounds all over my body. But, at least, I’m no longer trapped there and their boss would not see me anymore. I get up and observed the place where they took me. It’s an odd mansion; its exterior was Gothic in theme, scary and gloomy. I’m not sure about the exact place but it seems to be in the middle of a forest due to the numerous trees and tall plants. I can say that it looks like a vampire haven.

Run. That’s what I did after everything sunk in my brain. But because of my very rotten luck, they saw me and went after me. I didn’t look back and just continued running. However, I don’t know where to go! Where is the exit?! I repeatedly cussed because without me checking, I know that there are many of them. s.h.i.t. I can now see the gate and it ignited my courage, but it’s hurriedly closing!

I gave my all to running and thank goodness, before it closed down completely, I managed to get out.

I still know that I’ve yet to escape from them completely and that they can still track and catch me that’s why without knowing where it is, I only ran and ran in the middle of the road. I stopped only when a motorbike came in front of me.

“Jill, hop in!”

“E-enriquez? How – “

“Just hop in!” I didn’t speak anymore and just did what he told me. He immediately drove the vehicle and due to its speed, I couldn’t help embracing his waist tightly. I’m still panting and the pounding in my chest is so loud. Later… I found myself crying on his shoulder. I should not be crying but I couldn’t stop myself. If he didn’t come, I no longer knew what would happen to me… but he came.

“Here,” He brought me in a coffee shop, “Are you fine now?”

I nodded and accepted the drinks. Actually, I’m already fine after I cried everything, maybe I was just shocked. I never even thought that I would experience being kidnapped but I’m glad that I’m still alive and well. If only I saw this future… No… I should not be thinking this.

“I should say my thanks to you.” I said before taking a sip. It’s past 9 pm and there are only few people inside this coffee shop.

“It’s nothing. But it’s a relief that I answered your call. You’re not speaking that time so I became worried. I thought to track you and it’s a good thing that I hurriedly went for you.” He said. “This era has really become dangerous, huh.” His voice hinted seriousness and he’s looking outside. This is the first time I saw him like this. Actually, Enriquez’ aura is not good when he’s serious. It seems mysterious and fear-inducing. “But I’m glad that you’re safe.” His mood suddenly changed, from serious to joyful. Dunno but I feel something odd from this fast switching of mood.

“Oh, why are you stunned again by my handsome face?” I immediately averted my eyes. Jill, you can’t look at his eyes or else… “I know, did my handsomeness rank up another notch in your eyes?”

“Enriquez.” He noticed that I’m now serious.

“Yes, babe?”

“Your face is your babe.”

“Kidding.” He laughed then coughed, “Yes, why?”

“Do you know something about Memoire?” I observed that he stiffened and averted his gaze. I saw from the gla.s.s reflection that his eyes became serious… and lifeless.

“Memoire?” He cupped his face with his one hand while staring outside. “Why did you ask?”

“I think they were the one behind this kidnapping.” I replied while peering at his expression. “I want to know who they are and what they need from me.”

“I only heard a few things about them. They seemed to be a big organization running different companies.” Enriquez pointed something outside and my eyes automatically followed. “Do you see that building? That’s the Black Diamond Tower and it seems to be owned by Memoire.” He explained. Weird, how did he know that? “My dad knew some important people in the business world so he sometimes told my mom and I something like this.”

I thought, so that organization is not something to be trifled with? I’m very sure they wouldn’t order my abduction if not for a huge cause. I’m from a prominent family but I don’t think that they are after some money. If they wanted to kill me, they should have done so. Now, what’s the reason? Do they want something special… from me? Don’t tell me…

“Jill?” I snapped out, “Are you sure that you’re okay?” He worriedly asked while grasping my hand. I retracted it and avoided his eyes.

“Yeah.” I nodded and sighed. “I just thought that… it’s actually hard to choose whom to trust. Because of the odd things happening to me, I feel that not anyone around me could be trusted.” I actually didn’t know where I get that line. It’s my first time opening a topic with him and of those many topics, I actually chose ‘trust’.

