The Peculiars’ Tale

Chapter 38



“So, who would like to read the first paragraph?”

“Sir! Me, sir!”

“Sir Caleb! Please let it be me!”

I rolled my eyes as I watched how they all wriggled on their seats. Seriously? Twenty minutes ago since he arrived and now majority of my cla.s.smates are acting like this, especially girls. It was as if he did some kind of hypnotism to them, or was it just because of his strong charisma? However, I know that something’s fishy about him. I stared at Miss Karen who was at one corner and that’s when she exactly eyed me, coldly.

I clearly heard a while ago that Mr. Melencio was saying ‘she’s fired’ but when she came, the changed his words and said she’s now an ‘a.s.sistant homeroom teacher’. Funny, how come the others didn’t note that?

I avoided her gaze… Is it possible that she knew what’s running on my mind? But… I can’t trust her. I’m sure she’s part of Memoire. I need to sort things first.

On my left side, Morris is obviously feeling restless while on his seat. He’s staring at Caleb Perez.

“Morris.” I called through whisper.

“Why?” He answered while staring straight.

“I want a favor.” I cleared my throat and I made sure no one overheard me. “You can see the past, right? I can feel your uneasiness, I’m not sure if we’re thinking the same thing but… That guy is suspicious.”

“I know.” That’s all? He only replied that.

I sighed, “Would you look at his eyes? I mean… would you look at his past?”

“I’m trying.” He sounds irritated. “But his eyes were covered with those freaking”

“What?”I exclaimed and shifted my sight at Sir Caleb’s round eye “Was that a transition Does it block you from seeing his pasts?” I thought that the reason he’s wearing that shades was due to the room’s brightness.

“Sort of.” He replied. I no longer asked.

“Mr. Morris, right?” My heart almost jumped when he showed up in front of us. I didn’t notice him approaching… and now he’s in between Morris and I…

“Please read the second paragraph.” He said while smiling. I’m watching the two of them. Morris stood up and stared intently to him, still not giving up on trying to peer at his eyes. “Mr. Morris.” It seems he failed so he followed him. After he read the paragraph, I was surprised when Sir Caleb glanced at me and smiled.

I never wished to see someone’s future… But right now, like Morris, when it was needed, I couldn’t use it since this guy’s eyes were protected.

Time pa.s.sed and his cla.s.s hour ended. Miss Karen remained quiet. It’s like she was only made a display since she didn’t teach. Why the h.e.l.l did they made her an a.s.sistant adviser?

Before Sir Caleb had left, he asked us, “Any questions?”

Without hesitations I raised my hand. “Yes?” He glimpsed at the seating arrangement plan. “Ms. Jillianne Morie?” Psh. Why call me by my full name?

“Who are you? And why are you here?” They grew silent. Sir Caleb stiffened for a few seconds. Then he boldly grinned.

“I am Caleb Perez, your new homeroom teacher. I’m here because I need to teach literature.” His smile didn’t leave his lips. “See you tomorrow then.” He left together with Miss Karen then the cla.s.s returned to normal.

“Kyaaahh! I feel so lucky to be in this section.” Shrieked by Aya who seemed to be so moved by Caleb Perez’ presence. I didn’t notice Baldo and Tadeo reaching out to our place.

“You’re being flirty again, Chicken lady.”

“Shut up, idiot. Imagine, of all my years here at White Knights, this is my first time meeting that kind of transcendental handsomeness!”

“Aish, you should be the one to shut up. Your voice is so high-pitch, it’s irritating.” Aya only gave him a make face and Tadeo is almost arguing with her when Baldo meddle between the two.

“I’ll smash your faces to each other if you won’t stop.”  Baldo faced me with his serious contenance. “Hey, Jill. I know you also smell something different about that Sir Caleb. Me too. I didn’t see any good aura coming from him.”

“Aura?” I’m relieved that not only I and Morris were being suspicious but he mentioned something alarming, “Wait, what do you mean when you said you can see his aura?”Looks like Baldo got surprised when I asked him that. Well, that Aura thing… seems interesting.

“Ah… err… Are you all not familiar with what they called human aura?” He awkwardly brought up the question, like he’s feeling embarra.s.sed by what he’s saying. Aya and Tadeo finally composed themselves and listened to Baldo. “I don’t know how to explain this since I might look crazy for you.”

Don’t tell me… that Baldo is also a Peculiar?

“Baldy men, are you still feeling shy to us? We’re already aware on how crazy-sounding you are so just say what you want to say. You’d only look more like monkey if you acted serious like this, men!”

“You’ll probably won’t understand—-“

“I would understand you, Baldo.” I a.s.sured him. He breathed deeply and whispered to himself.

“Tsk, Caleb Perez should be the topic but now it changed to me. I was found out outside the desired time.”He scratched his head and faced us. “Fine, fine. Since you’re all my buddies, you’d probably accept no matter who and what I am. But not here, let’s talk at the roof top. We should only talk about things but only within the group.” We all agreed to him. We decided to continue this conversation later when lunch break comes.

I gave Morris a sneak glance and he’s actually leaving the room. Where does he plan to go?

I already planned to go after him but our next subject teacher arrived. Now, what are you up to, Morris?