“Why did you say that?” He looked interested in this topic. “Does it mean you don’t trust me even though we’re together now?”

“Maybe. It’s hard to trust because it’s also hard to choose who you can give it to.” I replied. “I’m doing my best to open up my heart to those people around me but it’s just sickening if you always got hurt. The trust that you are building up for so long, it can be easily broken.” I don’t know why I’m saying this to him but I guess, there’s a part of me that wants to escape, the things that I want to  share with somebody.

“If I will say that I’m a liar, will you believe that?” Liar paradox, huh. There’s a contradiction so it’s hard to answer. What if he’s lying when he said he’s a liar? What if it’s true? Does it mean he’s saying the truth? How complicated. “Never-mind that question. But you know, Jill, sometimes when you say that you would no longer trust anyone, you’re not aware that you actually trust them. For example, when you boarded a jeep, you’re not aware that you trust the driver that he won’t endanger his pa.s.sengers. Because if not so, you won’t board it in the first place since you don’t trust him.”

“I don’t get it.” I said with a creased forehead. He only laughed and shrugged.

“Well, my point is, you don’t know that in your daily life, you’re actually trusting and most of the time, to strangers.” He said. “You’re just being afraid… that those people near to your heart will be the ones to break your valued trust.” He just hit me there.

“I want to go home.”

“Sure, I’ll give you a lift.” I didn’t refuse anymore and just agreed. I didn’t even think that I would tell him those things. Maybe this is his other side that I’m not aware of. Somehow, that talk made ma comfortable although my mind is in chaos.

“Thanks for the lift. Thanks also for everything, Enriquez.” I sincerely told him.

“No problem, since it’s for you, Jill.” I turned my back to him but he grabbed my arm. “One way to see if you can really trust someone is to trust them. Good night, Jill.”

“Good night.” I just smiled and then he let go. I directly walked to the building and when I get into my apartment,  I breathed deeply. What if they came for me again? What if Memoire went after me again? What do they need from me? Don’t tell me… it’s my ability? Do they know that my eyes are special?

“I’m Jillianne Morie… and I can see the future.”

I approached the table where the pictures they sent to me were still scattered in a mess. I opened my bag and pulled out the envelope which I stole from there. The seals are the same… Black Diamond.

First thing to find out… The real Memoire… Who are they and what they need from me. Second… if I was really the blogger or if it’s only a big set up. Because of the seal, I suspected the possibility that Memoire was involved in the blog and to those odd things happening to me. Third thing to uncover… the real ident.i.ty of Miss Karen, on why she had a picture here, if she’s a spy sent by Memoire and if she’s someone to be trusted. And last… I have to find those other Peculiars.

I can’t easily give up. I won’t accept if things will just end here. I will investigate the truth. I will now move by myself and find the answers to all of the puzzles.

“Good morning.” Everyone paused when I entered the cla.s.s. They are eyeing me as if feeling unaccustomed to what I said. Well… I used to not greet when entering the room. Moreover, they are aware of what took place between me and Lily yesterday so they are looking awkwardly at me. I admit it’s my fault though since I let emotions get the better of me after hearing what Lily had said.

“Hi Jill!”

“Good morning, Morie!”


They slightly buffered but they immediately returned my greetings. I just noticed that my cla.s.s finally returned to how it used to be, lively and no longer academics-centered. I just realized how big their changes are. After knowing the matter about that blog, I failed to notice them so I only learned it now.

Is Stephen still absent? It’s suspicious because he used to come here early. I’m having a bad premonition…

“MORIE! KYAAAH!” Someone suddenly hugged me from behind that’s why we almost fell together…and guess who, “DON’T YOU HAVE SOY SAUCE IN YOUR HEAD ANYMORE? ARE YOU OKAY NOW? WAAAAH! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR LEGS!?”I’m glad that Aya returned to her old self, noisy, clumsy and bubbly. She squatted down and inspected and poked my legs. It’s still aching so I hissed.

“Sorry, sorry. But what the heck happened to you?” We took our seat.

“It’s a long story.” I’m still pondering whether to tell them or not about the kidnapping incident and about how I was the blog creator who was badmouthing myself. Great. Fantastic.

“Eeeeh, gosh Morie. I know you. You’re a part time stunt woman and I have the hunch that something bad occurred last night.” I burst out laughing, stunt woman? For real. I never thought myself that I would ever jump from a moving car, jumped from the window and played chase with some kidnappers.

“Jill—“ Morris tried to b.u.t.t in since he could no longer endure our conversation, but all attentions were s.n.a.t.c.hed by Tadeo and Baldo’s extraordinary entrance scene. They stumbled in the doorway.

“What’s the matter?” Ireneo asked. He’s still the one we treated as our leader. Well, it’s because he’s the only one with the ability to lead us although he’s no longer backed by the caste.

“He’s coming…” Baldo couldn’t straighten his speech due to his panting.

“THE PRINc.i.p.aL IS COMING!” Tadeo shouted then automatically, everyone arranged themselves. It’s almost faster than lightning. They went silent and waited for the door to open. Wait. I glanced at my watch and saw that it’s not yet 8 am. Maybe he’ll be announcing an important matter… err… only for our cla.s.s?

“Jill… pst.” Aya whistled.


“Is Stephen still absent?”

We were silenced by the entrance of Mr. Melencio, the White Knights Academy Nothing changed from his expression but there’s something wrong from the way he moves. Uhh… am I the only one who noticed? Mr. Melencio is staring in front of him and he’s standing so straight, it made him looked more intimidating.

“Umm… Sir.” Ireneo spoke courteously. “Where is Miss Italia?”

The didn’t reply and instead he turned towards the door, like a robot, and said. “Please come in.” Whispers started to spread around since the students are curious about what’s happening, and it intensified when a male stranger entered the cla.s.sroom. He stood next to Mr. Melencio and faced us. He’s so pale, like the sheet of a bond paper and his eyes were covered by his dark shades.

“Listen cla.s.s, from now on he will be your new homeroom adviser.” His announcement caused everyone’s jaw to drop. However he’s just staring straight… to nowhere? “Please, introduce yourself.” Now, our mouths were opened to the brim after he removed his

“How gorgeous!”


“He’s now my crush!”

“He’s our new adviser? How about Miss K?”

Something’s not right. I’m sure that something’s not right. I glimpsed at Aya but even she was smitten by him… or let’s say… hypnotized by this man.

“Good morning. My name is Caleb Perez, you can call me Sir Caleb and just like what Mr. Melencio had announced, I’ll be your new homeroom teacher until your graduation. I’m looking forward to your cla.s.s. Please take care of me.”

Half of the cla.s.s clapped, mostly girls. But the rest are quiet, like me. My eyes darted from Mr. Melencio… to Caleb Perez. Am I the only only who noticed it? I’m almost standing up to ask but Morris did it before me.

“How about Miss Italia?” When he asked that, everyone grew silent and tried thinking about this sudden train of events. Caleb stared at Mr. Melencio, as if he’s dictating on his mind what to say.

“She’s fir—“

The door suddenly opened, it’s exactly 8 am. It’s her usual time of arrival. She’s standing on the doorway.

“Miss Karen, my love!” Tadeo exclaimed and we all shifted our eyes towards her. I knew it. Something fishy is going on. Miss Karen accidentally dropped the paper bag she’s holding when she saw Caleb Perez in front. From her usual expressionless face, there’s now surprise, shock, and fright… It was as if she saw a dead person suddenly appearing alive.


Something is really wrong here.


TL note: I decided not to change the expression ‘soy sauce in the head’, it’s the same as loose screws in the head.